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Everything posted by wayfarer

  1. ...I hope that my post didn't come across as bragging, these days its just hard to imagine such a small piece of dirt. Being in the city certainly has some advantages when employed or with a family and I faintly remember life in a sub-division.
  2. ...6900 st ft lot...?? my shop is over 4600 sf ft and most days the 20 acre isn't big enough...
  3. God bless your neighbours......
  4. Gotta agree with Sam. Although long retired I still keep the parts/engine business going because I can, not because I need to put beans on the table and I also like to help folks who are in need of what I may provide. Ask a question and I'll try to help but if the 'need' is outside of my usual line of endeavour then it may not get treated as well as the enquirer may desire. As they say, time is money and as we get older time is golden...... As has been said, if Mr Douglas is crazy concerned about the L6 power production then perhaps a different direction should be considered than just swapping the trans.
  5. As long as there are still some 2-wd Daks in the Craigslist postings I'll use them. I do believe that it is easier to do a front stub than go the erector set way. Just my 2¢
  6. Call the garage what you like but the fact he is a homeowner is, IMHO, the really big deal, especially in CA.....
  7. I could go out to the shop and weigh one but guessing is easier.....30lbs. What's the 'real' question?
  8. Perhaps you will take some photos of the welding process for those who don't quite grasp the process.....
  9. ...do a search.....
  10. I can understand your frustration but....perhaps you are worrying too much much about the details. IMHO, the M6 package is likely to be alot less efficient than most any of the new trans design. Recall that the 'Big Guys' have a huge R&D budget every year and if they are not improving on the last design then they are likely getting replaced. It has been many decades since my ME class work but I do believe that the fluid coupler of the M6 will not equate to the lock-up torque converters of today. As to recriprocating weight, I would not consider it the single deciding factor but would look at the efficiency of the complete transmission assembly. If the M6 was the 'best design' then it would still be here and you would be using it.
  11. Also check https://www.wildcatmopars.com/ and http://www.bigmauto.com/
  12. Keep an eye on it and see if it goes away.
  13. The 318-3 is indeed a 'heavy-duty' application (as defined by the '-3'). The -3 is usually a truck engine and you may find certain oddities such as a cast iron water pump instead of the pass-car aluminum part. In a Class C MH (essentially a B-300 van) that should be about the only odd part. The heavy-duty aspect gives you a forged crankshaft and perhaps sodium filled exhaust valves. The 318 should be an excellent choice for your swap but you may want to look over the rebuild invoice to see what was done and whether or not the asking price reflects the work done. My question would be regarding whether or not the brake assembly will clear the floor but, plenty of 318-TF have been installed in these cars so there is no mystery there.
  14. ...at 32 tpi you really need 1½ to 1¾ turns to get close to .050-.060 preload.
  15. There are several LA swaps buried in the archives so start digging. The p-brake might be an issue as they are pretty good sized units. There is also and old magazine article called 'updating a middle age Mopar' (old Rod Action Magazine) with an amazing number of photos and details...it may or may noy be found on line.
  16. It is good that you can verify some of the dimensions before doing the deal. Keep us posted.
  17. I have done business with other not-so-close companies that would/could only take wire transfers and never had an issue. And, like you, my only 'view' of them was on the web. Sometimes you just gotta take a chance. In the grand sceme, plenty of folks loose $500 on the roll of the die......now, if you don't have $500 to kiss goodbye...........
  18. If you want the truck but don't want/need a fresh engine then shop around for a runner. It would seem that there are always some available. Remember that Fastenal ships engines quite inexpensively if it is properly boxed.
  19. You 'might' have a dual pattern bell. You will find out when you remove the engine. As to the 318 Poly, if it is pre-62 then it is essentially a bolt-in as far as the bell and flywheel goes. Do you have side engine mounts? Not likely. You will need to do some fab work.
  20. ...also, your 218 flywheel will likely be 4-bolt and the 230 is 8-bolt but the pattern is the same. The 'problem' is that the 218 flywheel has more offset from the crank, 0.185". This will move the ring gear away from the starter. It might be easier to find a 230 'wheel than to modify the bellhousing. IIRC, Don Coatney has photos for the machine work needed.
  21. Check my web pages for additional casting and ID numbers. .
  22. Project thread here:
  23. ...following closely.....
  24. The 518 is a 727 with the added overdrive. Drag racers regularily put 500 hp in front of the 727...I think that you'll be safe if the trans is in good condition to start with. The early 518 have a simple toggle for the OD on/off. Lots of good info on this site: https://transmissioncenter.net/shop/727-to-518-transmission-swap-information/
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