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Everything posted by 1941Rick

  1. That is one bad thing about the 350sbc.....poor milage......I had a 1981 GMC 2500 and all I could squeeze out of it was 10 mpg (canadian). Went back to the dealer to see what was wrong, he just shrugged his shoulders and smiled....
  2. To all forum users and their significant others all the best in 2012.......
  3. Can't go forward looking in the rear view mirror
  4. Don't forget P11's........lol
  5. Zenmaster....I guess it comes down to the internal condition of the engine...you do not want to stir up the sludge...so , if the internals are clean then you can get away with any oil. Additives are the question that must be answered....According to Esso tech line the Mobile one that I refered to has the additives that are not in modern oils that the flat heads require..they call them "alternate valve configuration"....how politically correct is that. Because these engines have a bypass filter system and run cool there is a sludge build up that can happen.
  6. That little stampie thing is just an impression left in the diaphragm left by old age.....I agree check your assmbly.....as for starting fluid.......wont have it in my shops..has broken rings all over it.....if an engine won't run on the fuel it was designed to run on then you have other problems, this stuff will not help..
  7. You can use synthetic Mobile One 20/50 in a fresh engine...formulated for high performance turbo engines and coincidentally has all the good stuff for our flatties. Am running it in mine with no issues what so ever.....idle pressure 35psi On an old engine use a non-detergent 30w.....
  8. Check your gauge where the speedo cable goes in, there might be a clip that you move and there is a hole that you put some lube into...sure cured my 41
  9. http://vancouver.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-classic-cars-1940-business-mans-coupe-W0QQAdIdZ340563746
  10. Here is a good case of reverse engineering....I can see what I will be doing next...thanks for posting
  11. time for a new employer.......lol.......looking at the pics the "boss" might be on to something....looks like a lot of work.
  12. My 41 steered like a tank until I put new tires on it....what a difference....15" radials. How are your tires?
  13. I would go with the R10.....it replaced the r7 for a reason...go with the newer version......as for power you should have plenty as long as you are running 3:9 or 4:10 gears.....I use mine in the city...just put it in second and that is where it stays,,,,kinda fun......
  14. This is such a cool vehicle......wanna sell it?
  15. how much work is involved in removing the front sheet metal.....on the 41 it took 1 hour and there is a ton of room after.....not sure on newer cars....
  16. Also... We park in a driveway We drive on a parkway
  17. 1947 Monarch coupe......
  18. If you get stuck again you can use a left hand drum as long as you use the proper bolts...
  19. The shift rail in the OD extends into the main transmission...When you have selected OD and use reverse the reverse shift rail shifts the OD out, if you follow my drift....a word of caution...when you have selected OD with the dash control and park the car, it will freewheel so always select no OD and set the park brake
  20. Yes......change out the mainshaft from your 3 speed, make sure the case you use is the one you have the drill bit on. A hint that was passed on to me is to use an elastic band to hold the rollers on the sprag clutch when assembling the O/D.....
  21. Any SBDodge would be a good fit.......or a Hemi if you could find one.....if you find 2 let me know....
  22. I don't know if it is the same as my 41...but here goes. On the linkage on the transmission there is one shift rod that is adjustable. Has a spring on it. Move all the slack out of the lever and adjust the slack out of the rod. This is the adjustment for first/reverse....
  23. Have never been a fan of them, But what ever floats your boat......
  24. I have had a few careers in my lifetime......HD Mechanic, Tool Salesman, Partsman and finally before retirement Parts and Service Rep for a dealership that sold Hitachi Construction Machinery....like the T-Shirt says..."Bin Dar Dun Dat"
  25. Blocking plate on outer carbs and run on center carb......just for show.....
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