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Just went out to the garden to pick some crookneck squash to cook with the chicken on the BBQ and it's 112 outside. I think I could just put the chicken & squash on the sidewalk and it would cook itself.


So Far Today

Lo: 79°F

Hi: 112°F

Humidity: 12%

Dew Point: 47°F




Dennis, I wouldn't mind some heat it has been cloudy,drizzly, rainy , super windy, and day time highs of around 60, and nights down to 52.

This is very unusual for us, normal 85 or so days, 65 nights, this time of the year....Fred


My indoor/outdoor thermometer has the outside sender on the west wall of the house above the concrete patio, 124 as it type this, 107 in the shade for the high today I believe the news said earlier. Weatherman is promising in the high 90s this weekend and into next week. We are having a record producing summer this year.


Wow, 112 is HOT. It was overcast here until 10 am or so, and only got to 103 in the afternoon. We get thunder storms in the summer afternoons, monsoon weather pattern.


We're close to seeing a record low tonight. Old record 49degrees.

We're close to seeing a record low tonight. Old record 49degrees.

Heck Ed, thats about the same for us tonight, whats up with our usually hot summers up here, at least July and August are ususally hot. By September we should have weather like this....Fred


I guess I'm a girly man.

It's been in the low 100's for a week here and it's killin me.

But "its dry heat" :)

It is not dry heat here in Jacksonville, Florida. Walk outside and melt. Dallas, Texas last week was a cake walk compared to this. I am afraid to look behind me when I walk as I dont know what the droppings behind me are made of?:D


My wife and I have been in Maine since June 3rd. Temp today got to about 75 for about an hour, been wet and cool, nice change from Fresno, CA where a friend there said it was 107 and climbing for the next week! Gonna stay here a while. Nice, great Haddock sandwiches and even better deep fried oysters. I'm not too crazy about the lobster.

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