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Everything posted by desoto1939

  1. Todd, The universal catlog convers cars and trucks starting at 1926 and goes to 1934. The 28 Dodge as you already may know uses Northeast electrical components. As you also may know these parts are hard to find at swap meets. Under each year for each covered car or truck it lists the Northeast part number and a description of the part. Also there are pictures of each part later on in the catalog. By having this info you are in a better opportunity to spot the correct Northeast part at any swap meet and this sometimes equates to a great saving in price since most vendors do not know what they if they do not have any cross reference catalog such as this catalog. The catalog is 188 pages and has been scanned and would be on a CD. The cost is $25 and includes the shipping to your home. Let me know if you are interested. I can send you a sample page Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  2. tom: Check all of the small wires inside the dizzy body one might have a bare wire and causing a shot. Also check where the braker plate assembly sticks out of the dizzy body under this opening there should be a rubber plug in which the little tab slide throught this prevents the breaker plate from making a complete contact. There also should be a bakealite insulator under the tab of the breaker plate assembly where is sticks out from the dizzy body. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  3. Todd Rich Hartung I sent you a PM regarding the Universal Catalog that I have scanned and also lists all of the Northeast components and Norteast part numbers. Check you PM. Rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com
  4. Keith:


    saw that you are working on a 28 Dodge. I have scanned a copy of the  Universal parts catalog that covers the car you are working on.  The catalog is 188 pages and lists all of the North east electrical components and also has pictures of the components.


    Great item to have in you files as a reference point. As you know the North east parts are hard to find but knowing the correct part and part number helps with the searching.


    The catalog has been completely scanned and is on a CD disk.


    cost is $25 shipped to your home, Great Xmas present.


    Rich HArtung

    20 Driftwood drive

    Norristown, PA 19403


    Cell 484-431-8157

    Home 610-630-9188

  5. Todd:


    I have a copy of the universal Catalog which lists and also shows pictures of the various electrical components that were used on the cars and trucks from 1926- 1934.


    What is important is that your car used all North East Components and there are not too many pictures of these components. The section for the dodge lists the North east part number so that if and when you see any at a swap meet you can identify them if the seller does not know what he has.


    the cost is $25 for the catalog and that includes shipping to your home. The catalog is 188 pages and the pictures and information is so valuable.

    The catalog has been scanned and comes on a CD.


    Makes a great Xmas present to you from yourself or someone else.


    Rich Hartung

    20 Driftwood drive

    Norristown, PA 19403

    Cell 484-431-8157

    Home 610-630-9188


    Live near PHiladelphia, PA

  6. According to my Motors manual and tune up data for a 39 Plymouth the timing should be set at TDC or Top Dead Center and not 7 degrees. Also you might want to check the distributo beaker plate assembly. It could be worn and you might have excessive play or movement. Might want to replace this also to insure that you have a good internals on the dizzy unit. The breaker plate Assembly is an Autolite IGS 3004 which is the upper and lower plate with the points and condenser and all small wires. I have a few of these if you can not find one. I have a 39 Desoto and a lot of parts and cross reference catalogs for your car on CD's. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  7. I think I might have an extra c-612 main body for the steering wheel puller but if I remember correctly it did not have the center main bolt that is used to push the steering wheel off the shaft. You could get someone to make a shaft if you know a good machinest. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  8. Also would suggest that you install an inline 6 volt positive ground electric fuel pump back on the car frame near the fuel tank to serve as additional pump for priming the engine after the car has sat for week or longer also acts to get fuel to the car incase you get a vapor lock. Build this into you refuel line at the same time and then run a wire upto the dash with a toggle switch to turn it off and on as needed. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  9. on the rubber boots my big question is how old is the rubber. If these are not new production items then they are probably at least 30 or more years old. They may look fine but as rubber ages it is not a soft and will get cracks. and then will split and then you will have the same issue with water and grit getting into the u joint. Also applying grease to the old rubber and the chemicals in the grease might also cause the rubber to brake down. So what you might want to try is get a universal cv joint boot for a modern car that is the appropriate sized holes on each end cut the unit length way slip it over the end of the drive safht and the end on the housing then get some gator glue and glue the side where you cut it then take the leather covers that you have and then cover the rubber. Also you can use the plastic zip ties to hold the rubber cv joint boot onto each end of the driveshaft and u joint body. Rich HArtung
  10. my first question is do you have a service manual for your 39 Dodge. Fromyour question we can assume the answer is NO, because the service manual for your car would show you all of the wireing and how they are tied into each component onyour car. Suggest that you get a copy of the service manual for your car. These manuals are very helpful when having questions about your car. Rich HArtung
  11. DR47: You should get a parts book and a service manual for your car. This is the basic information that you should have to support the maintenance. You can get reprints and these will answer your questions and also help when doing other repairs. I am not trying to reply with a smart answer but you need these two manuals for your car. Rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com
  12. Clay. I posted the Miller MT19 on the Desoto facebook and listed the tool for $550. There isa person up near Levittown, Pa north of Philly and is close to me he is interested in the tool.  So is the price of $550 good for you?  I know we tried to get a higher price at Hershey, but at least you will get your investment money back on this deal.


    I left you a voice message on your company phone on Sunday night.  Call me during the daytime on Monday  cell 484-431-8157.

    Rich HArtung


  13. Next time you go to a swap meet look for paint chips that would be specific to your car and year. The color code would also be on the list next to the paint chips. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  14. according to my wagner brake catalog the piston and cup for the Chrysler product for your year is wagner part number FC12136 1 1/8 inches. So if you go to a good parts store this should help you get the correct part for your car. The piston is the same for both upper and lower cylinders. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  15. I have a MOPAR small parts catalog and I looked in the section for gaskets- annular Type a and found the oil pan cooper gasket information for my 39 Desoro which is part number 105456. ID + .890 OD = 1 1/8 thickness 3/32 copper asb So if you can tell me your part number I might be able to give you the specific size for your oil pan. This is why I tell car owners to collect catalogs so you can get the information. I have this catalog on CD and the information that is contained is very useful.. Rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com
  16. I looked in my 36-42 Desoto Master Parts book and for the 36-42 years it does show a drain plug and a metal washer. The one on my 39 Desoto has a copper washer. If the oil pan is not leaking at the plug than you might has a good seal but keep the washer put a note some where in your garage that on the next time to install the washer when you change the oil. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  17. Rich, This is rich Hartung with the 39 Desoto. Go look at my reply to your post about the water pump. Also call me if you have any questions I can explain.




    Cell 484-431-8157

    home 610-630-9188

  18. Rich, Rich Hartung with the 39 Desoto. On your original 39 Plymouth there would have been three studs that were threaded and these went thru the water pump body and the unit was then bolted to the fron of the engine block. On the new pump that you got from Andy B the body is thicker where the outlet hose connects so this unit will not bolt upto the original setup. You will have to remove the lower studs and use the bolt that came with the unit. Just anted to let you know this prior to trying to install the WP. The original WP body at this section was only approx. 1/2 thick and this permits the stud to stick out the hole and then you can use the original nut. Also when installing the WP make sure that you clean and use some emery paper on the front of the engine block to get rid of any left over sealant or gaskets. If there is any thing left on the face of the block you willhave a leak. Also put some white grease on both sides of the wp gasket to help create a good seal. Cal me if you have any questions. You need the early water pump body and not the newer version of the repro water pump or you will have to pull the stud and since the studs has been in the block a long time there isa great chance that it will snap off with threads still in the front of the block. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com Cell 484-431-8157
  19. Jerry: The first question and I will assume that the answer is NO. From your question we can assume that you do not have a service manual or a parts manual for your car. This is the first two items that you need to purchase inorder to work onyour car. The service manual would have an line drawing of the wiring systems and will show where the original brake switch was located on the frame or on the end of the master cylinder. I am not trying to be provide a smart reply but get a reproduction copy for your own education on the car. After doing some research all of the members are willing to provide you with more input to your questions but you need to get up close to the car and get to know your car. We all do not know all of the answers we will give it a good try. Also sometimes in the service manual you will see pictures of the various parts and this will also help you learn about your car. As you can determine I have a 39 Desoto and my brake switch is just in front of the master cylinder and is attached to a four way brass connection. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  20. I am all packed and will be heading to MECA or ortherwise know as Hershey in the morning. Heard that we might have some good weather for the next few days. Will take some picture with my phone to post on the forum. Already heard from Clayton from Ct and here is already there today and he stated that about 50% of the vendors are already doing business. This will be my 32nd year of attending and I fondly remember all of the mud and ruts when waling in the fields after it had rained even watching people slip and slide down the red field hil and then after they got allmuddly they became little kids again and then went back up to the top of the hill to on purpose fall and slide down on their buts and or stomachs. Oh the thrills of getting muddy and wet. Those were the good times. Now every field is paved and it is harder on your feet and the blacktop gets hot when the sun is out but who is complaining when you are amongst 8000 car vendors. Rich HArtung
  21. No not Fireflies or Lightning Bugs. This is a new bug that came in from Japan or china. It attachs the Maple trees and then sucks the sap and then they lay their eggs in the tree and then the tree gets killed. They are very harmful to Maple trees and have hit the east coat. If they do get to the New England states it will severly affect their maple sugar product. Do a look up on Lantern Flies. The spotted lanternfly is a planthopper that is indigenous to parts of China, India, Vietnam, and eastern Asia. Although it has two pairs of wings, it jumps more than it flies. Its host plants include grapes, stone fruits, and Malus species, though its preferred host is Ailanthus altissima. In its native habitat it is kept in check by natural predators or pathogens. It was accidentally introduced in Korea in 2006 and has since been considered a pest. In September 2014, it was first recorded in the United States, and it is now an invasive species in eastern Pennsylvania, southwestern New Jersey, northern Delaware as well as northern Virginia. Rich Hartung
  22. My name is Rich Hartung and I live near valley Forge PA. I have several Maple trees that had a good amount of Lantern Flies on the trucks and also branches. I went to Home Depot and purchased a product that you hook up to your hose. The product is called Spectracide Triazicide Insect killer. I directly sprayed the product on the flies that were on the truck and branches. This then knocked them off the tree. I then sprayed the ones on the ground. I went back out about a 1 hour later and the ones on the ground were all dead and no new amount of lantern flies were on the tree. The cost is around $9.00 per 32oz bottle. Give it a try it is cheap protection and might save your trees. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com cell 484-431-8157
  23. Clayton:

    I will be arriving at Hershey on Wednesday morning and then will go out looking for parts and those very special Miller tools, so hope to beat you to them. just kidding.  I plan to have my spot open on Thursday and Friday.  The last price I saw on Ebay for the Ammco brake tool which was complete was 750.


    Looking forward to seeing you again and we can setup the tool to see if we can sell it.

    Rich HArtung

    Cell 484-431-8157


    Site OAD 7 and 8  Orange Field.

  24. If anyone from the forum is going to attended the AACA Eastern regional swap meet in Hershey, PA the event is from October 9 thru the 12th. On the 12th is the car show with approx. 1800-2000 cars on the show field. If you do attend you are welcome to rest your feet and tired legs at my vendor location which is in the Orange field ROW OAD site number 7 and 8. I will be getting their on Wednesday morning and will be vending on Thursday and Friday and partial Saturday. If I am not at the site please feel free to call me directly at cell 484-431-8157. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  25. Do you have bobded brakes shoes and how old are they? We have been finding that the braking material on the bonded shoes sometimes gets hard and glazed and this will cause a wheel to pull. I have a similar issue with my 39 Desoto the right front and after the brakes warm up the issue goes away. It also might be just a moisture issue. Pull the drum sand down the lining clean out any dust with brake shoe cleaner. This helps on my 39 Desoto. Rich Hartung
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