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Observations upon reaching an advanced age

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When I turned 80, I didn't feel that old.  When I turned 81, I began to feel that old.  


Everything hurts, thankfully not all at once.  The other day, nothing hurt at all.  I felt like I was 65 again. 


I find that I can still put in a full day's work - it just takes me a week or two. 


The mother of four next door mentioned that she was going to turn 40.   She knew what I was thinking, ah, to be 40 again. 

She said, "You've already been forty again."


That's all i have to say about that.    


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At 73 I have dramatically slowed down as far as physical work goes.  40 years of picking up heavy things and putting them down as fast as I could 8-12 hours a day 6-7 days a week have taken their toll. Add to that crappy genetics as far as arthritis goes and here I am.  I still try to do lighter stuff on the cars(except the 2016 Traverse, too complicated for me) and heavy repairs get farmed out. Luckily there is a repair shop not far from me that has changed from a transmission shop to general repair and they work on old cars as well. And do a good job at a reasonable price.  My Son-in-Law or my daughter get to help with heavy household stuff. I am planning to undergo a heart procedure that will eliminate the need for blood thinners and after that I intend to make friends with a good orthopedic surgeon. As I told my Doctor, hell I could screw up and live 10-15 more years. 

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55 minutes ago, plymouthcranbrook said:

Luckily there is a repair shop not far from me that has changed from a transmission shop to general repair and they work on old cars as well. And do a good job at a reasonable price.

May I ask the name of the shop. I used a transmission shop on Sheridan rd near the state line that did excellent work.

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That is Pfeiffers , it is the one I use and was talking about they are very good. They were an excellent transmission shop for many many years and I think the new owners decided that transmission work being what it is today they want it to be a general shop and since the only other shop, I know of that works on the older cars is in Fox Lake Illinois if they still do this has been very convenient for me living in Zion.

Edited by plymouthcranbrook
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4 hours ago, plymouthcranbrook said:

That is Pfeiffers

Thanks for responding, that's the place, glad they are still open and diversifying. Took my mother's 98 Yukon with 50K miles in there when her trans started slipping. Hard to believe it needed rebuild with low miles the way she babied it, but it did. 


As far as getting older goes it's better than the alternative. 

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1 hour ago, oldodge41 said:

If I knew I would live this long I would have taken better care of my self when I was younger. 


Where's the fun in that??

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I’m 75 next month with good health so far. However, when people complain about getting old I have a simple reply. “Getting and/or being old means you didn’t die young or die in middle age.” If possible, enjoy the fact you are alive on our wondrous planet! As mentioned above, it’s better than the alternative. 

Edited by RobertKB
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I ain't going down without a fight.

Twice this week, I went roller skating. Even got into the 18 and above races. I sucked but I gave the kids a run for their money. For one of two laps. ?

I pulled our snowshoes down from the garage attic in hopes of some real snow. The 2" of heavy wet crap that came down overnight doesn't count. It's only good for snowmen, snowball fights, and heart attacks.

Planning a fat bike ride with my other retired buddies for next week. Looking at joining a gym and volunteering with a couple of local community groups just to keep from  sitting on my a$$.

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With our first substantial snowfall of the season, not having to be anywhere at any particular time or anything that absolutely has to be done, I can watch the accumulation from the warm side of the windows or go outside and push the snow around at my leisure, go to the garage and do some work on the truck, or sit in the recliner with a cup of coffee, work a crossword, surf the net, a little TV.  Lots of choices available and none that need to be done right now.   I did scrape about 3 " of snow off the driveway early this morning, about another inch at least has since fallen and still snowing hard, wind from the east, temp at 31F so it's not that cold.   I may clear it again in a couple of hours. Once it quits and the trucks make some headway on the streets, I'll go out clear the driveway and maybe forego my daily walk.


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2 hours ago, Dave72dt said:

With our first substantial snowfall of the season, not having to be anywhere at any particular time or anything that absolutely has to be done, I can watch the accumulation from the warm side of the windows or go outside and push the snow around at my leisure, go to the garage and do some work on the truck, or sit in the recliner with a cup of coffee, work a crossword, surf the net, a little TV.  Lots of choices available and none that need to be done right now.   I did scrape about 3 " of snow off the driveway early this morning, about another inch at least has since fallen and still snowing hard, wind from the east, temp at 31F so it's not that cold.   I may clear it again in a couple of hours. Once it quits and the trucks make some headway on the streets, I'll go out clear the driveway and maybe forego my daily walk.



It's been pretty minimal up by me, so far. It looks like it snowing much more down your way. 


16 minutes ago, plymouthcranbrook said:

And here in Northeast Il. I am hoping all the snow stays south and west and we just continue have the rainy wet snowlike stuff that so far has melted upon contact with the ground.  


It looks like you guys are getting mostly rain out of this storm, at least for now. 

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SW Kane county in NE Illannoy is getting whacked.


It wasn't a heck of a lot this morning so I fired up the blower to get rid of the snowplow presents at the end of the driveways. Went to refill the tank and all three cans in the barn were empty.? So a trip to the local Mobil to fill those. By the time I got back home, it warmed up enough to turn the snow to rain and and what was on the driveways to slush.

About 2, the temps dropped and it has been snowing gangbusters since. Our young neighbor has a snowplow on his side by side and he's been out since about 3, hitting the driveways for his family in da hood and us retired folks on our street.

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Feel for the folks that live in snow country......but you can move.....?   The storm passed through here and the rain was most heavy with associated high winds.  This continued for some 8 hours....we hit saturation by daylight, before the storm passed both yards were standing water even on the slopes....lol  After the rain, it soaked in gradually and with continued winds it helped a bit I am sure.    My bud lost two big trees and if he can hold off till Thursday morning I will gladly help him with their removal but am tied up tomorrow with both morning and evening appointments in a direction 180 from him.  


I have not ventured out into the surrounding area but hopefully very little damage done to the local pecan orchards....they topple easily in saturated soil and high winds.  Hate to see a tree go down...

Edited by Plymouthy Adams
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If you haven't noticed, something else people of that age do is talk a lot about the weather. I ended up with about 9 inches, cleared the driveway for the last time about 7 p.m.

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