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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2024 in all areas

  1. APRIL 6th 2024 CLEMENTS TAILGATE BBQ in CLEMENTS, CALIFORNIA Home of the largest meet up of Dodge Pilot-House Era Trucks in the WHOLE WORLD!!! MARS AND JUPITER TOO!!! We get invaded by Vintage Cars and Trucks from other makers, BUT WE DON'T CARE! CUZ WE ARE COOL TRUCKERS AND DON'T MIND THE WEIRDOS! ...at least I don't.....lol Looking forward to seeing everyone again!!!! Woohoo! Its on a private ranch, my ranch, no admission, no tickets to buy, plenty of 6 feet of clearance for everyone, still!! Big Blocks, Small Blocks, L6, Straight Six, Old Hemi, New Hemi, Modern Hemi, Don't care, just love your ride and share the story! Timothy A. Estrada aka 48Dodger
    1 point
  2. Ken is 100# correct. Electrical split bolt for number 4-8 gauge wire, or p11 fuel pump arm extension
    1 point
  3. Because I started this thread, the system wants me to indicate which response was most helpful or offered "the" solution. So each post has a green box "(check mark) Mark as Solution". I'm getting tired of seeing that prompt. Maybe I'll mark the next post, or go back and select one at random. I would have a hard time picking the best response, they've been so good.
    1 point
  4. Best snow here in New Mexico we’ve had in the last few years. Snowing now lightly. Not too bad for cold at night as the lowest has been single digits. Daytime is invigorating. I live between Santa Fe and Albuquerque at around 6800 ft give or take. It’s still half as much as it used to be.. the snow. I move slower at 68.5 and I need Advil more for the muscles. For some reason my brain reasons the chess game I play with my truck. I am finding I hate working in my dodge garage when it’s cold or really hot...and I really hate the biting flies when it’s hot...oh I hate the wind. What I do like is drinking 2-3 beers instead of taking 2 Advil. Ha
    1 point
  5. I’ve got a redirad (https://redirad.com) in my ‘47 convertible and it works real well, combined with a cheap blue tooth receiver transmitter plugged into it. However I just came up with the following setup for my ‘57 Caddy. The first three images show the AM transmitter I found on eBay. Seller details in the third photo, technical description in the second photo. It’s powered by a 9v battery which lasts a few hours of play time. The unit comes with a 110v to 12 adapter for home use. You will need to purchase a blue tooth receiver transmitter (last photo) to receive your audio broadcast from your phone, or use the mini phono jack to connect directly to your device. Price for the two devices set me back about $80 via eBay. I set these up in my caddy glove box and it does a pretty good job since the antenna is near the glove box. You might need to experiment with the antenna location for best reception. good luck!
    1 point
  6. I have been in regular contact with a member named "Roadtractor" and am supposed to purchase parts from him. He shared his phone number with me and since Christmas I cannot make contact with him. If anyone knows him and if he is OK, please let me know. Thank you.
    1 point
  7. That polar vortex is due to hit us next week. This week we're having a fair amount of snow events. Next week they forecast negative temps, but no more snow, which is good for my wife as I'll be out of town and she won't have to shovel. I don't mind the cold either, as I can dress for it. However, I'm glad I don't have to work out in it full time as I did when I was younger.
    1 point
  8. 28 degrees for a high today, got my miles in shortly after lunch, a little work in the garage tonight and it's snowing again. I've been in Georgia, Florida, South Carolina in January before and everyone knew we were tourists. Shorts and T-shirts, wading in the ocean gave it away.
    1 point
  9. One thing I notice, is funny how our brains can play tricks on us. We can have pain that would have sent us to the Dr when we were younger ..... now it is just another day. I judge how my day will go by the amount of pain I have before getting out of bed. So many times my brain tells me I can do something, and I attempt it ..... then later have to bail out with the project unfinished. I will turn 62 this summer, so not really that old. .... But have been medically retired with a bad back and legs since I was 48 years old. I have really turned into a softie over the years, was 65F today and was wearing my insulated coveralls while out working. When I went inside and got down to T-shirt & jeans, I turned on my gas heater in the office and warmed it up to a cozy 85F
    1 point
  10. Can't really think of any drop in replacements. You might want to take a chance on a used one. Unlike the radiators in our cars the neater core (to the best of my knowledge) isn't honey combed like the rads. So even if a used one leaks, it can be a simple fix at a radiator shop. Joe Lee
    1 point
  11. It is fixed!!!!!!!! I am not the sharpest marble in the box when it comes to electrical wiring. So I found where I had a wire or two out of place causing the downshifting to go into zugzwang. But all is peaches and cream now (Gary Player - 1965). I just returned from a 20 mile ride and no issues what so ever. Whew I feel like Mr. Magoo another Steel Beam flew my way and caught my old car tires again. Oh Magoo you done it again! (In Jim Backus' Voice). Here's wishing you all a repair that goes like mine! Thanks to all that tried to help! Tom
    1 point
  12. I wouldn’t bet on any old car to appreciate in value. Especially the ones those of us here enjoy. Relatively inexpensive to buy and reliable to operate. But increasing in value is certainly nothing to count on.
    1 point
  13. We have grown to over 12,000 registered members and new members joining every day! Things have changed over the years with new site software several times. Fortunately the software has gotten much more stable making my admin job much easier! We have met and built new friends online and meeting many in person. And as the years have marched on we have sadly lost some of those friends. I'm most proud of the way the community shares information and helps fellow mopar lovers. I look forward to many more years and thank you for your ongoing support!
    1 point
  14. I feel like I remember the truck side of this forum came along after the car side. I don’t remember how but, I purchased a part for my b3b from our host, (back when he had his “merc583” email address) at the time, seems like the truck side was being considered? I joined and never contributed, then forgot my password and just stalked. Finally joined again when I was Financial able to work on my truck. I have had my truck for over 40 years now and this site has helped me feel not alone with my old Dodge and introduced me to some great friends! THANK YOU!!! On the flip side this site has encouraged me to buy more trucks! And for that, Julie might have a different option of the site (but not the people) ? Keep on truckin! BnJ
    1 point
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