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How far did you drive it???

Round trip miles driven in your car  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. Round trip miles driven in your car

    • 100 miles
    • 101 to 300 miles
    • 301 to 500 miles
    • 501 to 1000 miles
    • 1001 to 3000 miles
    • 3001 + miles
    • to the end of the driveway

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Thought you knew that he who drives his car the most before he dies......wins:cool:

Greg went to all the trouble of giving you a special (end of driveway and back to the garage) catagory in this poll. Least you can do is vote.

Don, I gave up racing when the kids were born. I win just by enjoying the coupe for my use when I want.:D

Greg's end of the driveway is the wrong category in my case.:P

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I voted in Norms intended column..I have the 54 licensed and insured but right side is bare metal for the present..so the only trip it has made of late has been from the side door of the shop to the end door to put on the lift and also two trip to the back yard for sandblasting...as I did not leave the property I felt this was the appropriate section for my vote.


Well Don and all guess you'll have to do the counting. The furtherest I've driven my coupe is to the Waukesha WI County Fairgrounds. If you use 60th & Bradley Road in Milwaukee as a starting point maybe your GPS or Map Quest will tell you how far that is.:D I don't keep track.

Well Don and all guess you'll have to do the counting. The furtherest I've driven my coupe is to the Waukesha WI County Fairgrounds. If you use 60th & Bradley Road in Milwaukee as a starting point maybe your GPS or Map Quest will tell you how far that is.:D I don't keep track.

http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=&time=&date=&ttype=&saddr=Waukesha+County+Fairgrounds' date='+WI&daddr=60th+%26+Bradley+Road,+Milwaukee,+WI&sll=43.16309,-87.98481&sspn=0.007654,0.018132&ie=UTF8&z=11&om=1[/url']

Looks like about 50 miles round trip.


Hmmmmm...........are you guys having trouble finding the Waukesha County Fairgrounds with your GPS and Map Quest?:D Guess it's time to dig out those good old fashioned paper maps.

Although I didn't keep track of the mileage between my place and there, it's more than one mile but less than 100.


I guess Google has better maps than Map Quest. However, it's still not the way I got there and back. There is a much nicer way to go you probably won't see on a GPS or Google, etc. All you really need to do is go straight on Good Hope Road to Hwy 164 and turn left, then turn right on Northview to the Fairgrounds. Very little traffic that way, nicer scenery and the speed limit is between 35 to 55 MPH all the way. It's also likely to get you there quicker my way. If there is an accident on the freeway that shuts it down, you could sit for an hour or more before you get to a ramp to get off.

Guest 57plymouth

Does it count if I made it 600 miles before the truck died on the way to Tulsa?

Yea, just hang a left before the airport. whats the big deal?????

Actually Greg, he'd be hanging a right just after the airport. Northview runs along the south side of the Waukesha Airport (AKA Crites Field). The Waukesha County Fairgrounds resides on the Southwest corner of the airport.


I guess Google has better maps than Map Quest. However' date=' it's still not the way I got there and back. There is a much nicer way to go you probably won't see on a GPS or Google, etc. All you really need to do is go straight on Good Hope Road to Hwy 164 and turn left, then turn right on Northview to the Fairgrounds. Very little traffic that way, nicer scenery and the speed limit is between 35 to 55 MPH all the way. It's also likely to get you there quicker my way. If there is an accident on the freeway that shuts it down, you could sit for an hour or more before you get to a ramp to get off.[/quote']

One nice thing about Google maps is you can drag the blue route line onto roads you want to drive on and it will recalculate:


I have started to use Google to plot out routes then paste the resulting graphics into the instructions I hand out at the beginning of car tours. This is quicker and easier than my old way of photocopying parts of AAA city and county maps then using a marker to highlight the route.

In any case you want to use local knowledge and/or scouting trips to verify the route is a good one for old cars before deciding the exact route. For the tour from the SF Bay Area to Santa Maria last spring I made three weekend driving trips to verify roads the whole way down before fixing the route.

And to decide what roads to look at in the scouting trip I find it a lot easier to use AAA region or county maps. You can see the secondary roads over a wide area. On the mapping web sites you either see the big picture with primary roads only or little details. Neither of those help me much in dreaming up a good tour route.

Yea, just hang a left before the airport. whats the big deal?????

Uhhhh.......Greg, that's hang a right after the airport. If I turn before the airport, I'd never get to the fairgrounds.:)

Tod, even the Google map isn't up to date though for directions from and to the points I mentioned. About 2 or 3 years ago a new freeway ramp was put in for the freeway I 45 at Bradley Road. So, if you start at 60th and Bradley as I mentioned, it's closer and faster to go straight out Bradley Road to get onto the freeway instead of Good Hope like Google and Map Quest said.

It's also like our recent trip to Branson, MO. I don't use the internet maps but my wife seems to think they are good. At any rate she ran driving instructions off from one of them. It had us taking the bypass around St. Louis instead of going straight through the city. That's the long way around, so I just went straight though the city going down. Coming home to prove my point to her I took the bypass (long way around) St. Louis. I think that route added about an hour to the trip home. Wife kept asking when are we going to hit Illinois. Said she thought we'd never get out of St. Louis.


We made a 6336 mile trip in 2005, including Grand Canyon, Kanab, Utah (Best Friends animal sanctuary), Boulder Dam, Death Valley, Los Angeles (rush hour traffic without signal lights was lots of fun), San Diego and up through Colorado to Nebraska and home to Arkansas. Visited many other places including borrowing a generator from a man in Blythe, California.

After I vote in a poll on the Forum, I can no longer view who has voted, but I can before I vote. How can I view who has voted after I vote?

Does it count if I made it 600 miles before the truck died on the way to Tulsa?


Greg, I wish you had named the poll differently. Every time I see the title of this thread I think we're back to that P15 back seat thread.


Charlotte, NC to Las Vegas and back, just over 5000 miles round trip.









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