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ggdad1951 last won the day on January 14

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About ggdad1951

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Oak Grove, MN
  • Interests
    woodworking, playing hockey, skydiving, landscaping, college hockey (GOPHERS), Vikings, Dodge trucks!
  • My Project Cars
    1951 B3D "FEF", 1948-NOW Street rod truck "TODD", 1951 COE "PUMA", 1953 1.5 ton tip bed "ART", 1951 1 ton flat bed "PARTS"

Contact Methods

  • Biography
    restored great grand dad's 1951 1 ton (FEF) now onto TODD!
  • Occupation
    Engineering Manager/Mechanical Engineer


  • Location
    Eagan MN
  • Interests
    wood working, landscaping, skydiving

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  1. just like the truck....beefy
  2. Ready for bends and buttoning up the last bits. Yesterday I finished all the mounts.
  3. Did the little keeper slide (that holds it all in) stick in the door bit? If I remember right that's how these are designed....might be wrong.
  4. Tie up the horses and hide the women....our trial date is getting bumped and I felt the later flight costs were worth it (gotta see my CA buddies!).....see ya at the Q!
  5. You HAVE to mess it it....there is a magic twist/orientaion that allows you to pop it out. PITA to do it....shouldn't have to take anything else apart, just find that right orientation.
  6. .....news might be posted later today....
  7. Seam sealer and Por 15 is my friend.
  8. More work done today. Welded on the strut channel which stiffens and gives me how I'll connect to the RB frame supports. These also will be how I bolt the big tube to the assy.
  9. Back to the running boards today. Welded on the edge support bits. Also, a picture of the profile (picture flipped for proper orientation).
  10. Your valve seats should ALREADY be hardened, I have'nt run anything but straight gas in my 51 for 12+ years now. I am also lucky we have REAL gas, non-oxy, around me so I can avoid all the crap that happens when they mix in all the additives that eat old engine parts. I use Amsoil Rod-Z for my oil so it has some zinc in the oil.
  11. DANG! That is one good looking sold truck in the light of the sun! I don't think you'll have any regrets!
  12. I'd just ground it where it works...no one will ever know if it is "right" or "wrong", just if it works or not.
  13. not to beat my own drum...this worked out well and removes the issue
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