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Everything posted by plymouthcranbrook

  1. And one thing Corporations do not like is unpredictability. Safe and steady secures the work and the future. Despite most being mainly concerned with tomorrow's stock prices.
  2. I managed to break one on my 52 Plymouth many years ago and I simply welded it back together and it has worked ever since.
  3. Wonder which one they are bragging about? Japan or Mexico.
  4. Nice that the rules don't specify which grocery store you have to go to.
  5. Looks like the”Jitneys” I have seen photos of from the Phillipines.
  6. I would stabilize it from rust and replace any really bad parts, make it safe to drive and use it as a summer driver. In my opinion more fun that way, If someone bumps it you don't have a heart attack.
  7. This guy had ones I needed for my 52. http://www.fatfenderedrelics.com/stainlesstrim.html
  8. One of the reasons I bought an Astro was exactly that. There are still several running around here, some in commercial use. And with winters here, well that says it all. I Had a trans go at 178,000 miles and a few other things but the only newer car I would have any interest I would be another one. However the newest one is now 15 years old so....
  9. My ex neighbor bought Chrysler mini vans for years(and as far as I know still does) because he got the friends and family discount. About 80,000 miles he would go buy another one because things began to break. Never could convince him to try anything else. My Chevrolet Astro is almost 20 years old and has almost 200,000 miles. Rust will get it before it dies I am sure.
  10. If trucks are like cars there should be a number on the frame I believe on the left side outer face near the rear wheel location.
  11. You might contact a company called Addco at least I think that is their name. They manufacture sway bars for a large variety of vehicles. Addco.net is the address https://www.addco.net/
  12. I like original unrestored the best but that said at some point (and as said, the owner will decide) some level of repair/restore will be necessary to keep the car usable and safe. I do not care for Restomods at all but not my decision to make. I can only decide not to look at them.
  13. DIY on modern cars is a dying money losing proposition. Most folks have no idea of what the cars systems are and also really couldn't care less. One long time shop here has stopped opening on weekends at all and NAPA has dropped paint among other things. We have the big three (Auto Zone, Advance, and O'Reilly's) but only Auto Zones has any real business. I gave up on Advance years ago after finding a brake caliper supposedly rebuilt with a frozen bleeder screw full of rust. O'Reilly's occasionally has a car in the lot but not often. NAPA has two countermen who know their stuff and they can't seem to find anyone else who does or is willing to learn. I think NAPA lives on it's commercial accounts and Auto Zone on at least some of the DIYers but finding someone there who knows anything is problematic at best. We only have one store with a machine shop and that is the one closed on weekends. When the owner retires that might be it for machine shop work around here. Have to go to the next town to get anything done. Luckily it is a larger city and has a couple of radiator shops and a starter/generator repair place. Guess in some ways I am glad my days of doing the more complicated stuff is coming to an end.
  14. Thanks for the information. I will look into it.
  15. Only problem I ever had with RainX was if you use the wipers in a moderate rain the blades seem to chatter across the glass.
  16. No doubt part of the group planning to sue the government about Lock downs. Claims "Unconstitutional"
  17. 1959 Dodge Coronet https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1959-dodge-coronet/
  18. Yes using the 32/36 . Most likely be a little while before embarking on this but will keep you informed. Supposed to be set up for individual car so I will see. As far as the alternator goes the shipping from Quality power is $40.00 from them to me, about 25% of the cost of the set up. So I am looking locally to see if anyone here has access to one. Local rebuilding shop is very good so I am going to talk to them. Generator charges ok and no issues but if I take a night trip might be a problem..
  19. Been thinking about changes for a while now but finally broke down and ordered a two barrel progressive carb set up from Langdon’s. Looked into a Carter YF set up but as was explained to me by an expert from The Carb Shop to do it right was a pretty extensive project. Supposed to be here by Friday. Hopefully it will warm up enough to swap things over in the near future. Thinking about a 6 volt alternator but shipping from the supplier that I found searching here is about 20% of the cost of the part so I am exploring other options.
  20. I remember my 66 Plymouth had both types and thinking back also my 70 Fury II as well.
  21. Nice to see those old English cars that are not MGs or Triumphs out there.
  22. I took a short drive around our little town today on my way back from the Post Office. Most places closed however was surprised to see both Autozone and NAPA open and busy. Essential for some I suppose. i need to change oil on my daughters car Thursday but already have the stuff. Been a little nippy since the shutdown started to do much outside but supposed to change. Haven't gone near the old cars yet except to say hi in passing the garage.
  23. I had to exchange a few tools here before the local Sears all disappeared. I have to say that the exchange was painless but I am disappointed in both some of the quality and several design changes that make the tool harder to use. My ones from 1969 are still my favorites though. I was using one of the replacement 1/4 drive ratchets yesterday and was reminded of the poor quality. Ratchet wobbled and skipped several times while doing a simple job. A lot like the tools the local tool merchant used to sell out of his garage. Except those were cheap to buy and long term use was not expected unlike Craftsman which of course were supposed to last for lift.
  24. I had two front bumper guards that I found at a swap meet for $5 each. Not damaged at all but really dull and lackluster. I just cleaned the surfaces well and very lightly scuffed it. Used regular chrome paint(three or four coats) and for my usage, ie driver, it looks great. Remember that at 70 mph at midnight no one will notice.
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