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Jerry Roberts

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Everything posted by Jerry Roberts

  1. Have your tires been balanced ? Is there a tire out of round ? Is there a tire coming apart ? A badly bent wheel ?
  2. [quote name=Rockwood;... < snip > I live in flat country it would probably be okay' date=' but maybe not in hill country. Does anyone on here have a Dodge or Plymouth witha 3.23 rearend running with a flat head 6 and 3 spd trans, would like to know how it is....Fred[/quote] Fred , I live in flat country too . My 1941 Plymouth truck has a 3 speed and the 218 motor . My rear end gears are 2.94 from a Dakota and they work great here . Earlier this week I took a trip up into the mountains and on the long up hill pulls I had to shift down to 2nd gear . Like the big rigs , I was going real slow near the tops of the peaks .
  3. If the vent on top of the differential is plugged when the oil is warmed up , some will be forced out somewhere .
  4. Here is another option for a welch plug when you don't have room to swing a hammer . It is part number Dorman 568-010 for the 1 5/8 size . Made from copper , brass and steel . I hope the pic comes through .
  5. Try bending the clamps on the hub cap for a tighter fit .
  6. I bought on recently at Autozone for $ 22.39 + tax .
  7. Greg is talking about adding a heater core to act like an additional radiator . Just hook it up in the engine bay somewhere so it can catch the breeze .
  8. Crazy Casey , On the Pilot house portion of this site , there is a guy wondering if anyone needs a distributor from a 1954 dodge power wagon , 6 cylinder , without a vacuum advance . Perhaps this would work for your application . Look under todays postings there , look under " can anyone ID this distributor " the distributor is owned by billwillard in N . Carolina .
  9. Someone posted earlier that a six blade fan is much noisier than a four .
  10. [quote name=48dodger;Ok ..this is the second time I've written this guy. I dont like the comment "eat me kirk"... I wrote him and asked if its his truck to sell' date=' if so I'll try and buy it from him. Sorry Ed, didnt mean to hy-jak the thread...its kinda of On Topic isn't it? 48D[/quote] 48D , There is a small tanker truck not too far from you . I do not know if it is for sale though . Located in Stockton and of the 1941 - 1947 vintage . It looks like it needs a lot more work than the red one on craigslist . Look up Perrish or Parish on Wilson way . Way north near highway 99 . I saw it there a year ago and it was still there last week . I think the business pumps out septic tanks so it probably had sewage in it . It looks like it hasn't moved in 30 years . The guys who collect old bottles like to find an old out house pit to dig in so it can't be too bad . Perhaps this is the same company that pumps out your system . - Jerry
  11. Moose , Sometimes the top groves for the piston rings get worn badly even though there isn't much of a ridge on the top of the cylinder . I think that you might as well at least take a look-see . The older oil was non detergent and that would have added to the sludge . My engine ( 1939 dodge car ) had head studs too , these were replaced with bolts at the rebuilder . The rebuilder didn't like studs as he broke off several on one of the engines that he had just rebuilt . I like the ease of pulling the head with bolts rather than the studs . The manual says to use something screwed into the spark plug holes to lift up a head that was fastened with studs and never pry with a screwdriver or chisel . The replacement of the timing chain and sprockets is pritty straight foward . Just line up the little marks . When you put the cover back on , set the hub in place to center the cover before you tighten the bolts . Some of those bolts on the cover are special and go into the water jacket so seal them up .
  12. When I Google " water pump rebuilding " , I get Hemmings Motor News , Services Offered . That brings me to " Arthur Gould Rebuilders " 631-269-0093 with a 1 year guarantee . There are several others listed too .
  13. Bill , One thing to check if you live where salt is used on the roads ; see if rust has gone through your oil pan , perhaps just a little pin hole .
  14. Here are the part numbers for a modern brake hose to replace that oil hose . Parts Master F98915 , ETS5722 , Bendix 77230 . Credit goes to Norms coupe for his posting a couple of years ago .
  15. Does anyone want a free brass key blank for these cars ? I have one . It is Ilco number H1098 DB and the same as Taylor number H98 DB . I guess the DB stands for Dodge Brothers .
  16. Yes , the old silver coins are worth more than face value ( 1964 and earlier ) .
  17. NAPA shows a new water pump for a 1949 b1b 1/2 ton , 218 c.i. engine , at $72 . Part number 42554 .
  18. Take a very small mirror and look under the pump , look for the weep hole . If it is leaking there , you need to replace the pump .
  19. I enjoy digging something out of the closet and finally finding a use for an item that I have been saving for 40 years . I have a 2 car garage and it still holds 2 cars as I try to save only the small stuff .
  20. If you have installed a new oil pump , Vintage Power Wagons recommends submerging the pump in clean oil and turning the shaft until all air bubbles have come out .
  21. [quote name=Merle Coggins;...<snip>..... I believe that the rapid decline in performance' date=' and loss in points gap has to do with a lack of lube on the points cam. What lube do you recommend ....<snip>... I don't think that you should use vasaline here . Vasaline turns to a liquid in hot weather . I bought my cam lube for the points from MACS auto parts , they sell stuff for the old fords . 1-800-777-0948 or www.macsautoparts.com . Perhaps NAPA would have it too .
  22. I think that what Jim meant was that his gasket does not have a break between the cylinders , rather than being made from a single sheet of copper .
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