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Everything posted by knuckleharley

  1. I am GUESSING it would be wise to allow a little room for expansion due to heat.
  2. I think maybe the wisest piece of advice I ever received in my whole life was "If it ain't broke,don't fix it!". You made a good call!
  3. MY best suggestion is to email each supplier and ask them for a cover that is a perfect fit for your car. If anyone would know,it would be them.
  4. OOPS! Sorry bout dat.
  5. Thank you! Their web site is now bookmarked for when I need them.
  6. I am guessing it would be helpful to know if your 47 Dodge is a car,a pickup,or a big truck.
  7. Ya have to admit that combo beats the hell out of green hair and red eyes.
  8. IF it's not too late to cancel that purchase,you might want to look for a plug the right size at a hardware/plumbing store. Probably be less than a dollar.
  9. First of all,I want to welcome you to the friendliest and most informative auto web-page on the net. I am positive someone will soon provide you with the info you need.
  10. It is "pipe wrench". Screw the jaws down tight and smack the end of the handle with a hammer.
  11. I sold a bunch of stuff to a guy in Germany that was in a hot rod club over there,including a hot-rodded 292 Y-block Ford to go in his 39 Ford coupe. They beat the high shipping prices by using a German relative living and working in the states to "funnel" it to them. He had a shipping container,and would book shipping when it was full. IIRC,they were shipping whole cars that way.
  12. Yes,depending on how you define "modern engine". Computer engines are out. The question is WHY in the world would you even want to do this? Switch to 12 volts when you switch engines.
  13. Looks good! I bet with PU's being rare there,everybody is always trying to get you to haul something for them?
  14. The little one doesn't look entirely comfortable with what is going on.but is going to play along with it and pretend it's ok.
  15. Did he go nuts before or after he ripped all the wiring out? Either way,it's a real comfort to know I am not the only one that loses their grip when confronted with wiring.
  16. Use something like exaust tubing to fit inside your top radiator hose,and braze/weld a piece of sheet metal over the open end. Then weld a nut to the center of the "face plate" that has the correct threading for a air hose fitting. Start out by hooking the hose to the air fitting with as much psi as your compressor can produce after taking out the drain plug from the side of the block. Once you have managed to "push out" all the crud you can,put the petcock back in the block and pour as much vinegar in the top hose as you can get it to take,and then hook the air hose up again with petcock closed. Let it sit a day or two to give the vinegar some time to "eat" the rust,and then open the petcock and re-attach the air hose again. Repeat as necessary until you have good flow. Vinegar eats rust like nobody's bidnez.
  17. https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/9-sec-38-dodge-truck-build.1180180/page-3#post-13796369
  18. That's funny! You can tell when guys are from the mid-west. A couple of hundred miles away is "close",when people from either coast consider someone 50 miles away to be a long ways away. I miss being able to conveniently visit the wide-open spaces,but then I think about winter,and the wind and the snow blowing over those vast distances and basically being shut in for weeks at a time. Yes,I do realize this doesn't apply if you live in one of the cities or even close to a "town",but when you are "out of town" in the mid-west,you are REALLY "out of town". Still,there is the peaceful beauty to consider.
  19. My question is "Did you mike the pistons to see the exact size,and did you run a mike through the bore to size it,also. You said it seemed to get tighter with every piston you installed,so that would be the first place *I* would check. It is not unheard of for machine shops to bore the blocks to a different overbore than the customer wanted. Or for piston manufacturers to send the wrong size pistons.
  20. How much do you want for it?
  21. I am not certain since that is the one part missing from my all-original 33 Dodge 4dr,but I am guessing it would be a perfect fit;
  22. Sounds to me like ONE problem you might have is the timing is too high. Have you checked to make sure that when the number 1 cylinder is on TDC that the rotor is pointing at the Number 1 spark plug wire on your distributor cap? Have you turned the engine over with the distributor cap off so you can watch it to make sure the distributor shaft is turning? Just rock the engine back and forth with the plugs out and a socket and breaker bar on the crank pulley nut,and you will be able to get some idea if there is any slack in the timing chain,or if it is broken.
  23. I tried my damnedest to avoid any and all running when I was in the army. I found that people shooting at me with stuff like RPD's and B-40 rockets gave me ALL the inspiration I needed to run faster than a speeding bullet for as long as I needed. There really are some things you don't need to train for.
  24. I hate to admit I have ever missed something THAT freaking obvious,but I have. Never hurts to remind people of what seems obvious. We all forget at times.
  25. Will one from a 73 Fiat 600 work? ?
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