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Plymouthy Adams

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Everything posted by Plymouthy Adams

  1. most premade line kits are rolled for shipping after being made and you will need to straighten them prior to install...so the better advice is to buy your copper nickel tubing and build your own...as for the flaring kits, places like Advance Auto has loaner tool kits..pay the cost for the tool as a deposit, use the tool, return and get your money back..win win process. It is not at all a hard process....you should find it a rewarding experience. As you were asking where to find the kit I assume you were out to change the lines yourself...good luck with the project.
  2. sorry to hear of the unfortunate accident...however, don't you have any weld shops to exact a repair on this flange.
  3. sometimes these quick fixes are limp in aides and then the car is parked and not driven again till later passed to next owner....then the discoveries come rolling in...but other than that....we can think of only two things...Red Green or Red Neckerson.
  4. kinda explains the second transmission and long rope
  5. this is true...I saw the silver connector an thought it was a cigar lighter plug and they are normally wired negative ground.....my error....(bi-focal and computer screens often collide)
  6. well garden is showing its age...the green beans are no longer blooming so pulled them and picked the last of the beans off....I then turned the soil and replanted with new bean seeds. I also transplanted a few pepper plants, pulled the squash and zucchini by the root and going instead with more cucumbers....the bucket garden has been most successful thus far...and the sweet part is...no deer, rabbit or squirrel digging and nibbling. Mums has pickled peppers, made dill pickles, frozen squash and zucchini, cooked a number mess of beans and we got a good amount of tomatoes on hand. I have not noodled the potatoes to see how they are putting on....
  7. glad you retired the cheesy battery clamp also...
  8. dealership (per the ones I worked at years ago) would purge any stock that fell outside of 10 year current model/application. They simply do not have the shelving or set aside funding for parts over the 10 year mark. I look at most parts counter folks as clown without makeup....when you next see one...imagine the frizzy hair and red nose and laugh aloud...
  9. also not positive ground and yes the OP did not state the polarity of his vehicle but default is positive... as a note, my friend just found a blown battery in one of his many cars that is sustained between drives by a small tender of this nature....the battery box was able to contain most all the spill/spew if you consider a maintainer...I would consider a box also...
  10. I would think it is time to visit some connections to ensure clean and tight and maybe even inspect the brushes and the brush holders of the generator...including internal connections on the field and armature wiring.
  11. usually on these the posts are different sizes...the armature is the larger, the field is the smaller....
  12. and it may come down to whether or not you tag number ends in an even or odd number.......
  13. no...you would accuse someone of taking advantage of you because you did not know what is needed.....?
  14. if you are running the correct opening size thermostat.....then the flow rate is as it should be...the absence of a thermostat and yes...circulation could be an issue where first the coolant is not absorbing the heat from the block and second it is moving through the radiator to fast to remove the heat....the thermostat controls this exchange rate.....
  15. I also recommend a 180 minimum and to ensure when running the pup you obtain and sustain operating temps for a period to adequately evaporate the condensates from the block...technology moves ahead and if some cases renders the old stats obsolete...
  16. when doing this one has to be very careful taking electrical measurements and just where they have the test leads....you will get some very funky reading......dual charging systems just have never made sense to me
  17. most all distributors mechanical advance weights have a weak primary spring and stronger secondary spring...
  18. they are great for areas with low humidity....here in the south..they help you sweat even more.....they will also promote surface rust within the shop due to adding humidity.....be careful there...
  19. score one more up to a cup of coffee...often you just need to walk away a bit and put fresh eyes back on the job a bit later....
  20. well you close...but not red....and while in a Morris...it is a bit of a evolved BMC A engine.....lets hear it for burgundy
  21. I was not going to tell Andy I have seen those pictures many time.....reason...I am on my meds and they don't bother me.....?
  22. you don't live at the corner of Claymore and Shillelagh do you....? as far as what they say about cul-de-sac folks....was hoping you could tell me....but as I heard it was similar to a movie quote.....oh, we're not wierd...we're from Jersey...
  23. well, you got collards, kale, turnip, mustard and of course Popeye's spinach....I have yet to own a green car for on the road but got one in the works for the eventual ONE-DAY..come close to choosing a green for this Morris I am building and even went against painting the engine green which is their stock color...
  24. I'll buy into one stroke application but never in relationship to an engine...
  25. you know what they say about cul-de-sac people
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