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Everything posted by JerseyHarold

  1. FWIW, I went with Gas Tank Renu for my '52 Cambridge. The tank is cleaned, weak or rusted-out areas repaired, and then coated with a baked-on sealer. The work was done around 1995, and the tank is still good.
  2. If the California title is lost, why not apply for a replacement title from the Califorina DMV. If they want to physically examine the car, explain that it is being stored at a relative's house in Georgia. Maybe a Georgia law enforcement official, or DMV employee, would be sufficient for VIN verification.
  3. The exhaust manifold heat control valve is located at the exhaust manifold outlet just above where the exhaust pipe bolts on. It has a thermostatic spiral spring that opens and closes a butterfly valve (similar to a carburetor choke) based on exhaust temperature. If the valve is in the 'closed' position exhaust flow will be restricted and the engine will run hotter. It should pivot easily and not be stuck. If the spring is broken the valve can flop around uselessly. I believe there are manifold heat control repair kits out there, available from the usual parts vendors. Hope this helps.
  4. Check to see that the manifold heat control valve is operating properly. If it's stuck in the closed position the engine will run warm.
  5. Could be dirt in the gas tank that obstructs the fuel pickup in the tank occasionally. Did this issue occur right after you put gas in the car?
  6. It may have been mentioned previously, but is the little wire inside the distributor touching anything and shorting out? Kind of from left field, but have you checked the manifold heat control valve for proper operation?
  7. My son lives in Seattle and would like to know about car shows in the area (dates and locations). He doesn't have a car but would attend if he could get there by public transportation. They don't have to be Mopar-only. Any ideas appreciated. Thanks, Harold
  8. Best of luck with your new project. A car that has been in the family for so long is truly special. One thing I noticed is that the radiator has a pressure cap. To my knowledge the P15 had an un-pressurized cooling system. You may want to verify this one way or the other.
  9. The first time I heard about Mountain Dew was on a billboard ad in Maryland in 1965. The slogan was "It'll tickle your innards"! Don't know why I remember this stuff....
  10. You might want to get a 'Sams Photofact' for your radio. These were published monthly and gave detailed service information for the specific model you're working on. Here's a couple of links I found on eBay: Vintage Sams Photofact Manual MOPAR MODEL 805 (PHILCO C-4908 | eBay SAMS PHOTOFACT SERVICE MANUAL 71-11 1949 MOPAR RADIO 805 PHILCO C-4908 | eBay Hope this helps.
  11. The fuel pump may be sucking air instead of gas. Check to see that your fuel line clamps are tight and that there are no leaks from the line itself.
  12. I believe the Canadian Plymouth-based Dodges (sometimes referred-to as "Plodge") have 25"-long engines as opposed to the 23" engines for US Plymouths. That would account for the mounting issue you're experiencing. Have you tried to contact Champion directly to see if they catalog a radiator configured to fit your car? That would probably be the easiest (though not the most inexpensive) way to go.
  13. Could the clutch disc be installed backwards, throwing off the geometry of engaging/ disengaging?
  14. NYPD went to blue lower body with a white roof in 1972. This was a mid-year change from the green/black/white color combo.
  15. The part I'm referring to is the 2-piece bushing that goes around the pivot ball. There is one pivot ball on the chassis, and the other one is on a bracket attached to the bell housing. They fit into either end of the pedal linkage (I've heard them referred to as 'zee-bars'). Sorry if I wasn't clear.
  16. I may be wrong, but didn't someone once post a part number for the bearing that was available from industrial supply houses? I hate paying "part vendor" prices for something that's available through mainstream channels.
  17. The ignition coil may be heating up and causing the engine to stall. Put some ice cubes in a zip-lock bag and use it to cool the coil when the engine stalls. If the engine starts, I'd try a replacement coil.
  18. It might've been me. I've posted that suggestion on a few forums when needed.
  19. The flywheel bolts may need tightening. It could also be a crankshaft throw hitting the oil crossover tube in the crankcase because it was installed backwards.
  20. I once read that you can pour a flammable liquid (NOT gasoline!) into the oil cap, set it on fire, and that would clean it out. Proceed at your own risk!
  21. FWIW, Plymouth didn't have a factory option for tinted glass until mid-year 1952. Something to consider if you're trying to be authentic.
  22. The passenger's side rectangular dome lamp switch opening went away in 1952 because the dome light switch was built into one of the hinge screws of the RF door.
  23. I've read that Broderick Crawford lost his driver's license due to drinking, so any scenes of him driving were filmed on private roads.
  24. I had my left eye done in October. I chose the 'distance vision with reading glasses' option. Couldn't believe the improvement. The doctor said my right eye will need to be done in a year or so. We'll see how it goes. Sometimes it feels like I'm still wearing glasses even though I'm not. Anyone else have that experience?
  25. I did a quick Google search for the part number on the windlace roll in the photos. I didn't dig too deeply but it looks like Jarrow products still makes it.
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