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Everything posted by mrwrstory

  1. last one! ?,....I give up
  2. And a few more from the event that took us from SoCal to Victoria
  3. A few more from Ed's place
  4. ...........Amen!
  5. A technique that a friend has successfully used is to heat the subject bolt or nut and melt candle wax on to it. When cooling the wax is drawn in. It's one of those amazing things when done.
  6. I would say, "only heat your nuts, if you're not planning to have any more kids"!
  7. I finally had to do my own exhaust system after two attempts to have someone else do what I wanted. I'll be driving through Vancouver late Monday afternoon July 15. Staying at Lewis River Inn in Woodland the night, with a bunch of Hot Rods. Catch up if you're so inclined.
  8. I solved my hood spring removal challenge in a similar manner as above. I made a "stirrup" with a length of rod stock long enough to reach from the bottom spring hook to just below the rocker panel. A hook was formed at the top end, a triangular shaped stirrup, sized to your foot, at the other. Standing on/in the stirrup extends the spring while at the same time you can lean over the fender and direct the spring to "unhook" as you release. Probably be tough to do however, with the hood in place.
  9. You know the axiom about "forgiveness vs permission", right.
  10. That was just the greatest!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll bet the person who instigated this project enjoyed it as much as old Dad.
  11. I didn't see any comment about removing the body with the front clip still attached, didn't read the "linked" info in case that was covered. I have a P15 that is certainly similar. The front fenders and grill are located and supported, in the front, by the core support attached in the center of the front cross member. The splash panels and fenders are located and supported in the rear at the cowl. I believe unbolting the core support to remove the everything intact from the frame is a risk of damaging splash panels and/or fenders and their mounting hardware because everything forward of the cowl would be cantilevered, "dangling" off the cowl which would be loads to those points never intended. Good luck!
  12. great looking engine(s)!
  13. Seeing that his thread is not quite 1 year old, you already have huge experience, that's awesome!!!!! I did a "frame off" on my P15 and it took much longer and I already had welding experience. Looks like you're making all the right decisions. And, your respect for family values is impressive. Keep up the good work. You're an inspiration for many of us struggling with our twilight years.
  14. Headlight rings! ?
  15. I really do have more friends than the blokes shown in these pics. Just that they are always up for a morning breakfast and cruise. And,....I'm always struck with the pleasure of viewing the world framed, or better yet focused through the aperture of my car's windshield.
  16. 218 cu in to 260 cu in is almost a 20% increase in displacement. And, with a fresh engine, torquey cam and more compression, you better strap in and hang on.
  17. 40 DeSoto, I think you have your answer and some sound advice. Mechanical cables is not a big job. I also have the Lokar solution in my 48 Plymouth with later model Mopar rearend and using the stock handle in the interior, .... easy and pretty elegant solution. I live in Orange County. Why not drive down from West Covina and check it out. PM or email me and I'll give you a phone #
  18. In April, of this year, you teased use with the subject of a new engine for the 40. You have acknowledged monumental help from David Pollock, who has in many cases "mentored" your Mopar enthusiasm. So,.....tell us more about this "new engine" you guys are cookin up,.......unless you have documented that elsewhere and I have missed it.
  19. What a wonderful thread! It's almost 7 years old. It bears re reading, or at least re scanning, for perspective on this project (one of his several) and on the man. I am totally humbled!
  20. Sometimes life's responsibilities,....or other interests get in the way of our auto obsession. Provides a little perspective.
  21. I discovered a clog too,...quite by accident. RTV from a previous sending unit install,.....I think. Dodged a bullet as it hadn't yet completely blocked the filter and left me stranded. And a big "AMEN" to all who have expressed the attitude of "go for it if you're able",....you never know when the big guy might flip the switch.
  22. Dunno how I missed this one. This pic's about 5 years ago at El Mirage. It's the result of a modern front clip and de-arched springs and blocks.
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