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I have not been following along, kinda looks like my dodge ..... is there 2 balls that go in there? Mine has 2 & they are different sizes so you have to get them on the right hole.

Looks like you have 2 holes also?

Can you just drop or slide the clip straight down then use a screw driver to nudge it into position & pop it into place?


I only remember watching Mike's video to assemble mine. Only problem I had was putting the small ball bearing in the big hole accidentally.

Literally had to use my map gas torch to heat the carb body up to release the little ball bearing.


Maybe a Desoto carb is different & only has 1 ball bearing? I dunno.


There are 2 short videos, this is the 1rst & will bring you to the 2nd.





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Yep, two balls.  (There are other balls permanently in place.)  I got them in the right places.  The small one nest in a depression at the bottom of the accelerator pump shaft. 

The problem with the wire C-clip is that it does not want to sit near the bottom of the shaft with the open end opposite the ball.  Attempts to push the clip down and into place result in the clip flopping around out of position. 


I just bought a small pair of needle nose plyers.  We'll see how they work.  (The handles are pink, but I ca claim that the plyers are my wife's.)  

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I can get the clip in position above the lugs, but if I try to compress part of the clip to get it into the notch of one of the four lugs, the clip will flip around.   And it's hard to see what I'm doing. 

My new needlenose plyers can get the clip in position, but then I can't see where to poke a screwdriver. 

I put our a distress message to Mike's Carbs.   We'll see if they have any suggestions. 

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4 hours ago, DonaldSmith said:

Pump Discharge Pump Ball (the smaller ball) in place in a recess in the bottom of the pump shaft.


My instructions said to not take that clip out unless you absolutely had to because it is a real pain to get it back in.  So I blew carb clear thru it and saw no issues so I left it alone. 


I am sure there is some special rod with a slight groove in the very tip to allow you to securely seat that clip.  But I have no idea for sure.

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So now he tells me.   We'll see what Mike's Carb says about how I have the clip now.  On the other hand, if it will keep me awake at night, or drive with trepidation, I might just pop it out and pop it in again, like I'm getting good at it.  I'll see what I think in the morning.  (Mike's did furnish me the ball, so that implies messing with the clip.)     

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One day my neighbor saw me on the roof and asked, "Are you crazy?"  I answered, "I may be crazy, but I'm persistent."   


So that I can sleep easy as I'm cruising down the road, I popped the clip out again and got it in right.  With the small needlenose pliers gripping the clip over the ball, I was able to engage the ends in the lugs.   I e-mailed Mike's Carb, "Never mind."   On to the next challenge. 




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I have used everything from long thin needle nose to a long thin screwdriver to a pick.  But the best tool is again an old screwdriver.  File or grind a small C clip wire size slot in the end of the blade close to one side.  Use this small notch to press down on and move the clip into position.  Don't press too hard - you don't want to deform the clip.  Have the clip under one or two of the notches for the clip before trying this method.

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Carb together by noon.  On the car, primed, accelerator pump squirts, engine fired up.  Engine died.  (Had to set the idle speed.)  Purrs.  Revs up, a little roughness.   Next, a shakedown cruise through the neighborhood.  Stay tuned for the next exciting adventure. 

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(The forum is bugging me to select "Which post is most favorable?  Mark as Solution."   That's tough to do, when there are several reasonable suggestions and may be nothing hit the nail on the head.  Maybe I'll make a final Executive Summary and designate that.)


I did a test drive today.  Starts well. Accelerates quickly (For Fluid Drive).  Neighborhood cruise good.  Starts in third, accelerates "briskly" up to 20, tip-toes into fourth. 

I got on Woodward, speed limit 45.  Accelerated well to the point that it wanted to tip-toe into fourth.  Seemed to bog down a bit.  I tip-toed it into fourth and got to 45 mph OK.  (Isn't the governor supposed to kick it into fourth when the engine revs up in third to about 45?  Of course, I usually to tip-toe the upshift sooner.)      


 I need to test it at higher speeds.  Will it get to 60, 65, 70,without bogging down?  Maybe the local freeway will have light traffic this holiday.  Stay tuned. 


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That is for every post, it is not required .... there is no pressure to use it ..... some post are just banter & there is no solution.


Same time if you do find the solution & mark it, it helps future people when searching old post for a solution.

That is when the solution button is at it's best.

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2 hours ago, DonaldSmith said:

(The forum is bugging me to select "Which post is most favorable?  Mark as Solution."   That's tough to do, when there are several reasonable suggestions and may be nothing hit the nail on the head.  Maybe I'll make a final Executive Summary and designate that.)


I did a test drive today.  Starts well. Accelerates quickly (For Fluid Drive).  Neighborhood cruise good.  Starts in third, accelerates "briskly" up to 20, tip-toes into fourth. 

I got on Woodward, speed limit 45.  Accelerated well to the point that it wanted to tip-toe into fourth.  Seemed to bog down a bit.  I tip-toed it into fourth and got to 45 mph OK.  (Isn't the governor supposed to kick it into fourth when the engine revs up in third to about 45?  Of course, I usually to tip-toe the upshift sooner.)      


 I need to test it at higher speeds.  Will it get to 60, 65, 70,without bogging down?  Maybe the local freeway will have light traffic this holiday.  Stay tuned. 



Have you replaced your ignition coil recently?  I thought I had carb/fuel issues...replaced a 50+ year old coil, and it's like a new vehicle. Smooth acceleration through all the gears.

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One thing to remember about a coil going bad especially when it's intermittent or appears to be is that usually starts to fail when it's hot and will progressively get worse until it just completely fails all the time. Now this isn't a hard fact but you start seeing that I'd suspect the hot coil failing

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We trailered the Suburban to the DeSoto convention in Chatham, Ontario last summer.  Tore off the tailpipe getting the car on the trailer.   Tailpipe since fixed.  Water pump sprang a leak.  Got a new pump (with metric  bolts- oh, well).  


Last Fall, drove the Suburban  40 some miles each way to the Orphan Car Show in Ypsilanti.  (Drat! Show canceled this year.  Hope it comes back.)  Two episodes of engine quitting at speed.  Flipped on the electric fuel pump and it restarted immediately.  


The car starts right up and drives well.  After sitting a few months, it takes a few blocks of pedal-jamming to make the brakes stop pulling to the left.  


August 9, this year, going to drive some 20 miles to the WPC Club Invitational Convention in Windsor, Ontario.  Going to do some shakedowns in the meantime..    


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