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Everything posted by Los_Control

  1. Yes sir that makes sense, I need to work it. Thank you for advise. Possibly by tomorrow when has longer to dry, maybe it will not clog the sandpaper so quick. Oil base paints do take time to dry. Been working on it for 2 years already .... no reason to get in a hurry now
  2. Sadly we only have one car event per year in this town .... no swap meets either I do miss going to swap meets, we do have a small town a hour away that has a annual swap meet, more household items, T-shirts etc then car parts. We never bothered to back to the next years event. Will have to start driving 2-3 hours one way to get to any decent swap meet ... sigh if I was only not so lazy ?
  3. I am curious if any do this. I am using a cheap product from Ace hardware "Ace rust stop primer"... compare to rustoleum. I am sanding and it is clogging the paper pretty fast. Kind of annoying. Same time I painted it about 20 hours ago, I may just need to give it a longer drying time. Or it is just cheap primer and always going to clog paper. I dunno. Also because the body had heavy heavy surface rust, it is not perfectly smooth now .... the top of roof was the worst. Just the top I used a foam roller for a heavy first coat. Then today I sanded most of it off, while the primer filled the low spots. This also could be why it is clogging the paper ... but is sanding nice. Todays project is to get it all masked off, hopefully tomorrow or next day, will spray the cab in primer. I still have holes to weld up, a few dents to fix ... I just have a lot of bare metal that needs to be covered before winter. I have never heard of anyone mixing hardener into primer. I fully expect spraying 3 coats minimal on primer to bury all the sins, to make it a 20 footer. Will be a lot of sanding. I have a universal hardener I bought from napa for the top color coat. I wonder if it would be any benefit to add to the primer? Or would it cause a problem?
  4. True, but would never admit it ... nick's head get so big it wont fit in the channel ?
  5. I would grab the beer first, then do next step
  6. I do not know the age and condition of your brake lines master cylinder etc ... My first thought was master cylinder ... after reading this ... I wonder about condition and age of rubber brake lines. As they age and deteriorate they can fail from the inside out. Meaning they look fine on outside, but falling apart inside. If you are turning the wheel, and the line is collapsing inside and blocking the fluid return, that wheel brakes will not release. Is it possible you have brake lines on front that are to long, that when you turn the wheel they kink and possibly cause early failure?
  7. I have recently purchased a welder, and still learning to weld. I did do some research before buying one. My goal was a mig welder to do sheet metal, light welding for frames and brackets etc. 1. What I thought I learned from research. It had to be a 220v machine, not 110v 2. You need capabilities to run gas and mig wire. A very short list ... because I am not a welder and have professional opinions. I also do not like/trust harbor freight tools. I found when I moved to West Texas, Forney just seems to be the only welder in the state .... I would have to drive 2 hours 1 direction to find a lincoln or miller. But they are available. I have to say the big blue gas powered miller seems to be standard on any shop truck running around the county. Local Ace hardware that sells the Forney, they had a sale on them to clear out last year models. I bought the Forney 190mp for $699 ... my first welder. The sales rep contacted me a month later and had some items I was missing since it was a floor model and came with no box. I did not expect this. I was pleased. Later, I was having problems and called customer service. I was loading the wire wrong. Tech support could not believe I was that stupid. They sent me a ups ticket to return the machine and they were going to send me a new one. I figured out my mistake, Forney kept contacting me to see the progress of returning it .... I finally had to eat crow and tell the tech support guy it was fine and my mistake. He laughed. To get tech support like that, imho I am going to be a Forney user for a long time. And they have been family owned business for almost 100 years. Just saying, I have a mp welder with customer support and track record of quality for under $1k and a little over kill for what I wanted. https://www.forneyind.com/products/welding
  8. Another worthless opinion from a carpenter and not a mechanic I wonder when was the last time you opened up and rebuilt your master cylinder? I ask this, because I did take mine apart to inspect, and I cleaned and honed it, put in new rubber cup ... I was never satisfied with it. The return on it was way to slow & sticky. I just put it back together, bench bled it and set it aside. Since then I have purchased from DCM a real rebuild kit for it. Point is, you have a heavy spring on your brake pedal, that spring will return pedal to normal position. That does not mean the internals of your master cylinder are returning at same pace. If the internal spring and rubber cup is going 1/2 way, getting sticky and hung up, is just like you still have your foot on the brake pedal, even though the pedal has returned to position.
  9. I never gone through this myself. I had a good friend who went through chemo, after a year battle it appeared he had won and was cancer free, 6 months later came back and started 2nd round of chemo ... it was just to much for him and he gave up. I did go through a round of Dr's myself for 3+ years, the drugs they had me on really messed up my memory. 1.5 years after I stopped taking their drugs, I could not remember my own phone # or address. I went to a psychiatrist thinking I might have early stages of dementia. Just took time and the mind does recover. My project is just as much therapy for me as it is anything else. Physical & mental exercise. You sound sharp, you have a good plan in place. And thinking ahead. I think you will be fine.
  10. w00t w00t ... good to see ya brother, you had us worried!
  11. My thoughts, the football shaped hole is a clamp . It has screws you tighten to hold things tight. I would not think it is made for wiring or vacuum hose. My truck I have the temp sending unit, oil pressure line, choke cable, throttle cable. (I am not sure the oil line belongs there) Up above it is a small hole for the vacuum line, off to the right is a larger hole for the wiring to come through. This is a truck and not your car so is different. The hole for the wiring comes out just to the side of the voltage regulator. Is directly above the starter/main power wire Is a short jog over to the foot dimmer switch ... then wanders up the inner fender to the lights. I bet if you mount your voltage regulator, close by will be a larger hole for the main harness. And it will make sense how to map the wires. The factory is not going to run 10 miles of wire, if they can do the job with 5 miles.
  12. As a old carpenter that never rebuilt a automobile engine before. I have rebuilt older small engines for equipment. I would be very careful on proper break in oil for our engines. After that, I figure anything on the shelf is way better then anything available in the 40's-50's. I agree with @sniper here, I use castrol gtx ultraclean from walmart in everything. 5/30 in wife's car, 10/30 in my cheby, using 10/40 in my old dodge. I do get particular on the oil filters, I wont buy the crap walmart sells. Local parts store sells wix and Is same filter Napa sells with different name and price. I have watched videos of dissecting different oil filters. Fram is the worse, all paper and cardboard inside. Accident waiting to happen. WIX is all steel and wire and welded & is good construction. Without even reading through the previous post, I bet at least one is going to say to use a non detergent oil. Modern detergent oil will clean the old crap out and clog the pickup screen. Thats exactly what I want. I will have to keep a eye out on the oil pressure gauge, drop the pan when needed, maybe even twice ... I want the motor cleeen! I will go the extra mile to get it clean. Just all my opinion, worth what you paid.
  13. I cheat and use a self tapping sheet metal screw with a cordless drill/screw gun, then use my pry bar to pull them. I also had my water pump off at the time, was able to clear the water distribution tube and flush all the gunk out of the block .... I had major cooling issues and probably why my truck was parked in the first place. All good now. Don't be a Los Before installing the new plugs, clean up the seating surface with a wire wheel and maybe some sealer of your choice. You look at your old plugs and they are concave, so I installed the new the same way. Real way is with the bubble out, then when you install them, get them started, then smack em with a hammer, and the bubble becomes concave and they expand for a tight seal. Mine leaked a little while then seem to have stopped, I may have to replace them so can sleep at night
  14. My reply to this. I think gabapentin is a good drug that helps everyone, including dogs. If it works for you I wish you luck. I am only saying, in my position, gabapentin was a drug of choice and it failed and caused many issues. I still have ADD and am permanent disabled because of gabapentin. At 48 years old. I am now 58 years old, Ask yourself why you want to take gabapentin. I honestly do not give a crap what you want to do Frank. I love you either way When I was in my worst medical condition, no DR would take me off of the gabapentin. If you quit cold turkey, you can actually die from it. It was incredible when I actually chose to quit. I went 3 days cold turkey, I really felt bad and thought I would die, I took another pill and I survived. I was taking max amount 3200 mg per day. Just saying gabapentin is a drug. If you like it, I welcome you to it, If you think it may not be what you want. I suggest you deal with it .... If it changes me for the bad in real life, I have to think about it ... How exactly does it change you in real life?
  15. No s*** for me, waiting for mowing season to end. Need to rebuild the deck on my mower. It has some loud bearings, hoping it holds together long enough. I bought a older john deere rider from a estate sale for $35 ... non running .... wife is like ... why did you buy that piece of crap? Had to put on a starter, new battery clean the fuel system & carb, new blades. It actually runs pretty good. 14 horse kawasaki engine. small 38" cut is perfect size for my yard. Like anything, take care of them and they will take care of you. I expect to get several years out of the john deere. They are well built and repairable. These small outdoor machines really make our lives easier. It worth putting the extra time into maintenance on them. This is the group of people that will do the extra steps. I always used my push mower for forced exercise. It took 2 days for back to recover from it, so I lost 3 days a week just taking care of yard work. Now I have more time to work on my truck. Shoveling S*** is a tough business, and will destroy many backs every year. When I moved to Spokane, first year lived in a duplex and had to park on the street. Plow truck would come by and clear the street, while burying your car. I opened the shop at 5:00am so 4:30 am out there digging my car out Come home from work and plow truck came by again, now have to stop in the street while I dig out my parking spot to park. We got first snow in October, never saw the ground until late spring. I do not miss the s*** one bit, Get those machines in shape!
  16. LOL on the D 24 Gabapentin seems like some modern day miracle drug. I hope it works well for you. It does for most people. They use it for nerve pain, It changes the way your mind feels pain. Meaning it is mind altering. ... You still get nerve pain, but your mind processes the pain differently, something you can ignore and live with. Also used for bi-polar patients, and many other physiological problems. It helps people think clearly. Dr's, & psychiatrist love to prescribe the drug, no down sides that I know of .... unless you are Los_Control When I was a kid in the 70's, I did experiment with drugs, 14 years old and take speed with my friends, would put me to sleep .... take a downer and I was running around like I was on speed. Thats fine, I learned early drugs were not for me. Fast forward am 48 years old and have a pinched nerve in my neck, they give me gabapentin. A mind altering drug. It works the opposite on me, just like speed when I was a kid. It gave me nerve pain where I never had pain before, then it made my mind cloudy and confused. They started me with 400mg a day, within 6 months they had me on 3200mg a day, then oxy codone and tramadol all 3 pain killers at same time for 3 years. I was turned into a zombie sitting in front of a blank computer screen and drooling on myself. The whole problem was gabapentin to begin with. Sorry for long post, just saying, If you notice uncomfortable pain or unclear mind, things just do not seem right, watch the gabapentin. I have argued and won with DR's in the past. It is a mind altering drug, it changes the way your mind works and thinks. I bet almost 50% of forum users here are taking gabapentin. While they have no issues, they are unaware it is a mind altering drug.
  17. I have the carter sediment bowl on mine .... it is always full to the top. My memory is fuzzy, seems like I use to have the pumice like stone, but do not have it now. Mine also was something I added on, and came from a pile of spare parts. Thinking I just tossed it out and plan to buy the paper filter for it later. What worries me about these cool looking sediment bowls, they are another source of a possible fire. I have no experience with them ... Just the idea of them mounted above the exhaust manifold, the heat that occurs over time. The gasket getting hard and brittle. I am thinking 2 years trouble free, then one day on the way to town it starts to drip .... A person really needs to be diligent about doing regular maintenance on them, make sure gasket is in proper condition and bowl does not rattle loose. And life is good. (IMHO, with no actual experience) To be honest, I am not sure I trust myself to stay on top of it. If I was building a trailer queen to take to shows, I would have to have it. Building a daily driver to splash through mud puddles, pretty sure I will remove mine, run a straight hard line to it. Just for peace of mind. Besides filter maintenance maybe a proper gasket maintenance discussion would be valuable.
  18. I live in small town USA, our daily service has not changed, Last month ordered a few things from DCM, was pretty impressed with usps delivery time. I ordered a pair of rear shocks from rockauto, shipped out with fedx. strange 1 came from Texas, and delivered to TX in 2 days, other came from CA, took like 2 weeks to arrive. Package was close by and ready to be delivered, somehow it ended up in Tennessee instead? I followed the tracking number, they got it flipped around and sent back in good time .... no complaints from me.
  19. I think looking at your amp gauge is maybe easiest clue to see if it is correct. .... it is possible I believe, ??? you will destroy the original positive ground radio if you have it installed and turn it on. I know nothing about the transmission wiring, above someone said it should not matter. The story goes, positive ground was superior for a few reasons, less corrosion on wires, they had less frame rust ... was a few reasons and almost all auto manufacturers used positive ground. Except for 1, that was gm ... they never had a positive ground system. In order to get some uniformity and everybody going the same direction for new doo dads like aftermarket radio's, air conditioning etc .... GM won out, and everybody else went negative ground. This was in the early to mid 50's, GM came out with the sbc, they brought out the corvette, Ford introduced the Edsel. So even though positive ground is better, today's cars are negative ground. .... No reason to be ashamed of a positive ground system.
  20. Welcome aboard ... tough question. It would be positive ground originally Not many people would bother to convert it to negative ground, without also switching to 12 volts. Just no benefit to switch. I am not very good with electricity, pretty sure your radio will not work negative ground, I am not sure what else would not work ... gas gauge, heater would not care, starter motor ... Just thinking to myself, if I see a black battery cable on a car, that is the ground and on our old cars that means it goes to + side of the battery. the - is the power side. Just opposite of everything we were taught growing up I also have a red cable for my ground, only because it was only color available in the big 00 size wire, or I would have bought black and connected it to the + side of the battery.
  21. Mopars don't need no stinking gaskets!
  22. depends, what motor and trans do you plan to run? The little flat sixes may only have 100 hp, they are known to be torque monsters and twist frames in 1/2. If you have rust issues maybe just repair them?
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