My first visit to Stan Reynolds Museum was in 1974.An awesome collection of just about everything that was found on the prairies in years' past - farming equipment dating back to the early 20th century,furnishings of farm homes,including a few of the buildings, and of course vehicles of all descriptions ,vintage aircraft.He had it all...Stan kept a very good record of all the items he acquired. At that time,Stan was still acquiring items and I,somewhat envious,(ah yes,there were vehicles and parts I would loved to have had), but was given to understand nothing was for for sale...Although in retrospect,perhaps a deal could have been worked out if a person had something Stan had wanted in trade.;)A few years back,and some years after the deal with the Alberta government had been reached to establish the world class "Reynolds Alberta Museum",(definitely worth a visit if anywhere close) - my wife,daughter and I paid a visit to the "disposal" of some of the items Stan had collected over the years.My daughter got into the junk in a big way and came out dusty and dirty with a number of "finds" that she had selected - amongst them, for example was a simple lunch kit, not worth much.Inside that kit were notes of a garage sale where Stan had bought it,the date,the owner of the lunch kit,her job,her employer and so on - an impressive history of a local,simple, inexpensive and today an item that would be tossed aside destined for the landfill,yet Stan kept these notes...It impressed me....Sad that era has passed ,but I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to have met Stan before he passed and also seen his collection in it's heyday.