Well said. I pride myself in the skills I use to keep my 1948 stock.
It is always important to hand down those skills to youngsters also.
I have taught my son (17) how to set points and timing.
If everyone wants Petronix fine, I still opt for stock. Besides unless you have an extra spare at all times if it messes up that's a real chunk of change.
They are I believe @ $140 a kit so x 2 = $280 for some points and a coil?
Not good math for me, I'm too practical for that outlay.
I could buy a new battery, new shocks all around and still buy points, cap, rotor, condensor, and plugs, and go buy a Coke and Hamburger when I'm done for that much. Probably have some change left to buy gas with. L.O.L.