I've done a few trips with my truck where I ran a sustained 3000-3500 RPM for several hours without issue. But I also know the condition of my engine as I built it.
I agree with Jeff. A few years ago I started experiencing detonation "ping" at higher RPM under load. It did have a bit of a "clatter" sound. I kept telling myself, "One of these days I'll get around to investigating it". Eventually it knocked the electrode center out of a couple of spark plugs causing a serious loss of power. I found that I had a bad vacuum advance causing a vacuum leak, which likely leaned out my air/fuel mixture leading to the 'pinging'. After replacing the vacuum advance and spark plugs, and adjusting the valves, all runs good again. In hind sight it could have been much worse than a couple of failed spark plugs. You can damage pistons, wrist pin bushings, and/or con rod bearings due to continued operation with serious detonation.