Decided to paint my inside window trim on my 50 Plymouth. Ran into two questions.
1. The fuzzy stuff along the bottom inside edge is called a window sweep correct? If it is will rivets attach it? The original was attached by staples. I don't think my staplers will go through steel. So rivets a good choice?
2. The chrome bars on the trim had small spring steel clips attaching them. Which I dremeled off to paint them as they are not meant to come off by any other method I know of. So what is the little spring steel clips called. Ya know They fit around the posts on the trim but won't come off. Found a lot of clips and a whole bunch of people that know what I am looking for but what do I search for. Trim clips, fasteners ???? A link is good also.
Ok more than two questions, but some times the small things drive ya nuts. Any ideas?