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Everything posted by DJK

  1. Back in 2011 my SIL's 1959 John Deere 830 was completely submerged in a flood. Took me 2 months of draining and flushing to get things cleared up. Got the 4 cylinder pony engine running could not get the diesel engine to fire. Went over to the neighbors and borrowed his starting fluid, one short squirt while cranking fired right up, been starting fine ever sense.
  2. Just went out and looked at mine, the hole above the angled fitting goes to the oil gauge, the angled fitting goes to the bottom of the filter. Either way, sounds like the pump needs to be packed with vasoline to properly prime it.
  3. Not sure why the filter cavity should drain, I can remove both lines and no oil comes out due to the tube that is in the center of the assembly which goes to the top.
  4. I would also fill the oil filter cavity. While freeing up valves on a donor engine and turning it over by hand, after a few revolutions, oil would come out the oil tube that goes to the gauge. Engine had been sitting for many years.
  5. In 2015 I removed a battery from a brand new Titan that failed Nissan pre delivery test, charged it over night at 2 amps, re-tested, passed, been in my 2010 Altima no issues.
  6. Love my heated garage, just need some ambition!!!
  7. 153624 clockwise
  8. Might want to google proper break in procedure, very important for longevity with proper procedure and heat cycles.
  9. I have logged 10,000 miles since putting my 52 Cranbrook on the road 3 yrs. ago. Two times stranded due to no spark concern. First time was due to the small screw on the points backing out, second time( a year later), the small wire within the dist. shorted to ground. The best defense is preventative maintenance although I carry a small well equipped tool box in the trunk. Coil, pts., cond., wire w/ alligator clips ,electrical tape, hose clamps, flashlite, assortment of tools.
  10. I use 3M weather trim cement (8001) to secure gaskets in place, RTV is too slippery.
  11. Thank you Sniper, great info.
  12. Looks like there is no moly grease on the input hub for the t/o brg. to slide easily on.
  13. I use the Milton 476 valve stem(from local auto parts store)with the chrome valve stem cover (W129) from Andy Bernbaum.
  14. Possible a tiny exhaust leak on the top of the muffler or pipe directed at the floor pan super heating the affected area????
  15. I love oil debates!!!!!
  16. Did you check your pts. setting with a dwell meter? Are the small wires w/in the dist. frayed and shorting to ground?
  17. As a 45 year Nissan Technician I replaced a lot of head gaskets over the years. On the head gasket package it stated "do not use all sorts of liquid packing on gasket"!!! I sprayed both sides of the gasket with copper coat, never an issue. They were cast iron blocks with aluminum heads for the most part.
  18. Thanks for sharing the great pictures and adventure. In the 3 yrs. I have owned my Cranbrook, it has accumulated 10K miles.
  19. The alternator is only going to charge what the system requires, like Sniper said, unless you add something that requires more current draw, it will be able to keep up with the demand.
  20. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the 6v flasher is only capable of operating so many bulbs at one time???!!!!
  21. NO NO and NO!!!!!!
  22. Sounds about right.
  23. I have the green indicator on the speedo, but I do forget at times!!!!
  24. Sam, I removed my self cancelling switch and installed the Signal Stat 900 mainly for the 4 way function. I have my wife to tell me my turn signals are still on!!!!
  25. I find it easier to do a google search which many times will bring you to this site as opposed to using the sites search function, but I am electronically challenged!!!!
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