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Jerry Roberts

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Everything posted by Jerry Roberts

  1. Less than a year ago I bought new whitewall tires from Firestone that have a whitewall about 1 1/2 inches wide . In the past I have cleaned whitewalls with ajax cleanser and had no problems with that method . On my new tires the whitewalls turn light brown soon after cleaning with ajax and I have even used light sandpaper on them followed up with Armorall but they still turn light brown . Any suggestions ?
  2. Here is information from a previous message on that oil hose ; (possibly from Norm) Parts Master F98915 , ETS5722 , or Bendix 77230
  3. I don't have the answer to your question but I do have literature from 5th avenue reguarding their pully diameter ; " the alternator pulley should be at or close to 2.5 inch diameter . Stock generator pulleys are too large in diameter for alternator applications . etc "
  4. If you put a chain in yout tank to rub and clean it out , the chain might tie itself in a knot . Then you have another problem getting the chain out of the tank .
  5. Robert , You can check that thermostat real easy . Just put it in a pan of water and bring it to a boil , watch to see if the thermostat opens as it should . Put your thermometer in the pan too . The thermostat helps to bring your engine up to operating temperature quickly and then it should open .
  6. Yes , on a two wire sender the wires can be reversed and the reading will be backwards .
  7. " What was that chain thing attached to the back of the back seat " That was like a rope for the rear passengers to grab on to when getting up or sitting down . It was quite puffy and covered with an attractive fabric .
  8. A guy on another mopar forum had a " ticking noise , almost a knock " on his flat head and he finally found a new fuel pump that was quiet after two other noisy new pumps . I don't have any more information as far as the noise appearing at which speed . He mentioned the pump arm comming in contact with the cam lobe from a different direction .
  9. Sometimes the fuel tank sender units will also leak when the tank is topped off .
  10. Shel , You got it right .
  11. Rockwood , It sounds like you replaced both the cable in the center and the cable housing . Correct? ... If not then the old housing might have been torn up inside . Did you lubricate the cable ? Some people use white grease . Does the mechanism spin freely in the speedometer head or did it stick and grab your new cable ? You can put something like a small screwdriver in the head and give it a twist to see if it sticks . Did you install the cable without any sharp turns? A sharp turn will bind things up .
  12. So the rebuilder isn't real familiar with the flatheads ? Tell him to replace the water distribution tube .
  13. Pete , You could test run your engine with the fuel pump removed . Just use an elevated gas can and a lenght of rubber gas hose . Put duct tape over the hole where the fuel pump was to keep any oil from splashing out .
  14. Nornspeed , Those 3.73 gears that you are disappointed about can be a little hard to find . I'm sure that a lot of the guys on this forum would trade you in a minute for their 4.10 's .
  15. Try putting a spacer about a quarter inch thick in back of the relief spring . Streaching the spring has the same effect but the spacer is reversable .
  16. You are probably right that your starter is on the blink , but make sure that both ends of both battery cables are making clean and bright connections first .
  17. There have been past messages where people have used the 8 volt batteries . They said that the voltage regulator must be tweaked . Find one of the stores that specializes in batteries or perhaps a tractor supply . I use a 6 volt Optima battery and it turns the engine over almost like a 12 volt system . Use the very thick battery cables and clean the grounds real well .
  18. Jim , I think your horn wire runs down the center of your sreering tube . Is it shorting out ?
  19. Merle , I intially switched my gears in a 1939 truck from 4.11 to 3.9 and it did make a differnce . A very small difference . I suggest that you hold out for some better gears .
  20. I have also purchased stuff from Neil and can vouch for him . He does take Pay Pal too .
  21. I have a small a.m. car radio " solid state " that has two very small switches on the back . One switch is for 6 or 12 volt and the other switch is for + or _ ground .
  22. The Auto Zone brand and part number are ; Master E8011 Was $37 back in sept 2005
  23. Billie Holliday was female . She did have somewhat of a deep voice though but you allways knew by listing to her blues that it was a woman . She had a drug and alcohol problem and that may have contributed to an early death . Great singer in my opinion .
  24. Sometimes an unlit propane torch is used to find a vacuum leak . Listen for an increase of RPM s .
  25. You mentioned that it acts like it has a governer on it . Does it ?
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