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Brent B3B

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Brent B3B last won the day on February 26

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About Brent B3B

  • Birthday December 15

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Beavercreek, Oregon
  • Interests
    Julie, a couple trucks I have, hobby farming, fishing
  • My Project Cars
    51 B3B, my first vehicle (George)
    52 B3B ** Sold**
    52 B3HH (Rob)
    53 B4D (Sprite)
    51 B3D chassis, bought for the horn ring
    53 B4GA (Buck)
    51 B3GA (Jimbob)

Contact Methods

  • Yahoo
  • Biography
    Born in Iowa, raised in Oregon
  • Occupation


  • Location
    Beavercreek Oregon
  • Interests

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  1. I vote Just live with it 😊 Looks great Brad!
  2. Sorry outfxd, mine didn’t measure up. thought I had a pulley from a 218 but, I can’t locate it and the one from a 230 isn’t the right size for you.
  3. Holy cow, might be in jail! lol, what kinda operation are you Washingtonians running up there! If someone else doesn’t jump in I will measure the pulley I have tomorrow (no promises) as for the motor mount it’s probably not the same as what the trucks use. and next time let’s look for the ankle bracelets before we outsource our work 😂
  4. ATA boy Brad! I see a road trip in your near future! What better way to work the bugs out 😁
  5. Brad, that tape isn’t going to hold…. 😁
  6. What did you find?
  7. lol, I don’t know… I have heard you miss one of the bbq’s and we snub you! 😂
  8. Air BnB for BnJ is booked! 😁 Looking forward to hanging out and seeing how JT will “camp out” this year lol
  9. Not restored by any means but, I recently picked up a MF35 Boy, I really need to treat the roof moss on my chicken coop 😂
  10. the parts book to me make it look like the “F” is the same as a “FS”
  11. yes, as a matter of fact I would….. next time you’re in my area give me a shout 😁
  12. Nice truck I agree with Dodgeb4ya about the booster for these trucks being enough but, I did see that https://www.rustyhope.com says they have a disc brake option for the 1-1/2 and 2ton trucks. My B3GA had a funky booster on it and I took the Midland off my B4GA and use it in the B3GA…I have been happy. Either way…. Keep on truckin 😊
  13. I agree with Dave, I made mine out of scrap pipe
  14. the first truck i ever owned (still have) i named "George", my 2ton truck i named "Rob" (after Dodgeb4ya 🙂) I picked up a 1.5ton from a forum member who handle is "Jimbob" (so that's what i call it.) i picked up another 1.5ton from Craig's List for $1.00 so i call it "Buck" lastly Young Ed tried to name my one ton Sprite at 2019 BTT50's weekend but, it really never took so, i just call it "the flatbed" (but, i still have the magnet you made for it Ed 😀) my 94 we call "the Ram" and the 2004 we call it "the 3500"
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