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Everything posted by T120

  1. Having it refurbished is a good suggestion... In answer to your question, is it the same? - yes.The part # is 866039
  2. One that appeared on ebay this past August advertised as an original Mopar - http://www.ebay.com/itm/120968842436?item=120968842436&viewitem=&vxp=mtr
  3. Randy, I'm glad you enjoyed it..I did as well.
  4. A cousin sent me this link,perhaps a subtle hint I should take up a new hobby ,or...? http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=nr9KrqN_lIg
  5. I used to be matriculate..now,not so much
  6. This site has some further info on paint codes.You might also check Plymouth 1955 "Miami Blue" as well as others through 1957.. http://paintref.com/cgi-bin/colorcodedisplay.cgi?manuf=Chrysler&rows=50
  7. Good to hear you have a good well, Fred.I worked in some locations where the water smelled so bad, made a person think twice about having a shower,let alone drinking it or having a cup of coffee...also turned "stainless" plumbing fixtures gray...
  8. Try this http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=34126
  9. A couple of others to consider - Herbrand 825 or Gray 827. Herbrand is US manufacture,Gray is Canadian.
  10. T120


    Thanks Tim for clearing up that question... I don't believe I ever watched a full episode of Dallas as I wasn't a fan and as a rule I dont watch much TV...However, if I remember correctly, the cute blonde in the series in real life married a country music singer whose claim to fame was a song entitled..."Looking for Love in All The Wrong Places"
  11. Niel,Glad to hear you got it
  12. ..X2
  13. I've seen the aftermarket continental kits this company manufactures.They look very good.You might contact them for availability and price. http://www.continentalkit.com/
  14. ..Wanna sell your skirts?,Raul
  15. Don,I had an almost identical colourful bruise...Some years ago,(like 30),I was down in Kansas City,Mo. on a training course.The hotel I was staying at had a tennis court.Looked like fun and I decided I would play a game of tennis...strictly a novice and on the court, I stopped short with a neat pair of tennis shoes I had just bought and whatever happened I was in pain, ended up I had a similar ugly bruise, (from my thigh to calf)...Went to see my doctor when I got home, my doctor asked me - what happened?..Said I was down in Kansas City,etc....Said he had never seen anything like that before....asked me if I'd been out with any strange women...true story .... Hope you heal quickly
  16. I like Tod's suggestion also.
  17. Don,I realize you meant "compression" tester (a typo) ..I would also suggest getting a remote starter button..handy when doing compression checks
  18. Very sorry to hear about Josie.Fortunate for you both to have had 11 years together.I've also felt the pain.Remember the good times..
  19. Could get confusing
  20. - Old Idaho, Thanks for the compliment on the old Dodge ,it photographs well..up close it is starting to show it's age - Neil, Nice to have relatives to visit in the area,certainly a beautiful part of North America.Last time I drove over the "Going To The Sun Road" was probably close to 20 years ago,had my wife with me...The road made her a bit nervous and since then we take another route when headed to Kalispell,as I was by myself I chose the more scenic route. - Robert, The old Dodge handled the drive just fine,started to heat up a bit approaching Logan Pass, (I guess the height at that point is 6,646').The traffic was backed up and almost at a stall with people taking photos.I didn't stop at the summit as the parking lot was full.On the way down on the east side,there was less traffic.Had a good time and put a few more miles on the car.
  21. The drive home..
  22. Drove down to Kalispell,Montana in the old Dodge.Spent a couple of days there.On Saturday, Big Sky Mopars hosted an all Mopar show in the Lions Park on Hwy 93.I checked that out.They had a good turnout,about 60 cars or so.The sixties and seventies were well represented,lots of muscle.Some rods and a mix including American motors AMX and Javelin models were at the show. Nothing much in older stock Mopar (older than 1955).Here's a couple of photos of the show...Also drove the old Dodge over the "Going To The Sun Road" route through Glacier National Park on the way home..Through Logan Pass the elev. is 6,446'.A scenic drive,(seasonal route), not to be missed if in the area.Also included a couple of photos of the drive home.
  23. The good old days ...Good to hear ya got your car on the road,Have fun
  24. Randroid,I have to agree with you.I realize that those in sales never miss an opportunity to put in a plug for their wares,that's business I suppose.On a chat line or in social setting, I believe it is somewhat uncouth,(myopinion)...If someone has a product to sell, they should use the classifieds.
  25. I mistakenly added "W" (meaning winter) which was incorrect.The stuff I bought is just an SAE 90 mineral oil without the EP additives and it does have sort of a mild oily,fishy smell.Easy to clean up after handling,doesn't have that strong lingering sulphur odour of some of the hypoid lubricants.
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