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Everything posted by desoto1939

  1. you stated that you do not have wipers working. You have an electric wiper motor under the dash it is an autolite wiper motor that was used on 1939 Chrysler dodge and desoto. The 39 Plymouth stillused the old vacuum wiper motor. Make use the 3 wires are connected to the motor they are labeled as A, B and C and they run back to the wiper switch which is also marked withbullet connector as a, b and c and then there isa wire to supply power to the switch. pull the knob a couple of time to clean the contacts inside the switch then turn the ignition key switch tot he on position and then pullthe wiper knob the wipers should work. If not then might have to have it serviced at a good electric motor repair shop. The wiper arms that you have are the original Autolite wiper arms there is specific right and left because of the bends in the arm. These are very hard to find so take good care of the arms they are stainless steel you have a 10 inches wiper blade and the connection that is used is called on the blade a deadlock blade because of havw they attach to the blade. These wiper bladed are not cheap they run around 35-50 dollars for a set when you see them listed on ebay. I would get a set and have extras for future use. Some people change out the arms to a universal arm so that you can put on a direct blade that is cheaper when you find them at swap meets. Call me and I will tell you more about your car since if the 39 Desoto which is the sister car to your 39 Dodge. Rich Hartung cell 484-431-8157
  2. There isa better process now instead of resilvering there isa guy that uses a modern plating system that is used on operating room light and it is a special coating that will never dull. The reflectors need to be nickel plated and polished and then he will coat them for $75 and they never dull and are bright like a modern headlight. contact Bill at uvirainc@gmail.com This is the company that I talking about from above here is the information on the process directly from Bill. Headlights 2 (3).pdfHeadlights 2 (3).pdf Rich Hartung
  3. my first question to ask you is do you have a car manual for your car that handles the repair of your specific model? Most of these factory manuals did have a wiring diagram included in the manual. This would provide you with how the car was originally wired and then you might know some of the answers to your questions. I am not trying to be smart about replying back to you but the service manual is th basic manual that every owner should have in their personal libray to support your car or truck. I would think that the single taillight wire would then feed back to a connector in the truck area and then would feed both right and left taillights. The manual would show this information. rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  4. The zerk fitting a cheap to purchase. Get new ones and then you do not have to spend the time trying to cleanout old hardened grease. Just unscew the old one screw in the new ones and then use your grease gun with the new grease to lube each part. rich hartung
  5. if the shoes are the correct shoes and lining then it will not matter.
  6. Did you use the old original push pins for each cylinder or did you use the new pins. The new pins seem to be longer and have caused some issues with braking so the pin might be pushing out the shoe lining and not permitting it ti have room for the drum to spin. Just a thought rich Hartung
  7. I am sorry to say that this truck has been sold. There was a sold sign on the truck a couple of weeks ago and the truck is gone. Rich Hartung
  8. Sorry to hear the bad news will miss reading the posts of Bob's travels with cooper with his car in up state New York, may you rest in peace and condolences to his family. Rich Hartung
  9. It is not just a drop in type of installation. remember that you now have an additional 2 inches of cast iron motor to deal with. Weighout all of th emodifications that you have to do before taking the plunge. And contact Don prior to making the chnage. Rich Hartung
  10. John:  Look at the bottom of the knob to see if there is a small slot on the end at the base. If there is a slot then the knob is held onto the end of the shaft to the switch by a flat spring washer.  So you willneed a set of jewerls screw drivers inster the end of the blade into the slot and you with then push on the  end of the spring that willthen release the tension and you then canpull the knob off the shaft.  Ths is how they are on my 39 Desoto so this might be the same with your car.


    Let know if this works.


    Rich Hartung


    1. John Reddie

      John Reddie

      Hi Rich,

       I am not sure which posts or knobs you are referring to.  I did post a suggestion to one of the participants here that was asking how to remove dash knobs from his 1935 Plymouth. I told him that Wayne Brandon (aka Plymouth Doctor) may be able to help him where deals with these cars. Back in 1953, my first car was a '35 Plymouth rumble seat coupe but I never tried to remove the knobs. Thank you anyway for your response.

      John R

  11. Yes the plastic is cheap but they do come with a posible issue. Since you might be putting this inline just before the carb There is always a possibility that the plastic could and I say could and it has happened inwhich the heat from the manifold could melt the plastic and then the gas would leak onto the manifold and then you would have a fire. I would recommend that you get a metal housing with the glas bowel and then put this inline just before the carb you can find these on ebay. There wasa fire that completly destoied a car becsue the plastic filter melted and the engine comparment caught on fire. Spend the extra few dollars for the safety aspect. You could also put a fram full metal cansiter filter just before the carb but you would not see any build up of sedement. Here isa picture of what i use onmy 39 desoto and is on ebay for sale: for $26 which includes the shipping; Listed under ORIGINAL NEW AC GLASS BOWL FUEL FILTER ASSEMBLY- USES GF124 FILTER 5/16" rich Hartung Desoto1939@aolo.com
  12. Gary: You need to get a service manual on the 39 Dodge inthe manual there are wiring diagrams for the entire car and this would show you where the wires connect. rich hartung
  13. check on ebay or start to contact some of the Mopar sellers like Roberts berbaum or maybe someone inthe forum has one. rich HArtung
  14. Dennis there is a reproduction 1937-39 All Steel gas tank on ebay for $299 plus shipping and from what I can tell it is spot on and this is a great price for a repro tank NOS one are over the top. Call me 484-431-8157 about the Ply Gas Guage service bulliten that I have. rich
  15. Dennis. This is rich Hartung I sent you a PM about the gas gage. How did you calibrate the fuel gage. Did you use the service manual to calibrate it correctly? rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com cell 484-431-8157 home 610-630-9188
  16. Yes it is your car to do what ever you want to modify the car. So when someone else is putting in the extra money other that you then they have a say as to what can be done so do what you want and enjoy the time that you have with your dad driving route 66. I drove part of route 66 in Az and went thry kingman and saligman. Rich Hartung
  17. Here are pictures of the Miller Mopar tools to remove and install the pilot bushing. I have both of these tools. rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com
  18. I know this topic of radials used onthe older cars has been discussed many times over. But according to the AACA the reason why they do not permit radials on cars that did not come standard with them is becasue the frame geomoetry and the suspension that were on our older cars is not setup correctly to handle in a safe manner the rolling and corning characteristics of the raial tires eventhought some people promote the safety aspect. i have had the Goodyear Bia Ply all weather 600X16 tires onmy 39 desoto and I just changed to the same tires becsue I was down to3/32 tread and I used the same tire again and I got over 22 years out of a set of these tires. I feel that since I like to travel around 50 MPH whe driving the car I am not worried about the performance aspect but jsut the pleaseure of driving the older car and the experience. If this was a daily driver then i might have put onthe radials but it is designed for plesure driving and tours and going to car events. everyone seems to be in a big hurry to go places with these older cars and want to do 60-70 mph. If you plan on going at those speeds then suggest that you convert to full disk brakes and a small block engine in the car and then you now have a hotrod and not an antique car. The body is the same but the car has been changed to a hotrod. so you can not have both and be an antique car just my opinion. Rich Hartung
  19. I checked on ebay there are acouple of oil seals: 1934 1935 Plymouth Dodge Chrysler deSoto NOS Axle Oil Seal OEM MoPaR #891439 So you state that the outer seals are shreding apart. This seal bolts to theouter endge of the backing plate. Did you soak the leather oil seal in any oil to soften the leather. for the leather to shred the axle would have to be moving to touch the leather. Also sounds as if the previous owner put too much grease or oil in the drive shaft. there are two bolts on the inside of the alxle that permit you to lube the inner bearing Do NOT Do not use a lub gun the proper way is to remove the two bolts then puch with you finger the greae into the hole and over filing the differential will puch the oil out the end of the axle shaft. Call me I live in Valley forge so can provide you with more information. Below is a picrue of the correct outer oil seal. Also there is an inner oil sealthat goes behind this seal to also help prevent oil leakage. I think I have those inner seal in my parts. contact Rich D e s o t o1939@aol.com cell 484-431-8157
  20. Todd I am wonder if the owner might have put on the 1936 and up rear outer oil seal instead of the 35 oil seal. They are a different number per my national and victor gasket information. Hopefully the owner will let us know the number of the oil seal that he used. Rich Hartung
  21. Can you provide me with the appropriate 1935 Plymouth number from your parts book. I can then look up the Victor and or National Oil seal number that would be the correct number. This is Rich Hartung and I live near Valley Forge Pa near Audubon PA. Also will you be going to the PA historical car show this sunday at the Del County Community College.? email desoto1939@aol.com cell 484-431-8157
  22. do not remove the venturi tube that is installed inthe carb body. You willneed the Carter special tool to do this and the tube is very thin brass. Suggest that you either get an egg carton or a plastic medicine drung holder that has the compartments for each day of the week. When taking the carb apart put each part into a seperate section so that you can then reaasemble inthe reverse order. This is really important when taking the two small balls out of the body becasue they are different is size and if you put them in inthe incorrect order the carb will not work. If you can get a carter specific kit for your carb they have the instruction sheet inthe carb box. Let me know which carb you have the number is stampped onthe flange such as ENC3. Rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com
  23. Don: I have my antique car insurance with Grundy here in PA. You might want to read your policy because some carriers will only permit family members to drive your antique car or truck and then they must also be 25 or older to be covered and for your vehicle to be covered under the policy. Do not want anything to happened to the car and then find out you lost the coverage. EVERYONE SHOULD CONTACT THEIR CARRIER TO VERIFY WHO AND AT WHAT AGE SOMEONE CAN DRIVE THEIR ANTIQUE CAR OR TRUCK. RICH HARTUNG DESOTO1939@AOL.COM
  24. I will be headed for Hershey Pa on Wednesday morning. If you do make it to Hershey this week and if you need to rest your feet or just need a place to stop and talk MoPar i will be at sites OAD7 & 8. That is the Orange field row AD site 7 and 8. Also looks like we might be getting some rain so bring your umbrella and also rain gear this year. Hershey starts on Wed 10/10/18 and ends on 10/13, but on saturday is the main car show so most of the vendors have pulled out by Saturday morning since most of the people go to the car show. If you have something that you want to sell you can put it on my table but it must have a price tag on it. My cell number is 484-431-8157 Rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com
  25. The 6v electric fuel pumps are very common and are listed on ebay all the time and the run around 40-50 dollars. The best backup insurance for any antique car or truck owner that has a driver car and not a show car. AACA permits the use of electric fuel pumps on cars up to 1948 so long as they are done in a professional manner and are not in plan view of the judge so they should be installed on the frame member near the gas tank. These pumps are setup to push the gas and not pull the gas like the mechanical FP that is on the engine block. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
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