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Everything posted by Sniper

  1. Last eclipse we had, couple of months ago, I showed a friend (23) that trick, she had no idea.
  2. Yeah, the stock exhaust is a cork. So are the stock valve guides. Anything else done without addressing them is less than optimal.
  3. https://www.vintageautotools.com/tools-carburetor-gm-all-divisions.html scroll down, or search T109-70 on the page. $10.
  4. Ford as used a can that looks a lot like something you'd find juice in. Might be cheap to buy some juice and use that can to make a reservoir.
  5. That tends to back up what Ken was saying. I think you'll be ok, but a close comparison of the old vs new before installation would cinch it. Use a square to measure the two, distance from mounting face and height from the same bolt hole?
  6. I don't have a Desoto parts catalog, but here's my thinking. The fuel pump is driven off a lobe on the cam. So if they use the same cam there should not be an issue?
  7. Yep, you don't realize the amount of light pollution there is until you get somewhere there is none.
  8. I imagine Alaska might have some places like that. But closest I ever got to that was cruising along the Aleutians and down the Alaska coast to Seattle. There are some fairly remote spots in west Texas, but even then you can't really see the full glory of the night sky like you can when you are so remote that there is no other civilization with in hundreds of miles.
  9. Not too many places in the states that remote.
  10. Go hundreds of miles out to sea. You realize why they call it the Milky Way.
  11. AHHHHHHHHH lol
  12. Those Silverados use M14-1.50 thread studs, that's larger than 1/2-20. And the 90 mentioned was a minimum spec, there are also maximum specs. As for using an impact, great, till you are the sad sack on the side of the road trying to change a flat.
  13. Bolts need a specific amount of torque to properly fasten, that amount hasn't changed and the rim is designed to handle it. For a grade 8, 1/2-20 bolt that number is 90 ft/lbs. Always has been, always will be.
  14. Same here, I recently helped my son flush his brakes and when we were done I torqued all the lug bolts then handed him the wrench and told him to do the same. He asked me why since I had just done them and I told him, sometimes you miss one and you don't want your rims coming off.
  15. Same sources as any other parts really. French Lake auto, Desert Valley, etc. If you feel real lucky you can try www.car-part.com. It's an online junkyard search engine. Well dang, they show two sources for the fender.
  16. Not really, just that seeing it during the "day" courtesy of the eclipse is fairly unique.
  17. The last eclipse we had, I was in the middle of. Doing the same thing I did then, whatever, not planning on doing much, if any observing. Seen one, seen them all and I saw my first in middle school. The only even moderately interesting things is that there is also a comet and you might be able to see it during the eclipse, maybe even it's tail, if the stars align, pardon the pun.
  18. https://www.fluke.com/en-us/learn/blog/automotive/electrical-automotive-troubleshooting
  19. There might be a radiator shop near you than can clean and test it.
  20. I don't like more than .1-.2v drop, especially on a 6v system.
  21. No idea, service manual doesn't say and the parts manual only shows a standard and heavy duty option, no rates given.
  22. Dude, you need to proof read. There is no 260 magnum engine. Do you mean the 360? If it's a magnum Dodge called it a 5.9 Magnum, not a 360. Damned metric system.
  23. Err, denatured alcohol, at least these days, usually has "wood" alcohol in it (methanol). Back during Prohibition, same time frame, the use of methanol to make denatured alcohol was mandated by US law. These days, there are other options used, so check if you are going this route.
  24. Or flush it with a hose to make sure you get it all. The paint issue isn't what's called corrosion and most definitely was not what I was talking about.
  25. For $43 I bought this. It does everything you need it to do for automotive electrical work. Including dwell and tach, How cheap do you want to get? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0002LZU7K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
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