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Where The Purrr Comes From

greg g

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According to Plymouthy, the mfgrs' put smoke in the wires, if you getting the wires too hot releases that smoke as a warning AND they put the purr in the speedometer cable. It can be heard at different speeds in different cars and rushes out when the cable is broken or disconnected. ACCORDING TO PHYMOUTHY!

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That would be a floor mop if I caught it on my car hood.

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Car covers+cat/cats = Cat bed/oversize scratching  post!  :o



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According to Plymouthy, the mfgrs' put smoke in the wires, if you getting the wires too hot releases that smoke as a warning AND they put the purr in the speedometer cable. It can be heard at different speeds in different cars and rushes out when the cable is broken or disconnected. ACCORDING TO PHYMOUTHY!


So that's the secret! ;)

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Seems like my two shop cats love laying on the roof of my 38 Ford Standard tudor humpback more than anyplace else.


Seeing as how I know for a fact they caught and ate a 3+ foot long cottonmouth moccasin that somehow got into my shop,and killed another one about 8 inches long and left him for me to step on for their amusement,they are free to lay anyplace they want.


They don't much care what I think anyhow. The tom cat moved in one day when I had the entrance door propped open while I was working on my 57 Ford tractor outside the door,and he refused to leave. Even after I opened both 14x14 foot garage doors and left them open all day. He didn't even go out to get a drink of water. The female cat tore a hole in the screen in my screen door (I have two 7 feet wide x4 feet high screen doors I slide in the garage door track and then lower the door on them so fresh air gets in the shop but mosquitoes,mice,biting flies,and snakes can't) so she could be in there with the tom. It only took me about 6 months for the tom to allow me to touch him,but it took about 5 years before the female even allowed me within 10 feet of her.


Now the tom wants to jump on my back when I'm leaning over under a hood so he can look over my shoulder to supervise. It's hard to get him to leave me alone.


Cats are strange critters.

Edited by knuckleharley
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According to Plymouthy, the mfgrs' put smoke in the wires, if you getting the wires too hot releases that smoke as a warning

It's the smoke that operates everything. Once you let the smoke out,nothing works anymore.

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Some of the strays are the best cats in my experience. House only cats-a total waste~! ^_^

If they won't work for some their food and be of help, who needs them.

Best cat I ever had and was a big red tomcat stray who stayed outside or came inside to sleep in my garage thru the doggie door with my german shepard dog (they became pals)  He loved attention but if I was busy or not into giving attention, he didn't care.

Scratching posts were the bottom 3 ft. of my front yard trees, nothing else,  he's been gone now for 1 1/2 yrs. but my trees still show that he was there! If he was sitting on my lap purring and needling still no feel of his Big claws. :)



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