I got medi-evaced from VN several months after that photo was taken. On my last recon mission into Laos my back started itching and burning like it was on fire,and I couldn't stay still or quiet,so they whole team got extracted the next morning. The medics in our dispensary sent me to Nha Trang to see a dermatologist there,and he took one quick look and told me he was sending me to see a USAF doc at Cam Rahn Bay "that specializes in tropical diseases".It was several years later that I made the connection between "USAF Dermatologist" and "Agent Orange". In my defense,I was too busy running missions to be reading many US newspapers.
Anyhow,the USAF doc told me he was cutting orders to medi-evac me to the states "because your condition will never get better as long as you are here and running around in the jungle." I tried to protest since I was only 2 months into my first extension,and hadn't even taken my "free vacation" in England yet,but he said I didn't have any choice.
I wasn't really all that worried about it. I had already been briefed on the upcoming mission,and there was no way they could replace me with someone that knew the mission,had combat experience,was used to working with my yard squad,and had their trust,
Boy was I wrong! I was met at the airport in Kontum by my company commander,and he handed me the orders sending me back to Bragg. They put a new E6 in as squad leader to replace me who had never heard a shot fired,and I later found out he didn't last 15 minutes on the ground before being shot in the head. No experience,had no idea what was going on,so he stood up to look around. If he had been experienced,he wouldn't have had to do that.
Anyhow,I was sent back to Bragg and couldn't stay in SF because I wasn't allowed to wear a parachute harness or be deployed on field exercises,so they promoted me and sent me to a conventional signal battalion there because my first MOS when I enlisted was "communication center specialist." Never mind the fact I hadn't even been near a com center in 6 years and that I couldn't be deployed on any field training or actual missions with that company either because of my profile.
So they gave me a 45 ACP pistol and made me night motor pool guard. I spent my last 5 or 6 months in the army riding around the motor pool at night on my Harley,trying to catch anybody that was breaking in to steal stuff from the parked cars of guys that lived in the barracks and were deployed somewhere. They didn't know what else to do with me,so that was what I did.
I think I mentioned earlier that I flat HATED the regular army. Almost as much as they hated me. Still,I was offered another promotion if I would re-enlist. I turned them down. Worse damn mistake I ever made in my life,but in my defense,I had no idea about Agent Orange at the time.
If I had known anything back them about "Operation Ranch Hand" and all the USAF people that were involved in spraying it over the Ho Chi Minh Trail being eaten up with and dying from cancer,I would have surely re-enlisted so the army would pay for my medical problems. I didn't know though,so I took the discharge.