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Everything posted by DJ194950

  1. Best of luck on your trip! Take spares you have and diagnostic tools for any probems-- my experience has been the more prepared you are for a problem, Nothing happens! Glad things are getting back on track. Doug
  2. Paul, while it's still looking good put some flattened clear(flat clear) if it can be found in a spray can- auto paint supplier? Any sandblasted tetal part should be cover with some type of protectant as soon as possible to prevent rust! It's now now raw metal. Doug
  3. Sometimes experiences teach you lessons- patience for you? You have got so far on this project that I'm sure this is Not an issue! You would have probably burnt it to the ground without loads of patience!! You're trying to do a better job I think than ma Mopar with an antique. You will ger 'er done. I believe you will!! Best to ya, Doug
  4. Thanks for the repost, Don. Checked avail. in Ca. It would take a tank or 2 get get to any of the No ethanol sales places here in CA. All way north without smog problems, nore many people compared to the rest of Ca. Closest sold it Hi test only out of a 55 gal drum for only 6.89 per last report this year. Been running my car on unleaded regular w/ ethanol for 1-1/2 years, but low mileage- about 2000 total. Timing set to run without knocking. Has anyone thried uping grades (mid and premium, 100 oct. avail. at one station in town.)) and changing timing to check performance differences with the changes?? Tks, Doug
  5. Biggest thing in Ca. most often is- do you have a title stating the year that matches the title. If so, fairly easy. If no proper paper work matching the car, best bet is to get an official DMV authorized inspector to check it out an supply the DMV with their paper work directly. They can declare the cars year model by what it most closely resembles. No smog etc. if they call it a 46 or 47 etc. May cost a hunert or two but well worth it in the end. A old friend only does it that way with projects untitled that he buys, repairs to running and sells them. Much better selling price when their titled! Doug
  6. My god! Need a catholic to do an exocism? Don't believe that really happens. NO offense to any catholics here! Hopefully a joke? Doug
  7. Personally I'd never ever run a center split rim on anything!! In the early 70's I worked at at tire store, the owner allowed us to sell them tires and mount them, but not put aire into them period! Several years later I worked for an equip. rental co. that had a GM 1-1/2 t. truck with split centers all the way arround. I told the owner of my experiece and had heard DOT had ruled them unsafe and illegal. The owner of the co. did not listen., Several months later the driver of the truck going on 50-55mph loaded ,(maxed out with the small v-8) on the interstate when then front rim separated and off he went over the imbankment and ended upside down and trapped. Luckily he only had some some bruizes and a broken arm!! Change them before driveing on the road. Please. Doug
  8. Never been to that forum before but went right to it using Gregs link.
  9. Those protective sandals- only in Australia- or maybe a joke item in the U.S.! Doug
  10. Got the same reply to my parts wanted! Ignored! Wonder if GTK can block this person?? Suspect many got the same message on this forum that have a parts wanted ad. Doug
  11. Heck Jeff, I want to see it person at next years BBQ at 48dodgers! Meet up along the way with other forum members? pflaming arround Fresno, me in Modesto, plus some others?? Beautiful work on the truck! Doug
  12. 9 hr's? Bribane to Sidney? Sounds about what what it took me 10 years ago on the mostly two lane highway. Are you both wearing your Aussie work gear?? Seems to me many didn't wear much differant clothers to work- the business men wore dress shorts! with their light weight suit tops. Must be coming into your summer season! Great to see ya guys into the old mopars! Best to ya, Doug
  13. Percolated coffee!! Mom or dad set their alarm for 15 minutes before the time they needed to get up every day... Plugged in the electric percolator and got up when the coffee smell reached the bedroom, it it was cold out the heat got turned on too..Always turned off at night. Lots of blankets!! But in Ca. seldom below freezing. Dad was sick when he could no longer buy electic percolators new when the old one quit. Bought one of the cheap Mr. Coffee's, he was never satisified with the coffee! We had in the family camp gear the old heavy alum. percolator than my sister used at home for years. Her daughter uses it every day now at least once, often twice to make the coffee on the stove top. Does not have any other coffee maker, when asked why- her reply is Why? It will not wear out, period, and likes the coffee! Doug
  14. What condition is the door jam top portion in? How about the curved area just outside and below that (on top of the "u" shaped rocker portion?). One more-how is the inner flat, vertical inner rocker panel? If those are solid you are living right! !8 ga. Cold rolled sheet metal is what 99.9 % of car shops use as it is readily avail. In one story in a rod mag. a speciality metal former stated that he found 1 place in the L.A., Ca. that usually stocked 19 ga. cold rolled. Doubt you would want to pay the shipping for a sheet-4'x8' ! Great planning Paul. Doug
  15. Boy it seems that I may have read Tods for shield request info wrong? As after all this checking, it seems that HE was the one who submitted the download of the specs for the metal portion of the heat shield. JUST not for the bolt. Am I reading this properly now?? There are no bolt specs, and I have seen none, but someone may have that. I could go to my storage and dig to find the one original I have if's that's What's needed?? Jus trying to help! Doug
  16. wrenches heat shield templates.htmTod, try this old link- posted by ggdad1951, Drawings.measurements that I could not put on one page. Too large. Hope this works! Doug
  17. Maybe I need a bigger hammer and a picture of my ex wife to paste onto it.... At first reading this I thought what a great motivating idea to hit hit as hard as I could but then I thought about I did'nt know if I still had a pic or two of th ex., that left using my memory which would probably work, but why do I want to go there?? Use your imagination about the movies where they were driving railroad spikes in by hand and you'll be in the mindset needed to hit hard enough for the really tough ones, been there twice! Doug
  18. Hate to use any reference to another car brand but-- My best friend has a 396 CI in his 55 C. with a 600cfm Edelbrock vac. secondaries carb, Mild cam, otherwise 67 stock, with new 5/16" line tank to carb. with absolutely no probems. Should be no problem with yours! Doug
  19. Got a rural RR track and a motorcycle dirt track local?? Only way to know for sure! Please post the video here!!! Doug
  20. Hope you get a free large frameable copy of each and a couple of calenders if used! Love it Paul! Doug
  21. Question have you just replaced all the window glass felts etc. and they are still very tight which require a heavy amp draw to get them started moving, particularily goig up?? Are the motors of your power windows the bigger ones with the field windings for the motor or the newer more expensive permanent magnet type motors? No field winding = less amp draw to operate. Did you buy from a established mfg'er? Product support? Best to ya, Doug
  22. Many micro swithches I've used in the past had dual amp ratings on them for 120v and 12 v. Most actually just controlled a function via a relay that carried any heavy amp draw for that function in the equipment that they were used in. Don't aftermarket power window setups use two relays per window? One for up the other for down , therefore w/ relays only a small amp current needed via the switch to activate the relays?. The ones I've familiar with do. ?? Doug
  23. We can only hope that the car "flippin" programs Soon go the way of all the house flippin programs from just a few years ago. Thank God!----Or whom you chose to thank--- the viewers? Doug
  24. Suggest using a drill bit to clean out the center hole of the bleeder. get getting larger sizes in until cleaned out. Put the shaft end of the last drill bit in the bleeder hole to keep the hole from just collapseing and try the visegrips. If if does'nt come out without to much pressure, remove bit and heat per Plymouthys post, reinstall bit and try-try again. Best of luck, Doug
  25. File Name: Body work and shrinking disc demo File Submitter: DJ194950 File Submitted: 05 Sep 2013 File Category: Tools 10 minute long demo pdf file from a utube video that has basic body work and shrinking disc use to remove some badly damaged lower trunk panel for a restoration of a rare car. Click here to download this file
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