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Everything posted by desoto1939

  1. I do see these rubber insulators on ebay and have been sold by Frank Mitchell Try this on ebay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Willys-MB-Ford-GPW-A1660-Ignition-Autolite-Distributor-IGC-Rubber-Grommet-G503 cost is $5 this might be what you are looking for. rich hartung
  2. OK for the dizzy that you have the wires are numbers as Autolite Primary Lead IGS-181 or for Echlin LW6 Ground Lead Autolite IAT-14 Echlin LW1 these were all used in the Plymouth from 1940- 49 Richard hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  3. I totally agree and because we only drive these old cars not on a regular daily basis this will cause the barrtery to drain so this is why I use the trickle charger to keep the battery fully charges and as you point out the maintenance of the water level, using distilled water and keeping the battery connections tight and clean also help keep the battery working upto full capacity. Rich Hartung
  4. The issue is that you need to get a 3 amp trickle charger that you can get at Costco that is a 12/6 volt unmit and keep the battery charged at all time. By having a trickle charge on the battery you willextend th elife and I got 8 years out of mine. The trickle charge stops the lead plates from losing the metal. We have talked about this issue at the annual AACA meeting every February in Philadelphia and there isa engineer that comes in fromPenn State to talk about this issue. So get a trickle charge and you battery willlast longer. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  5. 1940 Century: first are you a member of the National Desoto Club? If not then I would suggest that you join them. They have year tech advsiors. The 1936 Airflow contact is Robert Schofield and lives in Eire PA 814-456-8332 des36airflow@aol.com. Tell him that you gor his name from Rich Hartung that owns a 1939 Desoto and that I am also a member of the NDC.. Rob might beable to get you a contact that might have what you need Also the other contacts are 1934 Charles Cochran 34 Desoto only had airflows that year 317 825-3090 ccochran1@sbcglobal.net 1935 Dennis Pitchford airflow 408-559- 7977 de36airflow@aol.com Hope this helps with your issue. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  6. Woodrow: The AACA jusging book does not even take off any points for the items not being in any specific order for car or truck. They are making sure that the items in the trunk area such as the jack and the rim and the spare tire are correct. So all five tires need to tbe the same manufacturer and also the tire needs to lok as if the car was just delivered from the dealership. They are concerned about the looks correct. They even can not climb under the car but can only get down on one knee to inspect the undercarriage. They do not even inspect the engine number to make sure that it matches the year of the car so my 39 desoto should have an S6 prefic before the engine number but it could have an s10 prefix. They are looking to make sure that the items and period correct. Just setup your trunk and spare tire area so it looks clean an tidy looking. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  7. With the pre 38 Mopar cars you need the puller that goes around the base of the steering wheel housing and then a bolt pushes against the steering wheel shaft. You might find a Truck puller like a snapon one on ebay for trucks. I have attached a copy of the factory Miller steering wheel puller so you can see how it was done at the dealerships. The correct puller is very hard to find even on Ebay. Some members have used a bearing puller and adaptaed it to work just take your time. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com Steering wheel puller Mopar.docx
  8. I looked at my 39 Desoto parts manual and the picture that I have only shows the metal spacer ring at the bottom of the spring not at the top. These ae metal circles approx. 4-5 inches round and about 1/4 inch thick. I have a couple and I am trying to look for themto post a picture. It looks as if the bottomof the spring needed to have a plate to hold the coilspring in place and to support the coil also odd that this is only on the driver side and not the passenger side Maybe had something to do with the weight distribution and geometry of the engine and frame because of the steering sector. I do not have a complete answer but only the info from my parts book. Rich Hartung
  9. Dodgeb4ya.  I have a question about the trubake shoe lining grinding tool about the setup.  I have the miller tool with the sleeves and the trianulat piece that has the drum, toe and heel indicator.


    So after setting the drum  diameter witht he drum part and then setting up the shoes with the drum indicator

    1. Whenthe shoes are on the backing plate should the drum indicator make contact at the toe and heel of the individual shoe or at the middle of the shoe.

    2. Then do you then use the  pointer that was used to mic the drum to setu p the distance of the motor from the center of the tool where the sleeve comes thru the opening of the axle.

    I would think that this would then give you the proper setting so that you then would take off only the appropriate high spots on the individual shoes when  arcing the tool on each shoe.

    Any help would be apprciated. I have a good understanding about the tool but not the fine adjustments.

    Rich HArtung


    cell 484-431-8157

    live near phialdelphia PA.

  10. According to my desoto books and other mopa cross reference books it shows these metal rings to be installed when the car was originally produced on the assembly line and not after the car was sent to the dealer. Also note that they were used only on the driver side lower on the Desoto and chrylser and not on the passenger side of the coil spring and according to my 1929-1939 Plymouth master catalog it states the information that I published in the prior posting to answer the gentlemans question. Blucarsdn since you have the 39 Plymouth P8 model then there should be the metal plate on the bottom of the front coil springs. Rich Hartung
  11. The part number is 657770 which is the metal spring spacer. According to my 1939 Desoto parts book this number is also referenced in my 1929-39 Plymouth catalog. Note that on the desoto the metal spacers was ONLY used on the driver side bottom of the coil spring and not used on the passenger side spring and the quantitiy is marked as one According to my Ply catalog: Front Spring spacer P7 used only on drivers side P8 for drivers or PAssengers side of car. same part number 657770 So the P8 could use on both side but the p7 used only on drivers side. No explanation as to why but the master parts book tells the location and part number rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  12. the answere is no
  13. My 39 Desoto is also the same but the upper model had carpet both front and rear. Rich HArtung
  14. back when our cars were produced most cars used straight weight conventional lubrication motor oil such as 20w and or 30w. These would have been non-detergent type of oils. As the engine technology progresses the engines then were made with better specs and then the multi-viscosity oils came into use such 10w/40 10w/30 The first number refered to the weight or thickness of the oil when the temperature was cold in winter so the oil is thnner in cold weather so the oil will flow when the engine is first stated in winter time. the 2nd number refers to the weight in summer time so the oil is thicker becsue of the heat so the oil can be thicker to stick to the piston cylinders and stillhave coatingpropertires. Also when the detergent oils came in to use then the use of full oil filters and the spin on style and also the canister filters became standard equipment on cars and truck. If you have a car that has always been run on straight weight oil then stay with the straight weight oil because if you go with a multi viscosity oil it will start to clean the crankcase and dislodge the sediment in the oil pans and can cause issue. This is my understanding of car motor oil and now we have bended and full synthetic oil for our modern car/trucks Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  15. Gary, This is rich Hartung call me and I can explain the whole process of how to do wood graining. Rich Hartung cell 484-431-8157
  16. might want to check the manual again.but the lower weight oil might be recommended for winter time and the 30 weight might be for summer driving. Rich Hartung
  17. Ok get your replay so If you could get a 38 cloth replacement headliner then you should beable to duplicate a copy in vinyl to fit your car or you might have to go to an upohslerty guy to have a custom headliner made for you. Rich Hartung
  18. Why do you want a vinyl headliner? The originals were a felt like nap material. If you want to keep original looking then go with the correct headliner. The vinyl will look out of place and the 38 Chrysler cloth headliners can be purcashed very easily. I have a 39 desoto with a cloth replacement and it looks period correct. Just asking, its your car. Rich Hartung
  19. Just purchased the Miller TruBrake Shoe grinding tool. This is a Mopar factory tool that was used to grind the high spot off the brake linings and is done with the toll on each axle. You also need to have the Miller MT Brake Tool which I have both of these tools. The picture was taken when the tool was attached to my work vise. The motor spins and the unit slides very nicely on the two arms. This is the first that I have ever seen this tool. I have also attached the documentation that was copied from my Miller Tool catalog. This will explain the whole process of how the dealerships used both tools to get the brakes setup properly for each drum. Enjoy the reading and history lesson. To read about the tool go to the last picture and then double click on the link Miller Trubrake Document. Rich Hartung Miller Trubrake Document.pdf
  20. cold blue: you will find these kind of issues as you get to know more details about your car. The fun part is learning what is incorrect and then correcting the issue. You get to know your car and this helps when ever you are on the road and have an issue. You know what has been done by you and helps to educate you about your car. I have a lot of cross reference catalogs regarding parts and electrical components that have been scanned onto CD's. I have eliminated the paper catalogs and everything is on electronic files. Have been doing this for 30+ years you gain a lot of knowledge and every time I open a file I learn something new. Rich Hartung
  21. When some one had to replace the front motor mount they probably did not know where to find a replacement. Might have even gone to a Mopar dealership but they had no idea either. so they did the best that they could do. So now go get the correct rubber replacement motor mount. You will definitely see and feel a difference because the enigine should run smoother because of the new motor mount. Also check the upper and lower motor mounts. If the front was gone then the rear will need to be replaced. Rich Hartung
  22. Rich: I have a 39 desoto that has the original pads for the steering box on the car. I have never seen any of these old pads even at Hershey. But if you canget Andy to make up these pads I also would be interested in a set. I know they might not be cheap but if no one has them then we have to pay the going price. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  23. Bobd1976.  This is rich Hartung I posted to your question what the glass channels fit. I have a globe regulator and glass channel catalog. I have scanned this onto CD.  If you would like a copy then the cost would be $25 which include shipping to your home in the US. Let me know if you are interested.


    Rich Hartung

    20 Driftwood drive

    Audubon, PA


    Cell 484-431-8157

  24. According to my Reg Chan regulator and Globe window regular catalog: G206 Door Glass channel fits Plymouth 1942 town sedan Right hand G182 door glass channel fits Plymouth 1942 Coach Right hand. I have the globe regulator catalog and it has been scanned on to CD. Let me know if you would like a copy of the catalog. I have found that all of the regulatory manufacturers all used the same numbering systems. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  25. Clay was reading your post about find tdc. So you were able to get the timeing tool with the light that went intot he plug hole on number 6 piston.  If you did this is a good find. can you send me pictures of the tool?


    I can not help with your questions since I am not a great engine builder. Might also look at the vibration dampener on the flat portion and then llok at the degree marks.  I put white paint on the appropriate line to get a reference point so when the timing light flashes I canthen see the line. My degree mark is 2 degrees before TDC. not sure of yours but would assume it might be the same.  You can use a 12 volt timing light but just switch the leads.  The positive or red clip would go to the engine block and the black clip then goes to your power source. Since I have the foot pedal starter motor I connect my black lead to this end on the starter selinoid to get power because this is were my battery cable is attached.


    Rich Hartung


    1. Conn47D24


      Hi Rich,


      I will send you photos.   I am only using the rod section and the dial since the electronics on my car are not are together yet, no light.


      Great advice on the timing light as I have a 12 v one and thought it was an issue on 6v.  Good !


      Meanwhile I hope I get an answer on my main question soon. ?


    2. desoto1939


      Here is a thought if you  have a 6 volt battery charger then hook up the leads to the light to the clips on the charger this will power the light so that when the metal rod comes up to the proper height it then should make some form of contact to make the light come on.  I think this should work give it a try by hooking it up this way and then move the rod up and down instile the metal tube to see if the light works. If it dos then you should be good to go.


      Just thinkingout of the box so to say.


    3. Conn47D24


      Ill give that a go.

      Also will open up the valve cover and check tappets.

      Thanks Rich

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