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OT..my dog Red...


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For those of you who have made the Clements Tailgate BBQ's in the past, you might remember my big dog Red. He died recently and will be terribly missed. He loved hanging out with the people who had stopped by and share a hamburger with anyone who would share a hamburger with him. I can't tell you what a sweet gentle giant he was, it was something to be experienced. Fed-ex and UPs drivers noticed right away he was missing...noting his size and friendship as unique. I just wanted to share my grief....he was a good dog.










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I understand how you feel. We had a Blue Heeler die a couple years ago, he was special. He came with the house when we got it. At first we didn't get along at all, it took some time but we become close. It got me pretty good when he passed. He was special in many ways, sure miss him.

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Should have taken that dog to a taxidermist. Would have made a great watch dog. There are two addages that apply here. "Let sleeping dogs lie" and "an empty pistol is unlike an empty bottle". Great dog, I'm not so sure your post is OT.

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Sorry to hear about Red. That's the only bad thing about animals and people I guess...they die. You'll never find one exactly like him (biggest Rottweiler I've ever seen) but you should start an immediate search for Red Jr., Son of Red, or whatever you choose to call him heck you could ever call him Hank if you want to (not after me but it does sound like a good name for a big dog) and don't worry if you are his Dad he'll have a good, gentle giant nature too.



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Sorry for your loss. Looked like a great pal/family member to have. We had to put down our nearly 13 y.o. Mastiff a couple months ago, 2-1/2 years ago, our Great Dane passed-also almost 13 y.o., though we still have our English Mastiff. Can you tell we like "gentle giants"?

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  • 2 years later...

Although it is way after his passing I know you still think of him all the time. We have two dogs, a cat, 5(yes 5) rabbits(don't even ask how that story started). So I know about attachment to animals of all kinds.( I cannot even say Pet Owner anymore, they are part of your family)  Please accept our regrets at his passing and happiness for your time with him.

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Thanks Plymouthcranbrook and Larry.....The best thing about Red was his kindness. He was so accepting of adults, kids, and all kinds of dogs. I remember a friend coming by with his 3 young kids...Cooper sat on Red's back like a cowboy, Maggie clung to his neck, and Catalina hung onto his tail....that ol' boy couldn't have been happier. He was the best. 



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We had to put down our Rotty Freda some years back and just recalling her presence about brings me to tears even now.  She had an abused life before coming to us.  She was "skitzo" and didn't trust anyone nor did we trust her with anyone (you know the Rottweiler rep.)  But I loved her and she loved me.  She seemed so emotionally fragile.  Nothing but my kids have touched me so deeply.

   Your Red can never be replaced.  I wish you comfort with his memory.

Edited by mrwrstory
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