ebruns1 Posted June 24, 2019 Report Posted June 24, 2019 Hey Fellas, 1. Had another productive weekend cleaning up and stripping trim off the coupe. Did they really need to have a clip every 6"??? Seriously, those belt line stainless mouldings were never going to blow off even at 100 mph! I may close up every other hole and install half as many. It seems like every hole is just another leak waiting to happen. One strange situation I had was that the last 3 clips closest to the rear were the spring type with the aluminum nut accessible from inside the trunk. All the rest were the original "H" press in style. Was this a stock install, or did the PO change them out when the car was repainted? It seems like the H style are offset, meaning that the prongs are more towards the top of the H clip and not exactly centered on the clip. So does that even matter or do I need the H-style to get the belt strip to sit properly over the panel seams? Those original H=style clips are way more pricy than the spring style. What did you guys use on your cars? 2. How do I get that stainless front hood trim off? It looks like you can't access any nuts on the back side so I guess you need to pry it off? I'm a bit nervous about creasing it if it is bolted on since it's in perfect shape now. Some trim on my Ford F1 had welded studs and would only come off by removing the nuts, or im my case grinding them off! What a pain. 3. The cowl belt line stainless looks like it has a reinforcement bar across them. I had to grind off the screw heads since they were rusted solid. Am I going to have to fabricate a replacement? I had to destroy they other one when I was grinding. 4. Looks like I may need to re-chrome these door handles. They are really the worst of my chrome, although everything needs new chrome I dont have that in the budget and only going to do the worst looking parts. Anyone have a reasonable company they recommend? Any idea on cost? Only looking for rough idea obviously I'm sure they will have to quote me on them. Quote
plymjim Posted June 25, 2019 Report Posted June 25, 2019 Not sure if Chrysler trim is the exact same width as Plymouth but I used plastic trim clips at $36 per box of 25 that were an exact fit. That's a far cry from what you will pay for o. e. metal clips. Like I said, these were for a Plymouth & you will certainly want to compare , measure, etc. That being said, the clips came from Automotive Fastener Co. in Hagerstown, Md. Don't know how far away you are in New Hope, Pa. but their phone is 301 733 7180. The part # for the clips that fit 48 Plymouth side trim is auv8386 Hope this helps you. Good luck. 1 Quote
casper50 Posted June 25, 2019 Report Posted June 25, 2019 (edited) EBAY sells those cowl trim clips. I've seen the Dodge cowl trim pieces on there also quite a bit. Don't know if they look the same as Chrysler ones. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-1946-1948-Dodge-Cowl-Trim-Moulding-1947-D24-Custom-Deluxe-Mopar/312656685999?hash=item48cbca6baf:g:Uc0AAOSwck1dARoE https://www.ebay.com/itm/1946-1947-1948-DODGE-D25-BRAND-NEW-COWL-TRIM-PAIR-LEFT-AND-RIGHT-CANADIAN-CAR/183795939699?hash=item2acb177973:g:YbkAAOSw~-Zck8gI Edited June 25, 2019 by casper50 1 Quote
9 foot box Posted June 25, 2019 Report Posted June 25, 2019 I bought the H-style from Restoration Specialties, no. 2322. I also bought some AuVeCo 12961A online. I am going to try those, because they are adjustable, and I will use a 10/24 nut with mastic seal. I've used 19378 trim clips, also. But, what plymjim just posted is my next buy. Thanks for another option jim. 1 Quote
Dodgeb4ya Posted June 25, 2019 Report Posted June 25, 2019 The front hood chrome is bolted on with four studs and nuts...DON'T Pry it off. The nuts are tucked in tight at the front of the hood. That chrome mustache is a very hard to find piece that is straight not damaged and plateable.. 1 Quote
Dodgeb4ya Posted June 25, 2019 Report Posted June 25, 2019 The actual pot metal handle themselves are the same from 1946-52 all chrysler models. You have to remove the handle from the square shaft. 1st removing the retaining cup- rotate 90 degree's and pull it off. A few years back I posted on doing that. 1 Quote
ebruns1 Posted June 25, 2019 Author Report Posted June 25, 2019 Thank you Fellas! That nylon clip that PlyJim recommended sounds perfect if it fits. Why? Because I like the idea of a push-in non-metal clip that doesn't need a backer nut. Half of my original clips were almost disintegrated from rust. The others had the stud break loose and had to be cut off. I hope to save the next guy in 50 yrs. who wants to re-paint this car a lot of trouble by going with nylon plastic. They are hidden anyway and this car is never going to win points for originality... I will probably need to use some original metal "H" clips just for correct positioning but the rest can be nylon. Also, most of them need to be "push-in" style since once the upholstery is done there will be no access to where you would need to install the nuts and washers. Casper - I checked the links you sent...I actually have the original stainless cowl belt line trim piece. I was referring to my photo that shows the cowl CLIP set up with the two large flat head screws and the reinforcement bar the lays over both clips. It looks like 2 "H" clips underneath that flat bar stock. I'm sure I can fab that up if it is really necessary. Why is it there? Just to give the front fender joint that meets the cowl some reinforcement? That's the only reason I can figure...otherwise I can just use any 2 clips. Unless someone sells that as a complete unit? Dodgeb4ya - Thanks for the tips on the nose trim. I will check again under the hood lip to find those retaining nuts. I've had bad luck in the past, they always seem to break the welds on the studs and just snap off. I guess I have no choice but to try it and hope for the best... Also, I did read your post on removing the bell retainer on the rear of the door handles. There must be a trick because I tried to remove one from my trunk handle and I could not get it to rotate at all. Guess I'll have to have the chrome shop remove them for me. PS - does anyone sell replacement bell retainers? I may have to cut mine off and was wondering what to do. I seem to remember someone recommending drilling a hole and using a cotter pin instead to make it easier and also removable in the future. Seems like a much better idea...guess I'd need a rubber or nylon bushing on the shaft first? Quote
casper50 Posted June 25, 2019 Report Posted June 25, 2019 (edited) it's a one piece clip and I have a couple of extras that I bought off of ebay. I'm away from home for another 2 weeks though. They are part of the large clip Edited June 25, 2019 by casper50 Quote
Dodgeb4ya Posted June 25, 2019 Report Posted June 25, 2019 I've R&R'ed those trunk handle retaining "bells" .They are more difficult to remove because they are not as accessible as the door handles but still rotate/twist and pull off. I try not to damage the shape and two depressions so as when I press them back on with a proper sized tube they kinda snap back into place tight against the wave washer. I use Devcon or JB Weld also to make sure it's tight to the handle. Quote
Eneto-55 Posted June 25, 2019 Report Posted June 25, 2019 On my trunk handle, I had destroyed the tubular retainer trying to get it off (before I read the notes on this site about how to do it). So I filed two opposing grooves into the handle base right where the depressions were, then got large E-clips. I will use a short piece of 1/2" plastic or copper tubing to get the spacing right. My spring (wave) washers are badly rusted, so I bought some at a hardware store, but they are much too stiff for this application, so I'll clean up the rusted ones, and re use them. (If this description doesn't make sense, I can post a picture later.) Quote
Dodgeb4ya Posted June 26, 2019 Report Posted June 26, 2019 For the trunk and door handles to make them work and feel like new it's imperative that the cup or bell is pressed firmly against the wave washer. That keeps the handles from feeling loose and wobbly. Also prevents handle rattles. Quote
ebruns1 Posted June 26, 2019 Author Report Posted June 26, 2019 Hood "mustache" trim is off! Only snapped 1 out of 4 studs too haha. Dang, I knew it was gonna happen...the first 3 studs and nuts looked ok but the last one was badly rusted and just snapped off when I torqued it. Not sure how to fix this, maybe I'll just leave it as is and only install the other 3 nuts on it. Unfortunately, it is one of the ends and not the center. I really don;t think it would go anywhere though... Notice on the photo the inside of the trim was packed with pine needles and dirt that got behind it. Too bad the PO left it out under a tree somewhere... NEW problem... The hood ornament came off just fine. I can't figure out how to get the center hood strip off. There are no nuts from underneath so does it just "clip" on like the belt trim that I have to pry off? I tried to get under it and it really seems tight. If you guys can verify one way or the other I would appreciate it. I have enough things to fix already and I don't need to add one more! I don't want to put a crease in it. Thanks! Quote
Dodgeb4ya Posted June 26, 2019 Report Posted June 26, 2019 There are four or five retaining clips that hold the hood center chrome strip. They have a tang that goes down through the hood seam and are bent over to pull down and hold the chrome to the hood....they can be tough to pull up through the hood. Be slow and careful! Quote
Dan Hiebert Posted June 26, 2019 Report Posted June 26, 2019 RE: Your question #3. As Casper wrote, the cowl trim clips are one piece, it's basically the same for all the period Mopars, rounded ends, with two sets of what you describe as the "H" clips on the edges. From your photo, it looks like a PO jury rigged something to work, to include that piece of bar stock which may be to hold a deteriorated clip together. Our D24 has bolts with washers holding that trip clip on, as well as securing the top of the fender. Quote
Sam Buchanan Posted June 27, 2019 Report Posted June 27, 2019 On 6/26/2019 at 10:25 PM, ebruns1 said: NEW problem... The hood ornament came off just fine. I can't figure out how to get the center hood strip off. There are no nuts from underneath so does it just "clip" on like the belt trim that I have to pry off? I tried to get under it and it really seems tight. If you guys can verify one way or the other I would appreciate it. I have enough things to fix already and I don't need to add one more! I don't want to put a crease in it. Thanks! Expand I had a similar problem with a piece of trim. I carefully worked the broken anchor out of the trim, cut a replacement piece of thin steel sheet and welded a new stud to it (bolt with the head cut off). The new anchor was reinserted into the trim and everything reinstalled on the car. Worked great. Quote
ebruns1 Posted June 27, 2019 Author Report Posted June 27, 2019 Hood center strip is off! Dodgeb4ya, thanks for the tip. Unfortunately all the tangs on the underside were snapped off and the clips were fused to the metal and would not budge. The only way i got it off was to slip plastic trim tools under the long strip, loosen it up by working it back and forth, clean out some of the crap stuck inside and then pull the strip forwards so that the "opening" in the trailing edge of the strip got to each clip. Then I stuck a pry tool under that end to raise it over the clip and pulled it forward a little more until the next clip and repeated the process. As you can see there was a ton of pine needles and dirt under this trim too! Unbelievable... I would rather use a better style clip to re-attach this piece when I am ready. Anyone use something more forgiving and removable for the future? I'm open to suggestions. PS - that nice bend/ crease in the trim was there when I bought it. It actually gave me something to grab on to while I pulled it forward. I"m guessing the PO either messed it up when it was repainted and he gave up when it would not come off easily... I will have to send it out with the one other door belt trim with a dent to be fixed and polished. Quote
Dodgeb4ya Posted June 27, 2019 Report Posted June 27, 2019 Clips could be easily made for that hood trim. Quote
Andydodge Posted June 28, 2019 Report Posted June 28, 2019 Agree with what Sam & DodgeB4ya say........just make those clips yourself or find some generic ones that size or cut some down........your problem reminds me that I have to make a small clip to pull the leading end of the hood moldings on my Dodge a little back against the paint.....gunna use a small piece of sheet metal about 1/2" by 1" strip and weld/braze a short 3/16th bolt which will allow me to screw a nut on the inside of the hood and pull the hood molding in about 1/8th inch.............andyd Quote
ebruns1 Posted June 28, 2019 Author Report Posted June 28, 2019 Another issue just discovered...I had to drill out the mounting screws on the parking light bezels (what else is new?). You could not tell from the outside but once I got the trim removed I found one of my glass lenses was broken! I could probably re-use it if I glued back all the broken pieces of glass...after I dig them out of the trash bin. Anyone have a spare they would be willing to part with? There were no hits on Ebay for them at the present time. Do they ever come up or does anyone know if any of the suppliers have them? Quote
Dodgeb4ya Posted June 28, 2019 Report Posted June 28, 2019 No one re-pops them and they are tough to come by sorry to say. Quote
P15-D24 Posted June 28, 2019 Report Posted June 28, 2019 Just a reminder, if your are looking for parts please use the Classified Ad section, not the general forums. Wanted ads are free. Quote
christianad1156 Posted May 13, 2020 Report Posted May 13, 2020 Interesting about mustache trim piece. The piece is stainless steel right? Are those clips behind it that attached to the trim piece an hold the studs in place? I will eventually have to take mine apart and I'm assuming the back of it will not be in great shape. Looks like your car is in original shape. I'd love to see more pictures of everything if you have them posted somewhere. Or else maybe we you and PM me. Those lens should be available, I have few places you can try. If your still in need message me and I'll give you some phone numbers. Quote
Dodgeb4ya Posted May 13, 2020 Report Posted May 13, 2020 Mustache is plated steel. If those 1946 to 48 Chrysler front park lamp lenses are available I'd sure like to find some. They have always been a rare item to find. Quote
christianad1156 Posted May 15, 2020 Report Posted May 15, 2020 Just sent you a message with a source for the lens and some other options. Good to know about the mustache trim. I always assumed that it was ss since most of them don't have the same kind of pitting as the rest of the chrome. Christian Quote
Hickory Posted May 15, 2020 Report Posted May 15, 2020 I've had luck finding lenses from the tail light king Quote
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