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Everything posted by desoto1939

  1. Tom'sB2B: Tom look at the two water pumps the bodies on eachone is different also note the bolt arounf the 2 o-clockposition and the extra thickness in the body at the two o-clockposition. if you have the studs then the studs inthe 2 oclock position would have to be pulled and thenyou woud have to use the bolt to hold this part onto the engine block. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  2. yes you are correct. RichHartung
  3. Update: Look at the two pumps that were pictured they are different in the bodies. On the old one at approximately 2 o-colck njotice how thin the body of the wp is and on the newer pump at the same point the body is thicker. If you have the older style pump on your car or truck and there are three threaded studs that have three nuts to hold the Wp onto the fron of the block the newer pump will not work. because of the thicker body the stud will not stickout of the body to use the nut to hold the pump onto the block. They do supply a bolt with a hex head that is long enouht to thread into the block but you will need to use a stud puller to remove the short threaded rod prior to moutnign the newer pump. As how I know becsue I had the same issue with my 39 Desoto and my 39 used the smaller body thickness at the bolt hole at the 2 o-clock position. To rebuild a WP there are special tools that pull the bushing and also face the insde of the bearing. Also with the oiriginal pumps they use brass bushings and the newer pumps now used the sealed metal bushing and makes for a better pump but beaware of the issue with the bolt hole. If you have any questions call me cell 484-431-8157 Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  4. Adam The check value or residual valve sits inthe very front of the MC. It it near the hole that goes to the brake line. It is a push on to the spring then the rubber cup then the thin brass washer then the piston. The valuse control the flow of the brake fluid. this is on my 39 Desoto so each MC might be a little different. rich Hartung
  5. how old is the breaker plate in the dizzy. It might be worn and you might have slop inthe unit so that the points wander apart. The top and bottom sections should be tight. When I do a tuneup onmy 39 Desoto I replace the entire unit with a newer breaker plate and then rebuild the old one as a backup unit. Just another sugesstion of possible casue to your problem. Rich Hartung
  6. Now that the warmer weather has arrived here in Valley Forge Pa. I have had some time to work on my brakes on my 39 Desoto. i puller the drum and found nothing leaking at the wheel cylinders. I did havea good pedal and then one day the pedal went to the floor. i was able to get pressure and a good pedal but a couple of days later it went soft again. Well i pull the front carpet out of the car, took out the two metal floor boards. Disconected the brake pedal linkage and removed the mastercylinder that is bolted to the frame. Did a rebuild. Took it all apart and there was no issues with the rubber seals and or any scares inside the MC. rebuilt it and then bench bleed the MC. It is now back inthe car with a good hard pedal all I need to do is road test. The other day I was looking at all of the internal parts and when i looked very carefully at the relief valved I then noticed a very small pin hole or tear in the rubber seal. After the air had dried the valve the hole was more visable. So the smallest compontnet is what failed after driving the car for 30 years. i rebuild the MC 30 years prior with Dot 5 fluid. i guess not too bad after 30+ years. Always look for the none obvious item. Rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com,
  7. They are called by both names. You will need to us a puller to remove it off the camshaft. They can be rebuilt. look up damperdan if i remember the name correctly. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  8. My first suggestion is no purchase the NOS items if there is any possibility. That is why i listed the wheel cylinder numbers. You can look on ebay or even at swap meets to find these. Before buying Chinese or foreign junk I would suggest that you have your sleeved and then you know what you have and they will work on your car. Look for NOS. This is why i have been collecting the catalogs and the parts over a 30+ year period for my 39 desoto. every year as it goes by there is less and less of the good old NOS items. Build up some good quality parts to support your hobby. Rich Hartung
  9. This is the wheel cylinder numbers that you can look for during for adventures to swap meets and or ebay. This info was taken from my EIS and Lockheed brake catalog EW 10581 upper front right also fit chry 46-55, desoto 46-55, dodge 46-56 Ply 46-56 Dodge trk 49-56 use this on rear wheel casting number 504 EW 10583 lower front right same as above casing number 504 EW 10580 upper front left same as above casting number 505 EW 10582 lower front left same as above casting number 505 EW 10588 rear right chysler 46-55 desoto 46-55 dode 46-56 ply 46-56 casting number 506 EW 10588 left rear I have an IS brake catalog that has alot of detailed informaTION about these brake such as the internal parts, cups piston sping and outer cups. Let me know if you would like a copy I can send one to you. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  10. if you have the inner finders on the 39 Plymouth just like onmy 39 Desoto you can put onthe firewall. when you stge fuse block and you going to use the modern fuses that are in the plastic push blade style or the older style glass fuse'es? If using the newer style or modern then I would not think you would have any problems with water. Also remember that on your horn relay there is a glass fuses and this sits directly over the hood hinge and water can get intot he engine compartment via the hinge so I do not see any issue with a fuse box onthe firewall also easier to work onthe car and trace wires. rich Hartung
  11. It does not have to look pretty just be functional to stop the oil from leaking out the lid. Rich HArtung
  12. simple answer. Measure the outside diaterm and the inside diameter in the lid where the original gasket would have been in the groove. Go to napa and then see if they have a gasket witht he same demension or buy some cork rubber gasket material and then using a compass use the same measurements that you already have and cut out your own gasket and then make a couple more. I had to do this with the AC canister model that I have on my 39 Desoto and I do not have any problems. Rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com
  13. Andy B is still out in the flea markets. Last October I had a conversation with Andy while walking the Hershey fall event. Andy is still buying parts but I think they are for his specific projects. Yes, Andy could have been hard to deal with but he knew his stuff. He was trying to get Chris the new owner to keep puchasing NOS parts to keep up the inventory of the older parts. If you think Andy was difficult then you should have had dealing with Frank Mitchell. Rich Hartung
  14. if you do not use the mechanical fuel pump then you might not need the toggle switch because the electric pump has to run all the time to feed fuel to the carb. So I would think if you have the electric FP wired to the hot side of the ignition switch then the pump will start as soon as you turn the key to the right to start the car. I would also think that by turning to the right and then waiting 10-30 seconds then the carb would be primed and the car would start. I would think about having a switch so that if the car was hit in an accident there is a way that the electric pump would automatically shut off so that the fuel would not be running into the carb when the ignition is on. You need an automatic kill mechanism in case of an accident or the car flips over. Just thinking out of the box. This is why I like keeping the mechanical pump as the primary pump and the electric pump as a back up and or priming pump. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  15. rememner that you have positive ground on your car sothe positive wire on the pump willneed to be the actual ground wire and the negative wire ont he pump willbe your hot wire from you switch to turn onthe pump. I have one on y 39 desoto to act a primer pump when the car has sat for a long time. Good backup to the mechanical fuel pump. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  16. Todd you are correct on the AACA part about the engine numbers and vin on the car. The judges are not permitted to get into the engine compartment to verify the number of the engine and then ion the serial number. Basically they are looking to see if the car has the period correct equipment and that the car is driven onto the show field. So you could have a perfectly restored frame and body and interior work done and the engine could smoke and and nor run smoothly just so it looks correct. Not sure on the Chrysler Historical question since the museum has closed. I have seen cars with the incorrect engine number in them at Hershey. Rich Hartung
  17. After reading some of the replies I saw that someone posted about AGM Batteries. So i searched the web to get some more information and this is what I found for AGM Batteries: rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  18. This very same topic was recent discussed at the Annual AACA meeting in February in Philadelphia. One of the presenter who is an electrical engineer from Penn State University was leading the seminar. The issue is that as your battery is not getting charged everyday like it would in a normal daily driver it is best o get a trickle charger of even go to a Costco and i got a 6v charger that I leve hooked up to the car at all times. This prevents the plates inthe cells from falling aparts and the battery will last you approx 6 years an even longer. rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  19. If you have your original water pump it should have three threaded studs with a nut onthe end to pull the wp up tigh to the front of the block. On the newere gates model the shortes stud was replaced by a thread bolt becasue the newer model of water pump now have the thicker body and the newer replacement pumps will not permit you to use all three studs. i found this out the hard way and found a wp that had the 1/2 inch thnk body on the lower stud. call me and I will tell you in more detail about this issue. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com cell 484-431-8157 home 610-630-9188
  20. I checked my 1939 Desoto parts manual and they are listed as read shock absorber shiedl or stone deflector. right 697240 left 697241. My 39 desoto does not have them installed and I have had the car for 31 years. Learned something new today, see you can always leran more about own cars from this forum. Thanks for the pictures and the posting. Now If i judge a car and I see them on then I know that they were an original part to the car and not an add-on. rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  21. According to my wagner brake lining catalog the thickness is 3/16. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  22. Jipjobxx: After adjusting and using the Ammco Brake gage 1750 you still need to do a minor adjustment on the braskes. A minor brake adjustment is done by using the upper cam to lock the brake shoe against the drum. You need to do this for each individual shoe one at a time. After the drum is locked then backoff the cam so that the wheel has a slight drag on that shoe. then go to the back shoe on the drum and do the same. You will need to do this for all of the shoes. This sets the shoes up anlso press you brake pedal after doing each drum to get the shoe set. Let me know how this works for you. Do not put on a thicker linign that is not the issue correc the issue with this technique and get back to us on what happens. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  23. I have a factory Accesoory sheets on the 1939 Mopar radios and Antennas. I have acquired a book on the mopar 1938 and 1939 factory Bulletins and also factory Accessories. These three sheets have been copied and pasted for your information. I also have alot of 1939 Plymouth Dodge, desoto and Chrysler catalogs that have been scanned. Send me you email and I will send you the copies. The files are too large to post on the forum. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  24. I have a 39 Desoto and the 39 Ply, chrysler,Dodge and Desoto all use the same radio. The radio that you have posted pictures of is a non Mopar radio and is an aftermarket unit. Inyour dash there is a speaker grill of metal plate inthe middle of the dash . it should be chrome plates and there will be two holes and to vertical cover plates usualyy the plates are wood grained. The radio fits behind this sectiononthe dahs and there is also n attachment bar that bolts unto the base of the radio to hold in inplace. There were two styles of anttenas. One that mounted onthe drivers side of the cowel and was on an angle and Not Straight up and down they also had two mounting posts and holes inthe side of the metal cowl. The other style was under the runningboard and there wer two rods under each board to serve as the antenna. You will see in the instruction roadway and skyway. The shy way is the exterior antenna and the roadway is the under the running board antenna. I have the roadway radio and antenna on my 1939 Desoto and it came with the car and was factory installed. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
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