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ggdad1951 last won the day on January 14

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About ggdad1951

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Oak Grove, MN
  • Interests
    woodworking, playing hockey, skydiving, landscaping, college hockey (GOPHERS), Vikings, Dodge trucks!
  • My Project Cars
    1951 B3D "FEF", 1948-NOW Street rod truck "TODD", 1951 COE "PUMA", 1953 1.5 ton tip bed "ART", 1951 1 ton flat bed "PARTS"

Contact Methods

  • Biography
    restored great grand dad's 1951 1 ton (FEF) now onto TODD!
  • Occupation
    Engineering Manager/Mechanical Engineer


  • Location
    Eagan MN
  • Interests
    wood working, landscaping, skydiving

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  1. Old ones off epay from a few years ago...just chromed not stainless. The ad said stainless, so i jumped on them. But they are in excellent condition so have them stripped and replated is the plan.
  2. Today was trimming of the grill bars.
  3. Well, the perfectionist in me remade the driver side. You can see the "production" pieces on the table and the prototype off to the side.
  4. DCM sells proper repops last I knew
  5. get that drill out!
  6. I've seen so many and heard of so many people like that....looking for that last dollar and then when they are gone the kids don't care and just get scrappers....and then they are gone forever. Sounds a lot like a song we all know by Neil Young..... As for the value...yah it's tough...a good survivor is worth it if you can swing it....save the money on the paint/body work and think of it that way? Try to find a parts book maybe and you might see what what standard for what and such (ornament might not have been part of the build). I know next to nothing about the C series so that's my best advice. I don't know if Eric Bannerman's decoder tool works for C series trucks or not.
  7. what's sad is he's a multi millionaire and looking to make a few grand vs. finding these vehicles a new home before he passes along. Likely if not sold they all will be crushed as it seems his kids don't care to do the work.
  8. I'm bummed I won't get to see this work of art in person
  9. Yah if rabbiting the outside edge is a solution, we won't tell anyone and no one will know the difference except those you tell.
  10. When I built FEF, I sent QR my back panel as a template for these. Before they were making them in 3 pieces and weren't correct. They aren't hard to install at all. Just gotta get the lip started and work it around.
  11. Now you are thinking like a Minnesotan!
  12. Its just to remind ya all of what real cold is.
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