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Everything posted by plymouthcranbrook

  1. Automotive starters. Does the tag list applications? They appear to have remote solenoids. Maybe older Mopar?
  2. Here is a thread I posted on AACA site regarding carbureration for Mopar flatheads: https://forums.aaca.org/topic/334923-carter-yf-carburetor/
  3. I also had a set of amber lenses for my 52 until one broke. Still have the one hoping to find another some day. Although after 10 years of looking it doesn't seem likely.
  4. I remember having an old Wen grinder catch fire while I was using it. Short and small but a fire none the less.
  5. Paint might be Imron. https://www.axalta.com/gb/en_GB/industrial-liquid-coatings/products/imron.html
  6. Sorry to hear about your issues. Best to you and yours. I will share a brief phrase that helped me in a difficult patch. The phrase is “ It’s not going to last forever”. Whatever it is will change and usually for the better.
  7. Very true, but a start.
  8. Might the POC have that info at least regarding their members? When I was a member they wanted to know what cars I had. Plymouth’s anyway.
  9. When I hooked mine up I put the output in one spot and the power to the other. If it didn't work I switched them. No problems afterward. i want to say that the wires to the left lead side of the car are power but would have to check to make sure.
  10. Not to hijack the thread too far I just checked on Amazon and rough service incandescent 100 watt bulbs are still available. I bought some a few years ago and was informed that that type was not among the banned and dreaded regular incandescent ones. My Father did the same thing. Wouldn't buy a new battery no matter what. Waste of money he would say.
  11. Nicely done. You folks start Christmas early!
  12. Make sure your tank has a good ground. Also you can check the sender by removing it from the tank and with the ignition on move the float throughout its range of motion. The gauge should go from full to empty smoothly. If it works the problem might be the float. Otherwise check the connections on the back of the gauge and continuity of the wire to the sender.
  13. Looks very much like the one in my 52 Cranbrook
  14. Free as can be. One of the first things I checked. Thanks though. i am beginning to think that although the icing condition might be it more likely something in the carb is not right. Looking into a Carter YF to replace it. After doing the rear transmission seal.
  15. A sense of History is one thing(of many) i admire about the South.
  16. If anything goes well.
  17. Just a kid. 69
  18. I have used spacers on trailers with no problem. I would suspect since the wheels mount with bolts instead of studs that if you use a longer bolt to make up the difference it should work. I would try it and see. If the wheels cause a problem you can always buy a bigger hammer.
  19. Bbdakota, How long has the carb been on your car? I read a couple of posts elsewhere that spoke about the China made carbs having problems after a few months of use and wondered if you have any info about it. Sounds like a good deal from what you have said in earlier posts.
  20. I found this as well: https://www.amazon.com/Dorman-HELP-55101-Choke-Conversion/dp/B000CO7CK0/ref=sr_1_3?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIv5nmq46N5QIVDb7ACh0HHwlIEAMYAiAAEgIU7fD_BwE&hvadid=190499673287&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9021491&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1o2&hvqm And just now this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-FORD-CARBURETOR-YFA-TYPE-CARTER-250-300-ENGINES-6-CIL-1975-1983-ELECTR-CHOKE-/140798859189?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item20c84417b5
  21. That is correct
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