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Young Ed

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Young Ed last won the day on December 12

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  • Biography
    Have a wife and 2 sons a daughter and 4 old mopars. What more can anyone ask for?

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Mounds View MN
  • My Project Cars
    40 Plymouth PT105 1/2ton, 46 Dodge WC 1/2 ton, 47 WC 1/2ton, 48 Plymouth club coupe, 64 Belvedere station wagon


  • Location
    Minneapolis MN: 46 dodge 1/2 ton,48 & 51 ply club coupes
  • Interests
    old cars

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  1. Sounds like you have the lock clocked wrong in the latch.
  2. Maybe post some tractor content in the off topic area. I've got this one waiting in the wings but it might squeak by enough to be in the truck forum
  3. Small dead blow hammer? Nut driver you can push with your whole hand? Wooden dowel to push to tap?
  4. I also saw where someone melted the goo out of the back of the Mopar unit and used it to hide the GM one.
  5. Another thought to consider is to pull the timing chain. Then you can turn the crank and cam separately and see what's going on
  6. The interesting thought to me is the 39 trucks don't. So were there so many complaints that it was brought back?
  7. The 41-47 trucks certainly have a hole in the grill for the hand crank
  8. I recently watched a video on YouTube where they were interviewing the former owner of that seized Tucker
  9. This has been in the works for a few years. I do think it's ridiculous that they are going down to this level. eBay had an email out about it a few weeks ago where you could email your representative to complain
  10. I like to hang car grills and dashes on my walls. My shop currently has a 47 Dodge truck dash, a P15 dash l, and a 94 Dakota grill. Along with lots of signs and random hubcaps.
  11. Get the engine turning over. No point in worrying about the cooling system yet. If you can't get it to turn the cooling system stuff would just be a waste of time and effort
  12. I did mine by pulling the two lower core plugs and then using a pressure washer behind the water pump. Lot of gunk came out. My alley looked like someone spilt a chili pot
  13. That motor looks right to me. The C or S for deluxe or special wasn't on the engine
  14. The good part of the overdrive is it lowers your final ratio for a higher top speed without sacrificing any acceleration. I would certainly grab it and inspect it. If the rebuilding just comes in for the 3 speed stuff vs the OD area I would think that would lower the price of parts.
  15. What about a wipe or spray on clear?
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