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Everything posted by plymouthcranbrook

  1. You must have been talking to Jon from The Carburetor Shop. I had a couple of conversations with him about the B&B and that was his opinion. Mine on my 52 Plymouth was worn out and rather than go through the trouble of getting another one that might or might not be better I went with the 32/36 2 BBl option kit from Langdons Stovebolt. The difference was dramatic. I redid my B&B a couple of times and it helped but it never really did run well.. This is what I installed http://www.langdonsstovebolt.com/store/#!/NEW-Manual-Choke-32-36-Carburetor/p/15456407/category=18665965
  2. As I had said I have 0 interest in owning an electric car. As Plymouthy said not many charging stations around me anyway. My Hot Rod days are far behind me so a 0-60 time of 3 seconds would most likely just get me killed and it would take me a century of driving to make back my investment. If I am real lucky I might have 15 years of driving left to me at maybe 10,000 miles a year currently spread over three cars.
  3. Not far from me, maybe I will try to show up.
  4. "My wife tells me that I’m unreasonable & hard to get along with /-; I reluctantly, accept this as the reason that I’m having difficulty making friends with the “search”. If you are anything like me that will be one of your best features. Join me in struggling along.
  5. Very nice car. Glad you have joined the conversation.
  6. I know this yard seems to have somewhat newer cars than we are concentrated on but thought some might be interested in the info. Not a terribly long way from me but I have never been there. https://www.dodgegarage.com/news/article/gallery/2021/01/mo-par-city-is-closing-its-doors-after-50-years.html
  7. Perhaps I misunderstood what I have read but isn’t mounting different between 23 and 25 inch engines? Not interchangeable without some work?
  8. I believe the word WOW is accurate in describing your car.
  9. I believe I have 215 75 15 on stock rims on my 52
  10. If you order new tune up parts remember to provide the distributor number to whoever you get them from as there are differences over the years. I had a problem before I found that out. Some caps are taller than others it seems and creates a large gap from the rotor to the cap contacts.
  11. No offense taken DJ. I suspect none of us want to have a car on our chest so I bet all of us who do this do our best to make sure that we are as safe as we can be. The days of a milk crate or a stack of wheels and tires are far in the past.
  12. I get excited seeing really old cars in the flesh so to speak. Still remember the first Curved Dash Olds I saw and the first Stanley Steamer running. Keep right on posting this stuff. Love it.
  13. The more I see, the better they look. You do good work
  14. Not cheap stands. Very heavy duty strong stands that once had my car on them for two years. As far as raising it, good floor jack and go slowly and carefully. Like we all should with any task like that.
  15. I use 6 ton jackstands as high as I can get them when I a have a lot of work to do. Still on my back but much easier to get in and out.
  16. I have given trying to tell anyone anything in most areas except personal. Either like Worden said, they are hoping for a miracle or a fool or just cannot accept the fact that their treasure is not worth at least as much as the Meacham Auction cars on TV are. Most will either get huffy or sullen and since I never expect to be in the market for another old car I find I just no longer care.
  17. They look great. I have to get my wife to help me on the computer anytime things get complicated so I know what you say.
  18. Since I will be 85 then I suppose any interest I might have will be hypothetical.
  19. I don't have a lot of trouble with that but do clear my history whenever I am done for the day so maybe that is part of it. Cookies and all. Just have to make sure passwords are saved.
  20. His E-Bay store is still open
  21. Happy to have you join us.
  22. I would not trust much from E-Bay regarding prices. If you look at the auction regularly you will see that the vast majority of sellers now seem to believe their cars are worth a fortune. Andyou usually see the same cars over and over. Completed auctions might help but if you are not in a rush you can just check a few times a week with a general search of cars for sale.
  23. I have owned so many cars in the last fifty years I cannot remember them all. Muscle cars, sports cars, family cars, trucks, you name it. My current Plymouths are my 52 Cranbrook four door sedan that I bought in 2002 from a guy in Naperville, Il. Never met him, only met his employees. The story was they were all in Illinois on an assignment and the Boss, being a car collector had bought this one to use here. However the assignment was ending and his wife had told him he better not bring home another car as he had enough already. So I went there, looked at it and drove it. We dickered over the phone and came to a deal. Had it towed home and here I am. my 1980 Plymouth Volare came about because I was still working on my 52 and wanted to have a car to take to POC meetings. Four door sedan, slant six, automatic and not a lot more. A special it was called. On E-Bay before it went to bleep(2007). Only had 8400 miles. After the auction we drove from Chicago to Cincinnati on a Friday night and brought it back the next day. After doing 20 years of deferred maintenance I have driven it ever since as a daily summer car. Since I left to POC the 52 doesn’t get as much use but I still enjoy it.
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