First, I guess I opened a can of worms. I derived my figures from the Service reference book Vol. # 1 No. #11 Dated 1948 page 4 Gas Consumption on the Highway Its based on Flat Head Gas Consumption. Second, If everyone feels safer going with the flow of traffic - fine. I drive in the right lane doing the limit.
Lastly, I very rarely watch Fox News, and don't believe 90% of what they are pushing. Anyway if you go to the Imperial website go to Imperials by year, then go to Service Reference Booklets, then to 1948, then to Fuel Economy through Planed driving, then to page four. One can see how speeds over the 2000 rpm level begin to consume much more gas than is needed to get somewhere if one were to actually slow down and do the limit, like old geezer's like myself.
Happy New Year everyone on the Forum including the young whipper snappers.