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Plymouthy Adams

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Everything posted by Plymouthy Adams

  1. to make this quick and easy....cut the inner brace welds, place the frame horn including tapping the bow in the upper and lower edges of the "C".....reposition the inner brace and weld back in place..
  2. would not rule out the fact it may have slipped off the ears of the fork and dragging/scraping on the return that is the pressure plate application only... should be able to inspect this through the fork hole of the bell......but THEN I am not familiar with the truck set up
  3. just saw the pictures...appears to be just a lateral love tap....this measurement is posted in the book ......would not be much concerned about extensive damage...BUT....it is good to check.
  4. REMEMBER......measurements are from the gauge holes....not the end cuts on the frame runs....also IF you use a nice fitting trammel point...exact measurement will be easy.
  5. Sniper to the rescue....?
  6. you would be quite surprised at the manner these frames did conform to dimensions...I have been able to do all my checks per the book for tolerance....and using the book for the later model donor clip when cutting and joining frames and have no issues squaring up the now hybrid frame. The data Sniper posted will get you on track....the tolerances are listed...the only other frame pic is not shown and is the diagonal measurement from X guage hole to X guage hole and these are limited to +/- 1/4 inch.....tolerance are shown on the above pics.
  7. I was not out to bust anyone's chops on the above statement but every week we get comments on my car sounds too busy.....I do not think I should drive it above 60 and in truth 50 is where it seems comfortable. All valid...all understood and appreciated to the fact at least you are somewhat tuned into your car. The comment was solely on safety aspect and WHEN AND WHERE to safely drive your vehicle. My major metro areas I am in and about are Atlanta and Charlotte.....and neither is in my older cars and I do my best to make my travel through these areas in less congested conditions. I do this because I am often towing one of my old cars recently purchased through these areas and know well how important ability to respond safely and quickly to some discourteous driver (Charlotte is bad). I will say that in Atlanta I have never been denied a lane change on the spot while towing my trailer, while quick moving and crowded...Atlanta still is not that bad to traverse. The traffic is always at a somewhat crowded state unless very early traveling...if going north...I am usually on the outskirts going north by 6:30 in the AM....
  8. one name two business models......fish smell better three days old...
  9. no ...being realistic...you expect to drive in traffic be prepared for the very traffic you will encounter....this means brakes, speed, visibility, ability to hold your lane without massive drifting and everything...I like the older cars...I like seeing them out and about...what I do not like is seeing the 'near misses' occurring involving these older cars only alert and agile cars often prevent.....sure the bobbers and weavers are a nuisance....the 'bagos and the campers, they deserve some finger pointing also.....tailgaters.....learn to chew tobacco...they back off fast then....
  10. most of you folks just need to burn your danged old cars and get on with life....it is not at 50 MPH is rush hour traffic where even the cops cruise by you at 80-85MPH...sure, you have the right to be there...you have the right die on the spot; you have the right to die in an ambulance on the way to the emergency room also.....as for some of the other comments...again....these cars can do a lot better than you think...you just however often do not do the level of maintenance needed for modern driving...cars improved as the roads did...if you don't improve your car to match the conditions of operation arena, then your self stated rights just become your own liability...time and place folks....time and place....for some of the old geezers driving these cars I have seen tighter turning and higher speeds at the carnival midway for 7 years and younger patrons.
  11. run some electrical wires up to that seat with a plug on the end, you could rent this out as POD electric chair to various states with capital punishment....one such state just determined their electric chair was unsafe to use due to sitting idle too long. Don't want to zap the wrong person. I see the wood is covering the emergency brake....(feet dragging pavement)
  12. welcome to the world of do for yourself and try to safeguard an item till needed....never fails it seems to having to spend as much time looking for an item as the time you will be using it. My dad always told me if you can't find it when you need....it is just the same as not having it....hardly a week goes by I am not trying to recall or search where I have placed something....Not long back I moved the very box it was in as my metal image was it being in a completely different container....mental images often lead me on a goose chase.
  13. you can actually pull the wire though the housing and spring, remove the holder/insulator and then replace the wire...I often just use about 1/2 inch of the existing wire with the old insulation removed, solder my new wire on, sleeve with shrink tubing and let the big dog eat.....
  14. the Dodge manual does not have picture....but the opening paragraph describes in detail the manner in which the arm is removed from the pivot shaft....suggest reading this again as you stated you have the manual
  15. ok sniper...another one for you..... When the going get hot...the hot gets air conditioning
  16. Sad part of the music industry is the fact one usually will lock onto the first recorded version as that was the very one they draw a parallel to....I know I do...I also know I do not like live recording on the average over that of the studio production which is the one you heard on the radio...so another identity factor working in the songs favor. Had Kris recorded some of these at the get go...yeah...he would have been more of in the EYE of the listening audience. We have had a number of good songwriters go unacknowledged for their greatness and when they perform the song some say oh my...!! Some songs do well with a make over and new release but like most movies....the first is usually hard to beat.
  17. ah...but was it the WHOLE Jimmy......I understand he was spread about pretty thin......I think I found part of him in a creek bank in WV...
  18. Greg, he's found Jimmy Hoffa ...well what little remains that is...?
  19. I was thinking the same thing as its origin
  20. I am still an old die hard torch man myself......just get the right size tip for the metal you welding and let the big dog eat....I have a MIG and have really never used it....but I have a plan to build a small 28 x 75 weld table and will more than not use it then to do this task. Also just grabbed metal enough I think to build a good stand for my pipe vise I wish to fabricate.
  21. ok I am back...now know why I do not know the character.....not sure what would be worse....having to watch anything with Mickey Rooney in it or a visit from Sam and Ella after dinner....
  22. was he one of the Hardy Boys........? mystery to me....I have no clue who this guy is....got to look him up
  23. You are right, body panels are not easy to come by for these. I was fortunate that I had a car with the entire floor and rocker shot to hang but the upper parts in decent shape. I started the cutting of this car and decided before sending anything to the scraper....inspect my 5 other AAs for anything this one can donate a part for. Thankfully the rear lower glass pinch and package tray was in good shape on the donor. Saved me a ton of fabrication work. Laying the bodies out for exact cut lines and fitting of the chunk was critical but not that bad a process. IF I recall your floor pan is older VW and these are probably common in Cali. with the extended front it would not be a swap but repair chunks should be handi...
  24. yeah a few surprises come with every old car......you will be wise to bring this up to speed for safety immediately and long term use down the road. I got a bit more of a surprise when I removed the back glass from the yellow AA I have here. I work a bit on it now and then, this was my surprise: 24 hours later and about 7.5 hours in the shop I have it at this stage....
  25. Kris is good, don't get me wrong...but I like J. Cash version better....either way the lyrics are great...
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