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Everything posted by T120

  1. Thanks Robin,-A nice looking small sedan.
  2. Thankyou for posting,Robin.I viewed the youtube link. Interesting parade of cars -nice to see the Plymouths and everyone appeared in good spirits, enjoying the good weather and the drive.There were some interesting vehicles and one that caught my attention was 4 min. into the parade -a little blue car - suicide front doors,left hand drive,lic. 348XUY.First one I've seen.Anyone familiar with this model car?
  3. Tim, Maybe sometime when you're tired of the "same old,same old" - you might try Sadie Hawkin's fried Cream of Wheat. Nice work on the rocker.
  4. No problem...As long as you give them fair warning
  5. My first visit to Stan Reynolds Museum was in 1974.An awesome collection of just about everything that was found on the prairies in years' past - farming equipment dating back to the early 20th century,furnishings of farm homes,including a few of the buildings, and of course vehicles of all descriptions ,vintage aircraft.He had it all...Stan kept a very good record of all the items he acquired. At that time,Stan was still acquiring items and I,somewhat envious,(ah yes,there were vehicles and parts I would loved to have had), but was given to understand nothing was for for sale...Although in retrospect,perhaps a deal could have been worked out if a person had something Stan had wanted in trade.;)A few years back,and some years after the deal with the Alberta government had been reached to establish the world class "Reynolds Alberta Museum",(definitely worth a visit if anywhere close) - my wife,daughter and I paid a visit to the "disposal" of some of the items Stan had collected over the years.My daughter got into the junk in a big way and came out dusty and dirty with a number of "finds" that she had selected - amongst them, for example was a simple lunch kit, not worth much.Inside that kit were notes of a garage sale where Stan had bought it,the date,the owner of the lunch kit,her job,her employer and so on - an impressive history of a local,simple, inexpensive and today an item that would be tossed aside destined for the landfill,yet Stan kept these notes...It impressed me....Sad that era has passed ,but I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to have met Stan before he passed and also seen his collection in it's heyday.
  6. Don,Your car looks good,pleased to hear it worked out okay..Hope your leg is now looking good as well.
  7. ..I like it!
  8. Hey Don, Also remember you posting some helpful info on bench testing your distributor. (See Picture)...Could be carried a step or two further and have a very good test setup simulating a distributor test machine...Just call me,Ralph aka "ratchet gearloose".
  9. Jon, There's a tool available on ebay.Search for "MityVac MV8500".Lots of uses besides tune-up,bleeding brakes,etc. -comes with a manual.There are cheaper equivalent tools, just used that as an example
  10. Jon, In case you don't have this info.These are the specs you'll be wanting... (click on image)
  11. ...Just my dry.ca humour, eh ..While I respect my wife's tastes in decorating - there are boundaries.
  12. Okay, What is California humour?.. Are we talking pink as well for the garage?
  13. Mark, Good stuff,thanks for the updates ,been following your progress and, "hkestes41", I gotta try that..
  14. ..Looking at the visor,perhaps Eastern Canada?
  15. kinda too ...uncomplicated?
  16. ..Today's chuckle.
  17. Sometimes,not too bad around here when we get a break during winter,I look forward to the Chinooks - less snow to shovel and the paved roads can be fine (dry) for travel.Here as in Manitoba, when the Spring thaw arrives, the rural gravel roads get a bit soft for a while and the road bans take effect. Raising poultry is a good hobby and nice for your children as well if they have an interest...one of the advantages of living in a rural area.
  18. Originally Posted by oldodge41 Quote "If you have no interest in the car anyway I would suggest the seller sell it for $6000 and then buy your bike. If he has been unable to sell it in your local market at that price what would make it easier for you to do so?" Unquote... ...Actually,I agree with this reply...It's up to you to decide if you can turn a dollar on the deal.Not knowing the condition of your bike,nor the value and not having inspected the car you wish to trade it for,I'm thinking -what's the problem? Always better to deal with cash in hand...
  19. Fred, I also hope to get some driving in this winter with my old Dodge.Last winter was great,we had some nice breaks on a couple of occasions,the weather warmed up and the snow disappeared for a few days.. Had some experience with poultry,including bantams. "The Standard of Perfection",a book published by the American Poultry Assoc. is a recommended book on the subject.We still have an older hard cover edition around the house from some 40 years back.I'd look for a used copy. Have to watch out for predators - hawks,coyotes,weasels and also the neighbour's dog..they'll pick out your prize bantam...
  20. On a couple of occasions where I had long distance moves,I've had a full size vehicle loaded into the same van as our household effects,never had a problem.Depending on the vehicle when loading or off loading and where the angle of the loading ramp may be a little too steep and where clearance is an issue,I've hired a local towing outfit with a tilt deck to load,off load from the van.
  21. Hey Rusty,Glad to hear you fixed your compression problem.Also good suggestions here on resolving your possible carburetor problem.
  22. A while back you were troubleshooting a zero compression problem on a couple of cylinders - was that fixed ?
  23. While.. I'm not in the market to purchase...a very nice example of wall art..wink,wink,etc.
  24. Andre,Welcome to the forum.Your car looks great.Glad to hear it's on the road.
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