- Old Idaho, Thanks for the compliment on the old Dodge ,it photographs well..up close it is starting to show it's age
- Neil, Nice to have relatives to visit in the area,certainly a beautiful part of North America.Last time I drove over the "Going To The Sun Road" was probably close to 20 years ago,had my wife with me...The road made her a bit nervous and since then we take another route when headed to Kalispell,as I was by myself I chose the more scenic route.
- Robert, The old Dodge handled the drive just fine,started to heat up a bit approaching Logan Pass, (I guess the height at that point is 6,646').The traffic was backed up and almost at a stall with people taking photos.I didn't stop at the summit as the parking lot was full.On the way down on the east side,there was less traffic.Had a good time and put a few more miles on the car.