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Frank Elder

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Frank Elder last won the day on February 15 2021

Frank Elder had the most liked content!


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  • Location
    under a bridge
  • Interests
    hop scotch

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  1. Frankie never showed me how to work this form I am his wife Esmey; Please let everyone now that my husband passed away 11/22/21
  2. I cannot attest to the song, however Mike Tyson said everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth……..back in 1979 my Uncle Norm let me drive his small block Cobra for a 300 mile leg of a Cancer run……man was I stoked……lol, after 75 miles I was beggin’ him for mercy and he released me from my obligation! The pass seat was no dream either…….you guy can have that sporty stuff.
  3. In all my days on this earth never did I think I would live to see Christopher Walken battle Monsonto to the bitter end over seed rights……….as a farm kid I must see this one, as a Mopar guy I must see this one, and as a true believer that my life has gotten pretty boring in the last 20 years……I must see this one…..lol.
  4. Carb backfire?
  5. One of my favorite people in the world passed away, Mr. Willard Scott………he didn’t make a 100 years, but he made everything out of the time he was given. He was on my bucket list of people to meet.
  6. Some parade cars I have seen up close have an aux heater mounted under the rear floor boards and the controls are fitted to the highest heat setting to leech heat out of the dog house. Seems to work fine.
  7. If I could afford an Art Morrison chassis......discs, ifs, irs, that is my dream anyway. What I do have is a dak front end and a road runner rear end converted 11 inch drums....steers and stops nicely. The old ifs with the floaty ride is nostalgic but I live in a 500,000 population and there are no easy ways out of town for a cruise......sweaty brow, white knuckled, hunched over the wheel praying my 1947 brakes won’t fade on me.....do I miss those days? NO!
  8. @Sniperdid your onshore barracks have beer machines in them? 40 cents a can, it could be michelob or miller beer or pbr depending on what was left over at the E club.
  9. Yes indeed, I have used this many times....lol.
  10. Oh you dirty dog, LOL........what a beautiful lake what a beautiful fish. Thank you for sharing with us.
  11. Here is an even worse decision @1950 Special Deluxe........6 pack of good beer or a 24 of ice cold crappy beer.....lol.
  12. I want to see pictures of fish musky, Pike, smallies or whatever you hook!?
  13. Still as beautiful as ever Greg. Could you post a picture of your dash from several angles? I never get tired of seeing the the base dash layout with no fancy schmancy frills.
  14. White post will also sleeve your slave cylinders so they never leak or pit in your lifetime, you will never regret doing it.
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