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Jerry Roberts

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Everything posted by Jerry Roberts

  1. Also , there is a welsh plug in the head directly over the gland bulb . If you remove the welsh plug it might help to remove the bulb without breakage .
  2. Nicop nickel - copper .
  3. An old choke cable in a drill will work as an auger . Watch out for sparks .
  4. Jerry Roberts


    This might not help either , 1946 - 1948 Chrysler 8 cylinder Auto-Lite distributor is model IGt-4201-1 . I don't have a Prestolite catalog .
  5. The points on your dash gauge might not be making good contact . Sometimes even the NOS dash gauge points won't work unless cleaned . They are very fraglie .
  6. On Don Coatney's 25 inch engine , he had to cut a section out of his front cross member and ad a patch to it for clearance .
  7. A deposit on one side of the points indicates the wrong value of condenser . A failed condenser and your vehicle won't start .
  8. This might or might not be of some help . My truck has just one electric wiper motor on the drivers side . The passenger side motor was an option . I installed a NOS motor and I had the same problem with the wiper blade pushed up slightly on the roof , but not straight up . I jerry rigged a stop using the mounting post on the outside of the truck as a stopping post . It doesn't look very pretty , and I am not proud of it , but it works for that purpose . My blade was only pushed up by the wind at highway speed ( 65 MPH ) on the outside of the window . As for your motor turning too freely , I don't know . Do you have a wiper blade on the motor that contacts the glass as much as possible for resistance ?
  9. It has often been said here that that hole is for finding T D C as the number six piston moves the same as the number one piston . I have never heard of the hole being used for an air compressor .
  10. The Dorman 568010 Has no rubber parts and you don't pound them in , just tighten the nut . I carry one in my glove box .
  11. Yes air compresses , but it is not a problem here . A little air in the line could also be a slight un-needed benefit , it would add a cushion so the gauge would not have the " shock " of a sudden burst of pressure .
  12. Your oil pressure gauge reads pressure , weather air or oil , it doesn't matter . All is good .
  13. This was recently discussed on the truck side of the forum between June 27 and June 29 . Pictures and links included .
  14. I found the Mfd's for the 1940 - 1954 De Sotos in another Motor's manual ; .25 - .28
  15. Looking in a Motor's Truck and Tractor Repair Manual that covers years 1936 - 1947 ; Auto-Lite condenser capacity varies from .23-.26 , .25 - .28 , .20 - .25
  16. You don't need to pull the manifolds off to inspect the valves .
  17. Hardware stores and home centers usually have a good selection of springs .
  18. Yes , i put one on my truck and it works perfectly . My reservoir came from a VW bug in the junkyard and it has two outlets , so i plugged one of them . I put a barbed fitting with a pipe thread in the existing cap and ran a tube up top . One thing to be mind full of ; The original cap has a very tiny vent hole in the edge that must be plugged , i used JB Weld . And the reservoir needs a vent too as the brake fluid is moved during operation and is briefly replaced by outside air . No downsides at all . You can tell the brake fluid level at a glance .
  19. Also , master cylinders usually have a rubber boot that can be pulled back for inspection of leaked fluid .
  20. Sam , I have a fuzzy memory too , but I think that the fitting is threaded both on the outside and also on the inside .
  21. Do it by ear . Loosen them up until you hear CLACK - CLACK - CLACK , and then tighten until you hear click - click - click .
  22. There is a special lube for the distributor cam . One place to buy it is MAC'S FORD Parts , MacsAutoParts.com Lubricam is one brand .
  23. I used washes exactly like that on a Chevy many years ago . I had tried everything else that I could think of to correct the problem , different clutch disks , different pressure plates . I never did find the cause of the problem and drove the car using the washers .
  24. The ferrel is sold on ebay if you need one .
  25. 4.11 seems to have been the most common . Those that I have seen have all been stamped on the outside . usually on top but sometimes more conveniently down below .When looking , clean well and a mirror might help . Also can be stamped on the ring gear itself .
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