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Everything posted by desoto1939

  1. If you canget me the prefix lettering on the red tag on the dizzy body and the remaining numbers example IGS4102C is th eone on my 39 Desoto then i can lookinmy autolite catalog and tell which is the correct cap for your dizzy.


    Rich Hartung


  2. If you are having the engine rebuilt fromteh ground up then make sure they use a good break-in oil when they are first starting the car engine. When my engine was rebuilt i switch over to 10W40 oil and have run that for over 30 Years. Also the properties of the newer oil has chnaged and i feel for the better. If you wanted to add some syn blended oil that might help with the engine or maybe a qt of full synthtic oil. Just my $1.00 worth of input. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  3. As all of you might know Hershey will be coming on October 10-13. If you plan on attending this great event please take some time to stop by my vendor spot in the Orange field. I will be in Orange field row OAD 7&8. Stop by and say hello and take sometime to rest and talk mopar. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com cell 484-431-8157
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  4. I like that our experienced members have been reading my post on the situation with the amp gage. So I have read all of the posts and one of the members came up with the solution to the issue. My forst thought was that the regulator had some sticking points so I headed in that direction. The regulator is located on the driver side high on the cowl. I started to look at all of the connections and then noticed that the wire which is a 10 gauge wire that should, should be connected to the FIELD contact point was broken off and it looked as if the wire had gotten overloaded and had a burn mark onthe insulation and all the wires had been cut and the connection was lost to the regulator. I then used a brand new wire to connect the field connection onthe generator to the field contact onthe regulator. I then crossed my fingers hoping that there might not be any other issue. I started the car and then amp meter was now showing a charge and the needle was pointing at the 10-12 amp rnge becasue i had tried to drain the battery by just having th elights on for approx 20 minutes prior to making the new wire. So thanks to all that provided input to the issue. So yes check all of your connections ever so often and always check for the obvious point of loose connections or a broken wire. Hope this was a lesson that someone else might benefit from. Keep up this great forum for us mopar owners. i love reading the issues that other people are trying to slove and like it when they post how they solved the issue. This helps everyone learn more about their cars/trucks. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  5. I hope I get you to look at this just by the topic. So here is the situation on my 39 Desoto. i noticed the other day when driving home from an event the amp meter was not pointing to the charging side or positive side on the gage. When I hit the brakes the amp show discharge. Also note that the battery is 8 years old, yes 8 years old. over the weekend I tried to start the car but had a dead battery. Put in a new 6v battery and also charged up the battery on a 3 amp trickle charger. Started the car and it started real fast and strong but the amp still did not go to the positive side to show that it was charging the battery. I did find the issue why the amp gauge was not working but want to get the members to put on their thinking caps to see if they might have the answer to what happened. I did think it might be that the generator needed to be rebuilt since it is the original in the car from what I can tell since I have owned the car since 1987. Post you quesses and answers and then I will post how i fixed the issue and what the cause of the issue. After making the fix the char is now running and the amp gauge does go to positive when starting the car to indicate that it is charging the electrical system Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  6. Yes this is the under hood lamp that I was talking about. i have a NOS one in the original box like that is shown and a non working lamp becasue as you have stated that the mercury might have dried up/ Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  7. I would say that this type of mercury lamp would have to be install on the allegator style hood and not on the side opening or butterfly style hood. i have a factor mopar under hood lamp for my 39 Desoto that mounts onthe firewall and there isa rod that pushes the lamp down when the butterfly hood is closed. Rich Hartung
  8. I have gone to my local Dollar Tree store and in the automotive section they sell in a two pack a set of refelctive strips, one orange and the other the lime green. The nice part is that these are plactic coated and are flat and a made so that they can wrap around your arm or leg is you are a runner at night time. I just wrap these around my rear bumper and stagger the color from orgae then green then organge, etc. They are very bright at night and have a great reflective color. Also get a few since the two are only $1 and put them in all you cars and even give a xmas presents so that when a family member gets stuck onthe raod at night with a flat they can put these on there legs and arms and be seen by the other drivers. A couple of bucks might same a family members life. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  9. there isa a serial number on a flat boss on the side of the motor near the generator. This will have been stamped with letters and numbers There will be a suffix then numbers. so on my 1939 desoto the number starts with S6 which is the model for my 39 Desoto. So that ells me this morotor was built for my 39 Desoto and then there are the appropriate serial number. So look at the boss and then record the number and suffix and this will tell you if the correct engine for your car. The letters might start with a P3 or P4 rich hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  10. the eccentric cams can be replaced but the upper half moon I do not think can be replaced Rich HArtung
  11. a friend of mine has the record player in his 57 Desoto and it is factory. Rich Hartung
  12. I would look for NOS parts over the cheap new parts ask the seller if they are newly made or if they are old parts. If you can see a picture of the box they come in this will also help you determine if they are the good old american made parts and not the overseas parts. Rich Hartung
  13. Here are the wheel cylinder numbers for the 1946-49 D24: Front right U-EW10581 L-EW10583 Front Left U-EW10580 l- EW10582 U= upper L=Lower rear R EW10588 Rear L EW10588 This info was taken from my EIS brake catalog and this is the same number across all manufacturers of wheel cylinders. NOS is always better than the new chinese crap Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  14. when i replaced the trim beltline modling on my 39 Desoto They had used the metal clips. But as you can see the metal clips rust from the rain and then the cowl molding gets loos and then falls off. The person that painted my 39 told me to use plastic clips that had a tip with ripples and this would hold the modling tight against the body and the molding and the clip was very snug together. Plus this also eliminated the rusting issue and also the issue of when you pressed in the metal clip of chipping the paint where the clip was pressed into the body. Mine has been onthe car since 1996, 20 years. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  15. nice job that you are doing yourself. Looking at the last picture with the carbs on the plentum anhd sitting on the intake header manifold are you going to have enought room to have aircleaners ontop of the carbs and beable to close the hood or are you just going to leave the hood off the car. Just asking. You will have a butterfly hood that opens from the middle and folds upward correct? Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  16. There is a special factory mIller tool that is used to remove and install the hood springs. The C-875 tool is the correct tool. I have this tool. Rich Hartung
  17. You might want to Contact Max Merrit. He is a Packard dealer that I know can repair these sending units. Max is located in Indiana near Terre Haute. I have know Max for over 20+ years and he does great work. Also do a search on Atwater Kent. They are also making new sender units. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  18. I would suggest that you put on an electric fuel pump near the gas tank. Then have a toggle switch under the dash. Use this as a primer pump for the carb after the car has been sitting. I have had one on my 39 desoto for 10+ years and they work great.. Also remember that you are positive ground so the electric FP will have its positive wire going to the ground to the car and the negative wire on the Electric Fp will supply the power to the pump. Put the pump as far back as you can on the frame near the gas tnak. The electric Fp like to push fuel and NOT PULL FUEL. I have also been using hte new stabil 360 product in my gas tank since it is all metal. When the 360 stbil fixes with the gas it creates a vapor that coats the upper top and side of the tank to stop rust and mositure build up that then drops rust and particles down in the bottom of the tank and then get logged at the outlet line. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  19. So lets say you invested the $125000 as a full restoration. The next question is this really worth the investment, is the car a 4 door or two door or a convertble. So if a 4dr then you will never get your money out of the car convertible maybe and some for a 2 door. So now you put 125K into the car then you will be afraid to drive the car becasue you will get paint nicks and sand and dirt on the frame. The car will then either sit inthe garage and then be a trailer queen. So now you need an inclised trailer maybe 5-10K and then a truck with a V8 to pull the trailor and car So another $30-40K. and figure gas mileage will be low so the other gas costs. So now you have 125K + 5K + 30K total maybe of 160K for a 1950 Cornet. Really think about this proposal. Just get the car running in good mechanical condition and have alot of fun and then you do not have to worry about every little ding or dent or scratch when driving down the road. I see all the trailor queens at Hershey yes they are beautiful but they never are driven on the road on any tours. Might as well just have a picture hanging on your wall of your car. Just my 25cents worth. Rich Hartung
  20. I put a trickle charger on mine when i have the car in the garage and this keeps the battery up. I have attended the AACA annual meeting in Philadelphia and there has been several lectures about battery life and the recomendation is to have a slow trickle charger on the battery at all times and this willalso prolong the life of the battery and helps to stop the removal of the lead plates surface material. i have had a battery last 5-8 years while doing the recomended process and i do not remove my battery inthe winter time. Plese contact me and an I can explain in more detail. rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  21. This past Sunday i attended the Macungie,PA car show which that been running for approximately 50 years. Sunday is car club day and the local chapter of the national Desoto club has there annual meeting and we also gather together to show off the Desoto brand. the Blue Coupe that is seen in the background on the last photo is a 1938 Desoto I have posted several of the pictures that a local newspaper reporter took of several of our Desotos. This show is a 2 day event and hosts approximately 1100 cars on saturday and Sunday. A great day in the community park with entertainment and lots of crafts for the women and a great day for the family with children. The show is held every August and is also known as the Das Awskt Fest or the August festival. This isa pre-registration car show so no day of show registration. If you are ever in the area around Allentown PA come to the show. Next Years feature cars will be Chrysler's and the main tent will be showing Chrysler's, Desoto, Dodge and Plymouth and Dodge trucks should be a very interesting show next year. If anyone wants registration information I can send them the info Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  22. Belveder: Yes I understood your posting but just wanted to add some pictures of the correct pullers and the 5 hole puller so other members could see what is the correct pullers that were used. Not saying that the puller that you used was incorrect but it was not made to pull tapered axle drums. rich Hartung
  23. I have a 39 Desoto so the two inner fender shields on the driver side woud have to be modified to support the battery also on this side of the car is the headlight junction box and that would also have to be rerouted. i have had my 39 desoto for over 30 years with the battery under the front seat and the battery is located directly under the drivers side of the car. i not had any issues with the battery being in its original location. The only thing that I suggest is that you have the battery box lid on top of the battery to prevent the seat springs from making contact with the two posts so toprevent the shorting og the electrical system. If it has worked for my car which is almost 80 years why move the battery? Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  24. Yes this will work but the regular three arm drum puller is better suited to do the job becasue of the amount of force that you are putting on the dogbone and also the center screw to pull the drum from a tapered axle. The best type of rear drum puller is one that has all five holes so that you can pull directly with even force on all five lug bolts or lug nuts. The Chryslers and desoto would also require to have the slot for the mounting pin becasue they used bolts and not studs. The one on the left is the three arm puller that does not puller evenly on the drum becasue of the use of three arms. i have seen users put on a 4th arm to get more even pressure. The one on the right has the five lug holes and if you notice the slot that is at the 12 oclcock position is used for the mounting studs that was cast into the drum for the Chrysler and desoto cars. I have both of these and with the one on the right I have never had a drum that I coud not remove. This one is very similar to the Miller factory tool that the dealers had in there repair shops. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  25. the top FP would be an AC588 fuel pump that was used from at least 1939. Notice this is not a dual action pump. the dual action pump would have a line opening to supply vacuum to your vacuum wiper motor if the vacuum did not come of the vacuum advance line. I have the same first pump on my 1939 Desoto so that is why i state at least 1939 and up. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
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