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Everything posted by BobT-47P15

  1. 1959 Chevy found on pinterest..............
  2. When the eBay sellers find one of these bug deflectors with a propeller nowadays, they have been pricing them like this one.......at around $120......which I don't really want to pay. (Think I gave about $35 for the amber one with no propeller).
  3. Frank.......I knew it was some regular contributor who got me into all this buying business. LOL I hadn't bought any new gadgets for a while, so I was due I guess. Niel has a point.........that topper is kind of art deco and rocket shaped. Hmmm......now I see these sort of things also come as a pair of vintage style lighted fender guides (about $50 per pair) On eBay............http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/231473844295?lpid=82&chn=ps And, then........there are the curb feelers............. eBay..........http://www.ebay.com/itm/VINTAGE-CURB-FEELERS-CHEVY-GM-CAR-DODGE-FORD-PLYMOUTH-STUDEBAKER-/380568334583?pt=Vintage_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item589ba3f0f7&vxp=mtr
  4. I just sent a note to Brewster asking if they had any additional pictures or information on those old Dodges. Will see if any info is forthcoming.
  5. Now......is the Brewster Transport company still around? Did they park one of those glass topped models in a corner at the rear of their garage and forget about it.......and it's still there today? What company would have produced and installed those glass roof segments? P.S. They also had the glass top 1954, 55 and 56 Fords. Some of those had a special see through hood with plexiglass panel.
  6. I looked for a metal switch like I bought at several swap meets last summer..........all I saw were some various versions in plastic. Or those knob ones that attach to the battery post. Those switches are usually sold by the tool vendors. I had the first metal switch for several years.......don't know why it went bad, but apparently something inside wore out or messed up. It fit in just right and worked well.......so I wanted another just like it. Found this one on eBay. So, they are still out there somewhere.
  7. The car also has 15" wheels that have been sandblasted and repainted. But being this car is a 47, they are most likely incorrect? The 47 models started out with 16" wheels. But......about halfway through the model year, they changed to 15s. So, the 15s are likely correct. Probably do not need to do anything to the speedo, etc. One way to get a little more highway speed is change the rear end to a later model. There is a list somewhere in the reference section about what rear ends will fit without much modification and have higher gearing. Also, another fairly easy safety mod is adding front disc brakes......one forum member makes a kit.........his handle is Olddaddy. RustyHope is his business name.
  8. By lowering it...........is it re-coon fingered? Looks great........... When looking for the fender trims, keep watching eBay as new stuff comes on every day. If possible, you might want to attend the huge Hershey, PA swap meet in October........there are vendors from all over the country with lots of items, sometimes more reasonable than you expect. (and sometimes not). Hemming's Motor News magazine usually contains numerous sellers.
  9. I guess the amber color will match this sort of amber bug deflector I got sometime back........... The bad news is, that any of these deflectors I have found (that I was willing to pay the asking price for) have not had the propeller. Apparently there were various companies who made the deflectors, which looked similar, but only some had propellers. HOWEVER>.....I do have a propeller found at a model store, it's just not as colorful as an original one. (This particular item went flying off into the wild blue yonder with the 2011 tornado. Finally found another clear one at Hershey last year.(That one was missing the propeller, mounting hardware,and was dirty......so I only paid a couple dollars for it.)
  10. Someone (sorry, I forgot who) recently suggested I might want to buy a new antenna topper as is being advertised on eBay. I don't recall ever seeing one like this before, although they may have been available in years past. So, for the princely sum of $14.75 I decided to buy one......since I like period knick-knacks for the Plymouth. They come in red, green, blue and amber.
  11. I know.......the posts are kind of hard to read on a phone. But I do it sometimes on my I Phone 4 (a freebie for signing up for 2 additional years with the carrier). It is a good way to kill time while the Mrs is shopping in Goodwill, or some other store. I just try to located that chair or couple of chairs the store has semi-hidden for bored guys to sit in while waiting.
  12. Yeah, Dan.........it's hard to think that a truck you bought new is now 14 years old, and a "nice looking old Dodge" to someone nowadays. Capt. Neon mentioned a 60 and a 61 Falcon -- which reminded me that a friend who lives in this part of the country, recently purchased a 1961 Falcon to build as a "hotrod". He has since discovered parts for those are very difficult to come by....as it is missing many things, including seats and the entire interior, plus many body pieces. (It was a hull....and the price was fairly "right") So....if anyone of you knows where there are any 61 Falcons or parts for sale, please PM me and I will pass the information on. Now -- back to the original theme of the post. I have had some old cars in years past that got driven in winter---snow, ice, etc. But not the Plymouth. It stays in the garage until nice weather arrives. My late model Dodge Caravan is the daily driver now.
  13. I did finally buy a new battery cut-off switch, found on eBay for about $28 to replace one like it that eventually seemed to malfunction internally. I like this style, which has become hard to find, as it fits into a hole in my firewall where a heater connection had once been. All I have to do is reach under the dash to flip the switch. It's not a foolproof theft deterrent, but might help in certain instances.
  14. Tony, your battery box is probably accurate for how some things were done back when your car was newer, but an "old car" at the same time. People did many practical (to them) things like that as they were not producing a show car.....just something they could use at no cost or minimal cost to them. Thanks for sharing. Anyone else have any "vintage inventions" in their car? I looked around my garage last night and, "viola", I found a battery hold down frame that is the same size as the battery. It needs some cleanup and paint.....and have to find some threaded clamping rods (which I have stuck in some box of goodies) to finish the task. As I recall, some or all battery hold down frames were sort of rubber coated......which often got messed up over many years due to battery corrosion. If the metal of the frame is good......I would think a person could re-coat it with some of that liquid rubber for hammer handles, etc that you buy at a hardware or farm store.
  15. I used masonite for my previous door panels.......but the thing I discovered was it has no flexibility.....like the cardboard type material. When I went to put those cone shaped springs behind the door handle and window crank, I could not get them to compress enough because the masonite had no give. So I did not use the springs.....which left the escutcheons loose (if you looked closely enough). Of course, no one ever seemed to notice during the 10 or 15 years it was that way. Tim.....is there a better way to use the springs with masonite?
  16. And..........in looking at the stop light bezel..........I think it says Dodge, not Plymouth..........Canadian car? Probably.
  17. Everdry set check ebay
  18. I don't think that one I posted will fit in the space behind the opening......just by looking at the picture. Do you have an old original switch housing you can measure for diameter, then compare to others you may find.? An original switch..........
  19. I thought a lot of the cars at that Vegas sale went reasonable. They almost had to give a project '53 Chrysler wagon away. Finally someone bought it for either one or two thousand. Looked to have a certain amount of parts stored inside. The announcer would read a disclaimer on each car saying that it either had or had not been started in the past two weeks, and that the car generally needed to be checked over before trying to drive it (may have brake or fuel problems). There were certainly some good looking cars, mainly convertibles, in that collection. I thought some interiors appeared original and correct.....but some were simply re-done in more modern materials. Welcome Tim. Really like your new Dodge. You might want to converse with the other owners of similar cars on here about the size of those missing visors and the rod they are mounted on. Ragtop visors, at least on the 47 Plymouths, are smaller than sedan counterparts and have a chrome plated mounting base.
  20. For about 20 bucks you can buy a universal aftermarket switch like this...............
  21. If you can get the old tumbler out, you should be able to buy a new tumbler with Chrysler pentastar style key at O'Reilly auto store for a reasonable price. Or at least you could sometime back. Just pops into the original housing. Apparently the cost here is $7.99 LockSmart - Ignition Lock Cylinder limited lifetime warranty Quantity Per Vehicle: 1 For Pricing & Availability, enter your zip code. $7.99 Each or BWD - Ignition Lock Cylinder Lock Cylinder with Keys Quantity Per Vehicle: 1 For Pricing & Availability, enter your zip code.
  22. Hi Jim....Welcome. Lots of knowledge here. A couple of things you can do early on --- learn how to use the forum search feature to read previous posts on questions you might have....many topics on basic stuff that have been answered numerous times. Also you can find a Service/Repair manual and parts manual on eBay. So..... Enjoy your New ride. Bob
  23. I've been thinking of making one...of course it would Need to be fairly light weight to be Removable. Would probably cover it with vinyl In complimentary color to seat.
  24. I have had pretty good luck over the years with Valvoline 10W-40 in my P15. Seems like it stays with the engine longer than some other brands. Just my two cents worth. I used to occasionally add a bottle of "Instead O Lead" additive to my oil........but then I found out the valve seats came hardened from the factory on our ole flathead engines. So I stopped using it. Once in a while I add a little Marvel Mystery Oil to the gas tank and/or the engine oil. So..... perhaps an occasional additive of some sort would be OK.
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