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Everything posted by BobT-47P15

  1. Went to album. Clicked on the URL box below the picture. Did not enlarge it first. The picture is sized to 640 by 480 pixels in the album. They usually first come in at about 1248 pixels, then I downsize them for use on the forum so they will not be too huge. Copied, then pasted that URL in the Manage Attachments box here. So now, when you click on thumbnail, it opens to a bigger size. It seems the program would only accept 3 pictures....so is there a max number you can do this thumbnail thing with?
  2. Right, Bob. Now I have to figure out what it is that makes them be larger, like the wagon picture.
  3. Looks just like ya, Jon.
  4. Has anyone tried using the rectangular ones? They stick out farther and may offer some sort of better view. Or maybe not. That's the style that was on the family P15 sedan when new in 1946. This pair is offered by Sharantique on ebay.....some of their stuff is a bit cheapie, so I gather. Therefore, don't know the actual quality of this pair. Link to the ad: http://cgi.ebay.com/RECTANGULAR-DOOR-EDGE-MOUNT-MIRRORS-2_W0QQitemZ6618531559QQihZ012QQcategoryZ418QQcmdZViewItem Of course, you would turn them where the length is parallel to the ground. Just a thought, for whatever it may be worth.
  5. Saw this Dodge at Mt Vernon, MO recently sitting at a radiator shop. They said the current owner had only had it about a month. I'm sure it's the same car I saw a few months ago over in Kansas sitting on a dealer's car hauler trailer. I think it's a 51 model, but might be a 52, It is original in a lot of ways, so I took a few pics for the benefit of anyone interested. Dash and window frames are sort of a speckled grey color. Seats seemed to be original. A Coronet series with fluid drive. Click to view car: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v96/BobT3/Dodge%20Pics/000_0171.jpg This link should take you to my photobucket album to view all the shots. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v96/BobT3/Dodge%20Pics/ You can then click on each picture to enlarge it. Maybe this will work for people with dialup.
  6. OK. Trying this with two pics. Hmm, they did not open up to be as large as yours. I was able to edit the thing and add these comments.
  7. OK, Charlie, how did you do the thumbnail thing. Might be good for the dialup fellows. Bob
  8. Norm, if a link is posted, does it open up OK, or does that still take too long. Click on this: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v96/BobT3/Cruise-ins%20and%20shows/IM004900.jpg
  9. I always have trouble deciphering those dang numbers and letters in that little rectangle with assorted colors. On some the colors rather obscured the letter. But I finally found one I could read after goofing up a few times. I think its gonna be OK once we all get the hang of it and get comfortable. About those pictures taking a long time to open (or not at all) for dialup users, I think we can post a link to click on that will bring up the pic from the photo album. Like this: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v96/BobT3/Cruise-ins%20and%20shows/IM004926.jpg Might help in some cases.
  10. They come up pretty quickly on mine, David
  11. Lou....check the screws and bolts that hold the carb together, make sure they are tight and also where the carb bolts to the manifold. We checked mine Saturday, tightened some of them and it starts a bit easier now. Might be getting extra air that way.
  12. And.....I noticed we are all "junior members" for now. I don't know when we will graduate to the next level, and what other levels there are.
  13. .....GTKs info note. No avatars or signatures to make it easier to use by dialup folks. That seems like a good idea as I had dialup for a long time, only recently got the high speed. Nothing more aggravating than taking forever for something to open up.
  14. It does look about like the HAMB. So - will we be able to put one of those little avatar pictures below our name and a slogan at the bottom? Maybe so. However, I hope that aspect would not get too wild. Kind of distracts from the actual messages. I know the HAMBers think it's cute. Some of their sayings are rather true, others so much B S. Guess we will see.
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