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Plymouthy Adams

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Everything posted by Plymouthy Adams

  1. unless our front spring eye bush is falling apart....I do not suggest just randomly changing them. In the manner they are made stock, am not sure any poly with sleeve will be an improvement here.
  2. this is my shield in place
  3. for sure the rear will affect the front so do inspect this area well looking for broken springs etc. DO pay close attention to the shackles and their related bushings for being worn/egged out over time. The later Plymouth Valiant bushes are easily had and fit when trimmed a bit in length as the later springs are a bit wider in the eyes. I have replaced the front spring eye bushing as a routine rebuild but never have I HAD to replace them...seems these fair well over the course of time and a dog often best left sleeping.
  4. If I recall, the Plymouth was the RTS and Dodge was the Scat Pack, they have revived the Scat Pack..read the article with a grain of salt.....the Dart is NOT a Plymouth....it is a Dodge, thus part of the Scat Pack, had they written SCAMP them maybe I would look at the article in another light....Them saying Plymouth fielded 4 customs with the Dart included...just another hype article. There are no details of the drivetain.....Yahoo needs better writers.
  5. with all due respect, tax and shipping, you would be better advised to check with the company you are entertaining buying the harness.
  6. what is your ohm reading across the tank sender term 1 - 2.....next, what is term 1 to ground and then term 2 to ground and does the combined 1 + 2 when read to ground equal the reading across term 1 and 2 ? the two wire system pulls the needle in both directions at the same time
  7. spiffy looking unit for sure.....where is the stain and tung oil....? ?
  8. after a bit of a dry spell locating metal in the local scrapping yard....I got lucky and got the remaining metal for the gantry crane. So after a bit more fabrication, welding and painting, running up a bolt or two.....am calling this puppy done.
  9. I think that tube rather small at the opening and will allow a good deal of your water to cool front of then engine over that of the rear...but sheer volume may make up for it.....just my thoughts......
  10. not even had it a week and you have already run over your dog...
  11. That is a first I have seen....aren't you the lucky one. ?
  12. I pace myself with coffee, one pot in the morning, one pot in the afternoon and often, another before going to bed at night.....rarely ever less that two pots a day even in summer. I rarely will drink a soda....usually treat myself to one from the Mennonite country store on the way home from the wrecking yard pick and pull runs. I remember well when Mountain dew first came out with the hillbilly ad....my how times have changed.....lol
  13. dash lights......dim...dimmer....lol
  14. I do not bother with it.....you will see so little use of it these day. Technically these were used to prevent metal fatigue as I understand it for application where the body has the line mounted, the frame has isolation mounts...some flex/vibrations occur...most all of your lines will be hard fixed to the chassis except where the rubber flex line will make up for any movement/vibrations. Your call, but I do not think you going to find any to overlay your new tubing.
  15. I can say my 58 did not have the neutral safety switch, for this era it was only common on the one equipped with an automatic....odds are you may not have a reverse light switch either. Yes the round pressure switches commonly found on the T's of the brake lines function as your brake light switch.
  16. 3/16 all the way...
  17. there was no scouting where and when I grew up....might be why I found army basic training so much fun.!
  18. looks like a corn cob...we all know what they can be used for, might explain why he does not want to get too close to it for a good picture.....
  19. sadly that ideology spreads from there....now we have three states wanting to ban gasoline mowers, weed eaters and lawn blowers....remember the good ole days when they just wanted to ban cars with gas tanks near the bumper.....I would likely get on board some of this hoopla BUT UNTIL it is a universal mandate that all nations all people...then no.....I am tired of paying through the nose for higher cost and inconvenience when other countries are free to cause the same actions I am forbidden....ok, enough of the soapbox time for me....I am going out to weed-eat now and follow up by blowing the area clear of debris. you know if all you folks would move..that would cripple this garbage but wait, don't move as you tend to drag your problems and agenda along with you.......lol
  20. well, it is a Mopar forum....the Jalopy journal, over there the Mopar is so misunderstood by the gang as most they ever see of a Mopar are the tail lights opening in the distance....called loser syndrome....I'm going back to cutting my grass now....!
  21. they should, the front junction box has the input from the master, brake switch port and then two more ports for the left and right brake lines to the wheels...most common set up and one that even my 1969 Morris used....very much an effective means to an end for many makers. As for position, could vary a bit model to model as actual location but should not be far from the master.
  22. and with the stock suspension with upper and lower a-arms tied with the shock....the term afloat is most accurate Last fall I untied the a-arms and relocated the shock and truly put the ride in another class as the float feeling is no longer there....just smooth solid tracking. but yeah, artist renditions definitely shows the liberties they were extended....today would get a class action suit on their hands...
  23. this will quickly come together once you and the car are in the same place at the same time...none of this is hard to do and gathering ideas ahead of time allows you to make the proper choices when the time comes. Think you got a handle on this, just need to get the car on site and start. The spring return clip is relatively thin and 1/16 would be a good stock to use. The other end of the spring is retained by a hole in the frame. See dangling spring in this pic....
  24. whole new meaning to: Good golly Miss Moly
  25. good follow up and closing of a thread....you did good grasshopper...!
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