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Everything posted by maok

  1. You will need a charge regulator, and a BMS for the individual cells. Best to stick with lead acid.
  2. maok

    No spark

    If you are getting good spark from the coil lead to ground, I am assuming you are referring to the high tension lead, then, you should be focusing on the rotor and cap. As been mention before, are they are matched unit?
  3. So tell us, what are the extra appointed features of the richman's Chrysler over the poorman's Plymouth? Yep, you have run out of fuel in the carb on that first run up the hill.
  4. Yep, as mentioned, any will do the job. Universal Car Truck Vehicle Battery Disconnect Cut Off Rotary Switch Brass W9H3 | eBay
  5. Easy to remember for a bloke, 15 (too young) 36 (too old) 24 (just right)
  6. I know the desoto model was a step down from the chrysler airstream but I would have thought they would have kept the push button start on the desoto version.
  7. Here is my '36 Chrysler Airstream, wouldn't be too different to the Desoto. We like pictures.
  8. Now you can bench test it with a 12volt battery, your 12v-->6v reducer and a potentiometer.
  9. Also, check the level of the oil in the trans, it maybe very low.
  10. Don't use a resistor, it wont work, use the an electronic reducer that you can purchase (ebay, etc) for less than 20bucks. Also, to test the gauge itself, you can test it with a potentiometer (variable resistor), 0-200ohm would be ideal. If the gauge works smoothly and well with the potentiometer then look at your sender.
  11. Also, is it possible that you have a hole in the cleaner, so oil maybe going down the carb?
  12. I would guess that you have inadvertently caused a huge air blockage in that air filter when you clean it out.
  13. All those connectors are colour coded for different wire gages, choose the correct one for your wire gage and current requirement in the circuit, the voltage in automotive use has nothing to do with it.
  14. Most important feature is the 'Auto Power Off'. $20 ones will do most home auto electricians needs.
  15. maok

    Kew Engine

    Hi Paul, @Andydodge is the expert here on the KEW engines, I'm sure he will chime in shortly.
  16. As mentioned above, the kit comes with a linkage that needs to be welder to your existing linkage, I just used a universal ball joint type.
  17. Except if one is on a water craft on water.
  18. Same, though my 218 needed re-jetting because I live in the subtropics. However, my 242 (airstream) likes the jets that came with it. With both I needed to sort the linkages a little.
  19. A = 4 seconds
  20. I've done the same conversion on my '37 Dodge (218)& 37 Airstream (242) after some re-jetting and tuning, much better setup.
  21. Apparently when the bushes are press in they then need to be reamed to the correct sized because there is a reduction in the diameter.
  22. I had an expensive SU (Facet) style electric pump on my '28 for 12 months before it gave up, I now have a cheap Chinese pump ($15) that has lasted at least 3 years now, still going. My pump is running full time. I too have a regulator, set at 2.5psi.
  23. You can also use a 5/8" (or could have been a 9/16") open ended spanner/wrench with modified round washer to lever the spring up then remove the spring collets/keepers. The round washer needs to be large enough and opened up so it can slide in between the valve and cam follower and is used as a base to level with the spanner.
  24. If you have the alternator wire going to the Battery then, as others have mentioned, it is not connected correctly, though it will work. You need to make sure the alternator wire goes either directly to the ammeter or connected to the old 'BAT' terminal where it was on the voltage regulator, which goes to the ammeter. I would recommend you consult an auto electrician.
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