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6 vehicles at the empty nest needing starting

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Getting ready to fly to Milwaukee area and I need to make sure all 6 vehicles start and 4 of them are on their battery tenders.  Most driven are the 2 workhorses my wife and I drive for various reasons. The other 4 are the...others.  Always makes me happy when they DO START.   ‘89 bmw ix always starts the easiest,  ‘51 Cambridge second easiest,  ‘36 dodge truck third easiest, and finally that 64 1/2 mustang is fourth. It’s a Ford and when you let it sit for a time it needs patience with that autolite carb.  Routine routine.  I sometimes wonder why I have so many vehicles when there’s only 2 of us.  lol 

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I know the feeling. My wife has her Renegade. I have my Wrangler. We share an F150 diesel and then there's the 48 DeSoto. 


Currently 5:1 ratio, all run insured and licensed. Why? Because I have convinced myself they are cheaper than drugs and/or booze.

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Naw. I live in NM.  I don’t drain anything as 5 of 6 vehicles are garaged due to mice.  Poor P-15 has to stay out in the elements but I swear it starts dead of winter if I bring the battery outta the cottage off its tender to the car. Yes, I lovingly keep that 6 volt indoors where it’s nice and warm. 5:1 ratio    hmmm    I like that saying 


The humor went over my head yesterday as I just realized.  Oops.  Was too busy getting ready for travel.  Draining carbs...yeah.  I shoulda replied  I only drain air outta tires.  You gotta get the ‘23-24 air out in anticipation for the cleaner 2025 air !🙃


That was a legitimate question, no pun intended. I usually drain the carbs for winter storage (at least the ones that have a drain), so that no sludge forms inside. Works well when you come back to start the car next year 😉


I didn’t know that.  I would have thought that encourages the accelerator pump to dry out.  What part of the country, Ivan, do you live in ?


Currently my ratio is 6:1.  In order of increasing model year:  1947 Plymouth Business Coupe, 1958 BMW Isetta, 1961 VW Camper, 1971 VW Bus, 1976 VW Beetle, 2013 Fiat 500 Abarth.  I'm a bit crazy.......


I've got my 4 along with 2 modern minivans plus trying to keep all of Dad's stuff going since he can't anymore. He's got 8 of I counted correctly 

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