Nice I like everything in one place. Other than different valve settings looks good but I am no expert. So what is the forum members recommended settings for a hot engine?
Were you going to add dual carb adjustment?
I had a guy down the street offer a way that I had never read. It worked for me so here is his input.
Using a spring scale (I used a fish scale) measure the tension on the throttle linkage holding it at idle.
Loosen one of the linkage arms. (Engine off so it doesn't go WOT.)
Then using the same spring scale attach it to the now loose linkage arm setting the tension from your previous reading. Arm is still connected but pivots on shaft easily and the scale would pull in a way to eliminate any play in the connections. Mine had a small amount so I connected it on the shaft arm. I know any play in the linkage will throw it off, but my connections are new but I still had a small amount of play.
Using the Carburetor Synchronizer adjust each carb for air flow as you would normally.
Once you get both carbs set, tighten the loose arm remove the spring scale and retest.
Mine worked first time. After trying the other methods a few times this seemed much easier.
Just throwing it out there.
For those that prefer to sync at 1800 rpm's this method won't work obviously. The way it was explained to me was that at 1800 rpm's the open plenum cancels out any minor adjustments. The assumption being that they butterflys in the carb are close to begin with. Who's right is anybodies guess. I like this as it worked first time and his explanation made sense. At least to me anyway.