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Everything posted by knuckleharley

  1. I used to be more open about this,but back then you could buy a running and driving original car for less than 100 bucks in most places. Those days are gone forever. If you discover a car as complete as that Plymouth fastback,it's almost a sin to modify it in any way way not related to safety. Besides,there are so many modified cars out there running around now you can usually buy one cheaper than you can build one,and be driving it the same day you buy it. On the other hand,if you want a modified car,why not buy one that is already stripped out and then modify it to your hearts content? You can buy it a hell of a lot cheaper,and don't have to do all the work involved in stripping a complete one out.
  2. I am surprised I have never noticed this. Am I the only one?
  3. Well,you ain't going to find anybody here that will tell you it was a bad decision. I'm trying to downsize,and I'd buy it myself.
  4. Truth to tell,the rear brake hoses ain't all that expensive,and if I am going to take one off that is of an unknown age or reliability,I'm just going to toss it in the trash can and replace it with a new one and be done with that as a potential problem. I might run a rod through the hose or dissect it later out of curiosity ,but it damn sure ain't going back on the car. I just ain't all that fond of bleeding brakes.
  5. I know this sounds too simple,but I am a simple guy. Have you tried to back off on the brake shoe adjuster a time or two and see if this clears the problem up? I could very easily be wrong,but this problem COULD come from the brake shoes being adjusted too tightly,and then when the hubs,backing plates,etc get hot from driving,the gap tightens causing the rear brakes to drag.
  6. No matter how many times I hear that,it just keeps sounding soooo wrong. Then again,I am one of those people who are convinced that electricity comes from magic.
  7. What difference does it make? It's a freaking cartoon,not documentary.
  8. All it needs is one of those "wavy" rubber tongues about 6 inchs long sticking out of the "mouth",and it would be perfect.
  9. Those two tips above need to be preserved in the "how to" archives,IMHO.
  10. Hitting the "like" button just ain't good enough for this one. I freaking LOVE that!
  11. I think you do whatever it is to fix that leak because you are never going to be happy with the car if you don't. If that means pulling the engine out and taking it back to the re-builder,that's what you need to do. Although,if it were me,I would remind the builder that newly rebuild engines are NOT supposed to leak oil,and that he should have paid to have it pulled because it was leaking due to HIS mistake,not yours. I would also remind him that I was going to tell this to everybody I knew,and tell them you were the one who rebuilt it,and refused to pay to have your mistake corrected. But,that's just me.
  12. I wish I was having the fun with my Dodge truck that you are having with your car. Was supposed to have been done by Aug 31st. Now they are saying the end of this month. Went and checked on the progress again today,and the end of this month is doable if nothing goes wrong. Oct to April is a tough time period to sell something like that,though. Buyers need warm weather and sunshine to get their hearts pumping.
  13. At a minimum you are going to have to notch your front crossmember and move your radiator forward. You MIGHT be able to get with not doing that if you are willing to remove your fan and run an electric fan on the front of the radiator. I do NOT know this to be a fact,though. I have a 251 DeSoto I plan on putting in my 42 Dodge business coupe,but it's going to be at least a year before I make the attempt. Got a chance to buy a good running one out of a daily driver a friend of my pulled to put in a 318 for 150 bucks,so I jumped on it. MIGHT still rebuild the 230,though. Won't know for sure until I pull it out and tear it down to look.
  14. And if you are a slow learner like me,there is nothing that beats a "how to" video. Still,do yourself a favor and buy a Motors Manual that covers the year your car was made. Lots of photos there too,and they tell you what to do using simple terms the non-professional mechanic can understand.
  15. LOVE reading about people enjoying their cars and trucks!
  16. YIKES,she could poke someone's eyes out with those things! I still remember the first time I had contact with things like that. I was about 8 years old,and some of my mothers relatives we never see visited us,and the woman had a daughter about 18 years old. I was a cute kid (seriously),so she came up to greet me by dropping to her knees and giving me a big hug,and mashing my face between them. I had NO idea what was going on,or why. All I knew was I liked it a BUNCH. Which must have been obvious because she quickly backed away and refused to give me any more hugs. That was the day I discovered that despite all previous evidence,there really MIGHT be something interesting about girls.
  17. Nothing about a 12 volt conversion looks like a modification,other than the 12 volt battery. Most people won't even notice it. The battery,the generator and voltage regulator,fuses,headlights,taillight and other bulbs,and the coil,and a reducer for the radio and heater fan are about all that needs to be changed. In return you get ps,quicker starting,and brighter lights.
  18. If you don't mind modifying and converting to 12 volt,you might want to consider using the electric PS setup from a Prius. No belts,pulleys,hoses,or fluid. Electric and self-contained in the steering column with a control box that bolts under the dash. Used ones seem to start at around 150 bucks. Simple solution with no real modifications other than the steering column.
  19. YOU being happy with it is what matters.
  20. Is the gas tank the original one? If so,did you remove it,have it boiled out and re-coated inside and out before installing it and putting new gas in it? Are all your gas lines,both rubber and steel new,or are you still using the old ones?
  21. I'll give ya $12.50 for it,which is twice what it sold for new. Wadda deal I am making for you!
  22. I like it! Light colors are a LOT easier to live with. Easier to paint,they don't show dents or dirt,and if you leave the car parked and locked in the sun for a few hours,it's not so hot in there it busts your brains out.
  23. That's not going to happen until after the election is over. Then,suddenly,like magic,it will end.
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