[quote name=1just4don;
Reminds me' date=' I have a (cherry picker)hoist too,,it NEVER rolled very good with those cheapee wittle wheels underneath. To make matters worse some time or another it got squished(the little wheels) by a BIG wheel that got too close. I wanna put better caster wheels under it than it came with,,,anybody have ANY suggestions???[/quote]
Go to Lowes to buy new casters. If there isn't a Lowe's near where you live,check industrial warehouses that sell tools. If you know somebody with a business license,you can most likely buy them on-line from W.W.Granger.
You might even check the Harbor Freight Salvage and the Northern Hydraulics
web sites.
The bad news is the good ones aren't cheap,which is why you don't see the good ones on the cheapo cherry pickers we all buy. IMHO,the extra money spent on good wheels is well worth it because you no longer have to worry about it jamming and then running over your toes,or it jamming and then going in a different direction than you want.